ha ha, u guys are funny.
Penis size? sure, its callled a smokin hot baby sitter when your folks are out for the next 8 hours, that will make it
BIG! ha haaaa
Seriously though, the only thing that does that is surgery. Saw it on one of those discovery/medical/science channels a while back. The whole show was a documentary of some guy getting it done. He said it was money well spent. It included pre-surgery treatment/training and education classs.Then another 3-6 months of therapy afterwards. [the patient can have NO SEX or Sexual Stimulation during this time!]
I think it cost about 10-20k though at least.
They MD's cut the skin where the penis attaches to your lower pelvic area, then pull out a little extra (yes, there is extra inside every man ) and then reattach it. I think they said it averages about 1/2 " to 1" in extra length.
But instead of standing TALL at 4" long and staring at the sky, your little man is only going to be a little under the weather and only hanging half-mast. But hey, he will be longer
They also have another procedure which thickens the penis, no, no, not injecting the fat from your ass into your penis.

Sure, some docs can/will do this ,but over time this fat just gets reabsorbed anyway - plus it looks funny (lumpy, disfigured). I dont remember exactly, but they cut the main muscles of the penis (the 2 that run lengthwise and on each side of the penis above the urethra)and then do some moving, some stictching, some adjustments. LIke I said, I dont remember how, but once they are done and sew it back together (and it heals) it will be thicker than what you were born with and its suppose to be permanent.
sorry about your troubles in that area, but I got news for you. Sure,
SIZE does MATTER to a woman, but if you have good manners and respect towards her, be honest about stuff, and throw in a little good looks and humor, they aren't going to pay attention to the size because they are so in love with you!
I got a buddy with a little 5-dinger (my name for 5 inches or less)and he was nailing chicks left and right - before he found and married his wife of course. And u know why the chicks digged him ? Because he was confident and had a sense of humor. HE even openly bragged about his small penis size on numerous occasions, the chicks loved it!!
seriously, be yourself, God will take care of the rest