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Ironman 70.3 AND stepping on the platform

Just an idea to drop the test a bit and go with non aromatizing secondaries. Any spare weight you can drop will have a massive result on caloric needs / effort on your runs / cardio sessions

Planning on dropping my test to 150 for 4 weeks then 100 for four to do a comparison
Here was last week, I am on a deload phase at the moment. Having some posterior chain issues. Shorter distances are done as hard and fast as possible (25-100 yards). Time on = Time off focusing on lactate buffering/energy systems.

Swim (mon-fri)
4x25 yards
4x50 yards
4x25 yards under water
2x100 yards
2x250 yards
2x500 yards
1x1,000 yards
1x2,000 yards
3x50 yards
2x25 yards

Monday (sprints)
200m, 300m, 200m,300m,100m,100m,300m,200m,100m
1 mile fartlicks, 13 miles total
Wednesday (sprints)
400m, 400m, 300m, 300m, 300m, 200m, 200m
Thursday (recovery run)
3 miles 62% max HR
Friday (sprints)
400m, 400m, 300m, 300m, 300m, 300m, 200m, 200m, 200m, 200m, 100m x 6
Saturday (distance run)
26.2 local marathon

Circuit 4 sets of 6
Explosive Squats 27% 1rm + black bands
rear elevated jump slip squats
explosive frog jump
TRX assisted jump
12 sets 20seconds assault bike max effort 20 on 20 off

Upper Sprint work
barbell bench with sling shot 100% body weight for 12 reps 6 sets, work to rest is 1:3
Concept 2 rower 12 sets 25 seconds max effort 25 on 25 off
swinging bicept curls 30% of bodyweight 30s on 10s rest for 14 sets

Press circuit - 6x6
Barbell push jerk
DB swinging push puress
dynamic barbell high pull
med ball push jerk

CNS recovery

Dynamic Pull - circuit
Deadlift hex bar from 9' blocks 35% 1RM 6x6 - explosive movement
Jumping pull ups 6x6
seated band pull 6x12
med ball slams 6x6
------ rest -----
Sled push 200% body weight 40 yards x 6
Jesus!!!! No way I could do that! I’m winded just looking at that! Kudos to you Youngblood!

Im currently on

200mg test, 500mg EQ, 2iu GH (mornings), 20mg cardarine daily, 50mg aicar (started back up this morning).

Friday and Saturday night I take 20-40 in of igf

Also currently running TB and BPC for a posterior chain problem

Over the counter supps - baby aspirin, turmeric/curcumin, resveratrol, apple cider vinegar caps, ashwaghanda, metformin ER 1,000mg daily.

I have never ran masteron, even back in my bodybuilding days.

Anything over 500mg for eq and I get debilitating pumps on distance events.
where did you get your cardarine ? ive picked some up from a non-sponsor, and believe they sent rad140.
Definitely going to add 2-3iu growth a night. I have green tops in the fridge.

Also running 175 test/280 deca/280 mast.

Weird combo for endurance, but I don’t hold water (well not more than say 250mg test) and the nandrolone keeps my knees happy.

Thought about doing the EQ thing, but @PMCCHRIS you didn’t like EQ because of pumps?
any status update here ? anything changed with regards to training, PED use ?
any status update here ? anything changed with regards to training, PED use ?

Yes and yes.

Training has been consistent, but not nearly enough sessions (endurance). I live in a small town, and the weather is not congruent right now with riding a bike. You ever rode a bike in weather less than 40 degrees? It sucks (or I’m a pussy, TBD). And the pool I swim at has 2 highschools that make it hard to get more than one session in a week.

BUT, I’m researching on getting a peloton for my home, I’d have a good bike with the ability to measure Watts and do accurate FTP tests. Until it warms up

Right now, doing 3 runs a week, a 3-3.5 mile run, a sprint workout that a member sent me from his coach, and a long endurance run which is about 6.5-7 miles right now.

But I’ve found another half-Olympic sized pool in a town near me that opens up at 5am so I’ll definitely be able to get more swim sessions in.

Drugs have changed….mostly due to 19-nor acne. Deca and tren…give me terrible acne. So now I’m on 200 test/300 primo. I have GW 0742 but I’m not sure if I should start it now or save it till closer to the event. Or run it all the way to the event doing like 6 weeks on 6 weeks off
And like 16-20 weeks out I’ll definitely add EQ in the 450mg range to help endurance. Maybe higher. I’ll have to pick PMChris’s brain
Oh and I have injectable SR9009 from mikensrnold, I’ve scoured the forums, a lot of people say it isn’t real good but they use oral which has like 2% bioavailability.

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