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Is Tren + Deca the same as Tren + NPP ?


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Kilo Klub Member
Oct 6, 2007
Just wondering do the problems that happend when one combines Tren and Deca also occcur when mixing nadrolone PP with Tren?
NPP is safer than deca, since if you get sides you can stop it immediately and it will be out of your body fast.

i think a better plan would be to run the NPP first for 6 weeks to throw on some lean size. then you could rip it up by running the tren. no need to run both at the same time. a little test, masteron or proviron would be a good addition to keep willy working.

i've stayed hard on npp + masteron. there might be no need to really use tren

you should research cabergoline if you are concerned about the sides.
I wouldn't run only those two together if you have any sensitivity to acquiring gyno.
I wouldn't run only those two together if you have any sensitivity to acquiring gyno.

Im not sensitive at all. but i'de be throwing test at 500mg with npp 100 EOD and Tren 75 EOD.

But i think what FS is pretty good idea, besides i really dont like taking more than two injects ata time, especially when two you have to take frequently.

thanks a lot for the responses.
just have cabaser, or some sort or prolactin med on hand incase of a prolactin related gyno flare up.
I love NPP. I used 600mg with some prop and didnt get any nasty sides I hear deca does. Now, i've never tried regular deca so I cant compare. Im curious as to how 600mg deca v.s. 600 NPP compares. It sure would be nice to use the regular, but has anyone used both and noticed a diff?
I love NPP. I used 600mg with some prop and didnt get any nasty sides I hear deca does. Now, i've never tried regular deca so I cant compare. Im curious as to how 600mg deca v.s. 600 NPP compares. It sure would be nice to use the regular, but has anyone used both and noticed a diff?

Im guessing 600mg of NPP would be more effective just because its short acting, its like the difference between test prop and Enanthate, i've gotten way better results from prop, but then again prop is cheap and most dont underdose it as they do with enanthate.
Just wondering do the problems that happend when one combines Tren and Deca also occcur when mixing nadrolone PP with Tren?

Deca and NPP are the same hormone - just different esters. Like the difference between Tern Ace and Tren Hex. The only difference is half-life. So if you have problems with Deca on Tren - then you will most likely have issue with NPP - you can just get NPP out of your system faster so it's easier to manage. Why do Nandrolone with Tren anyway? Why not EQ?
Deca and NPP are the same hormone - just different esters. Like the difference between Tern Ace and Tren Hex. The only difference is half-life. So if you have problems with Deca on Tren - then you will most likely have issue with NPP - you can just get NPP out of your system faster so it's easier to manage. Why do Nandrolone with Tren anyway? Why not EQ?

Yeah i figured, ive just heard a lot about this sort of myth to never combine tren and deca but never heard it about npp. I choose nandrolone over EQ any day just because EQ seems to take longer to kick in and i get anxiety with 400mg wk.

Edit: I shouldnt say mith i should call it taboo. lol.
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Yeah i figured, ive just heard a lot about this sort of myth to never combine tren and deca but never heard it about npp. I choose nandrolone over EQ any day just because EQ seems to take longer to kick in and i get anxiety with 400mg wk.

Edit: I shouldnt say mith i should call it taboo. lol.

I see - what about using NPP for the first 8 weeks and then finishing off with 6 weeks of Tren?
I see - what about using NPP for the first 8 weeks and then finishing off with 6 weeks of Tren?

Yeah thats what Fa Seeshus recomended and sounds like the safest and probably more beneficial idea. Thanks a lot for the replies bro.
No sweat.

I just read Seeshus' post - I agree with him. If you like how the NPP is going - I'd just throw in Masteron in the second half of the cycle instead of Tren.

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