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its prolly bout time....

I had unlimited access to AAS but not always to gh. when I did I ran it depending on how I could afford it but usually looked like:

10iu eod offseason with slin in the mix (seems easier, it works and less shots to deal with)
3-5iu ed for prep (shots are more often but consistency is key when going into a show n didn't want any chance of holding more water if I did 10iu eod....)
if access is limited I have seen guys have great benefits with gh at just 2-3iu a day.
i will admit i have never "mega dosed" gh imo. not sure you need to but i wont deny it could help:)
one thing guys that know me will agree on is that i accept genetics. i am not going to advise anyone to juice n gh themselves to the grave. mega dosing most compounds has such a diminishing return. there is a sweet spot with a lot of things. going way above that. n ... sometimes isn't best return imvestment. for some maybe. but not everyone.

Speaking about that do you feel there are compounds that you can abuse in terms of consistent results? I find test amazing but don't see it growing just my muscle , my whole physique gets thick/ bigger and that's not what I want I already have such a big bone structure.
I like reading the stuff you write as well!

I got a kick out of some of the stuff we have conversed about regarding that gym where you worked for a while.

You have mentioned that you have made the choice to be healthy now and it seems like aches and pains have built up. I am also in a position where I have to be pretty careful when I lift.

Do you still enjoy lifting? Are you happy with your current physique? Does your wife still lift hard? I assume she met you when you were big. Does she like the new look better? I only ask because I think I am with the devil. She says "I like you big". Lol. Evil!
You sir truly are a great asset to this board. :)

I just hope people will read your posts FULLY, read them again IN DETAIL, and not only get the "sensational" part of it... in other words, looking for shortcuts (and forgetting there was A LOT of time, hard work, trial and error behind those results) and retaining from your words simply what it feels comfortable or ease their mind to retain.

That being said, it's hard to be in contradiction with you, cause honestly you're most of the time (just to not say "always" :p) spot on. ;)
You sir truly are a great asset to this board. :)

I just hope people will read your posts FULLY, read them again IN DETAIL, and not only get the "sensational" part of it... in other words, looking for shortcuts (and forgetting there was A LOT of time, hard work, trial and error behind those results) and retaining from your words simply what it feels comfortable or ease their mind to retain.

That being said, it's hard to be in contradiction with you, cause honestly you're most of the time (just to not say "always" :p) spot on. ;)

I agree. Most of the times when I see these types of Q and A's, there are a few things I disagree with based on my own experience (I am no Johnny Smiles, don't get me wrong, but I've done well enough for myself to have opinions). In this thread, pretty much everything JSmiles said, I can relate to based on my own experiences. Everyone who listens to him is really doing themselves a favor here.
What fats do you like? Do you have them in your shakes too?

I did olive oil a bit but find it tastes disgusting so then started blending coconut oil into my shakes or having tablespoons of it with solid meals. 50% of the time I had coconut oil as fats of 50% of the time my natty PB!!!:)
Speaking about that do you feel there are compounds that you can abuse in terms of consistent results? I find test amazing but don't see it growing just my muscle , my whole physique gets thick/ bigger and that's not what I want I already have such a big bone structure.

guess what I mean is 250mg of test is greatly different than 1.5gms but with gh, something like 10iu might not be drastically different than 20iu so the 20iu could be a waste of money if budget is tight, imo.

I became obsessed with finding point of diminishing returns with everything I used. that's what lead to the jaundice prolly :D
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I got a kick out of some of the stuff we have conversed about regarding that gym where you worked for a while.

You have mentioned that you have made the choice to be healthy now and it seems like aches and pains have built up. I am also in a position where I have to be pretty careful when I lift.

Do you still enjoy lifting? Are you happy with your current physique? Does your wife still lift hard? I assume she met you when you were big. Does she like the new look better? I only ask because I think I am with the devil. She says "I like you big". Lol. Evil!

hello JETHRO!

those were crazy times there lol!

body finally caught up with me i suppose. left lat starting to atrophy, right bi partially torn, nerve problem in my shoulder caused me to lose 10-20% strength in my right pec and tri, delts hurt so bad at night cant lay on my side for more than 45 min n i will wake up from the pain..... i have to train a bit differently now. what has been most beneficial is SHORT rest periods with moderately heavy weight. this way i don't have to do long sets of volume of light weight but instead use a moderately heavy weight and with short rest periods it gets intense fast. saves the joints and injuries.
as far as my health, still trying to manage my blood pressure. has helped a lot "downsizing". now i think spikes in my blood pressure is just mentally self induced.... i am a "high energy" kind of guy. mind is always working....

i do enjoy lifting but struggle to stay motivated to go to the gym. i prob wok out....3-5 times a month. i can barely believe that but its true. been working on other stuff. I cant believe it but i find myself a "new years resolutionist":eek: and plan to get back in the gym this New Year. we will see.
My wife DID meet when i was at my peak. sooooo funny, looking back our first weekend we were together i told her "don't get used to this. its not really who i am." funny i said it that way... coincedintally we have both kinda let ourselves go these past 2 years imo but we are gonna get back into it. who knows how far into i will get again:cool::)
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You sir truly are a great asset to this board. :)

I just hope people will read your posts FULLY, read them again IN DETAIL, and not only get the "sensational" part of it... in other words, looking for shortcuts (and forgetting there was A LOT of time, hard work, trial and error behind those results) and retaining from your words simply what it feels comfortable or ease their mind to retain.

That being said, it's hard to be in contradiction with you, cause honestly you're most of the time (just to not say "always" :p) spot on. ;)

this is what i am most afraid about when i decided to start this thread. my experiences have shown me when a guy asks a question he wont even understand the answer unless you tell him in a certain way.... i choose my words carefully to try to share the logic behind the answer. not just the answer... if that makes sense.

if i am ever "right" bc hindsight is 50/50 ya know? i tried everything. learned what worked and what didn't and imo really began to understand.
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hello JETHRO!

those were crazy times there lol!

body finally caught up with me i suppose. left lat starting to atrophy, right bi partially torn, nerve problem in my shoulder caused me to lose 10-20% strength in my right pec and tri, delts hurt so bad at night cant lay on my side for more than 45 min n i will wake up from the pain..... i have to train a bit differently now. what has been most beneficial is SHORT rest periods with moderately heavy weight. this way i don't have to do long sets of volume of light weight but instead use a moderately heavy weight and with short rest periods it gets intense fast. saves the joints and injuries.
as far as my health, still trying to manage my blood pressure. has helped a lot "downsizing". now i think spikes in my blood pressure is just mentally self induced.... i am a "high energy" kind of guy. mind is always working....

i do enjoy lifting but struggle to stay motivated to go to the gym. i prob wok out....3-5 times a month. i can barely believe that but its true. been working on other stuff. I cant believe it but i find myself a "new years resolutionist":eek: and plan to get back in the gym this New Year. we will see.
My wife DID meet when i was at my peak. sooooo funny, looking back our first weekend we were together i told her "don't get used to this. its not really who i am." funny i said it that way... coincedintally we have both kinda let ourselves go these past 2 years imo but we are gonna get back into it. who knows how far into i will get again:cool::)

Would it be rude of me to ask your current age? Also, how old were you when you started?
Would it be rude of me to ask your current age? Also, how old were you when you started?

22 yr old when started gear for first time. then didn't touch it til I was 24. then cycled gear 6 month on 6 month off usually til I was late 20's. then prob around 28 or 29 yrs old to 35 or so I went hard.was always on something all the time. blasting and "cruising" then started trt a bit after that.... long way of saying I am not 40 yet:)
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22 yr old when started gear for first time. then didn't touch it til I was 24. then cycled gear 6 month on 6 month off usually til I was late 20's. then prob around 28 or 29 yrs old to 35 or so I went hard.was always on something all the time. blasting and "cruising" then started trt a bit after that.... long way of saying I am not 40 yet:)

:) Wait till your over fifty! It just keeps getting better and better........:banghead:
My first influence in bodybuilding was Milos Sarcev. I met him and worked for him at his gym when I was 24 year old. He competed in his last show that year (Night of Champions I belive). and asked him if he would teach me, he made a deal with me cuz he could tell how eager I was, he said I could talk to him every day while he was doing his 45 min afternoon cardio session. so every day for 10 weeks we talked for 45 min. covered...everything I think.
that was a ramp up in bb'ing knowledge lol I thought I knew my shit but realized I had much to learn. best to shut up and listen when you are young and in this sport.
:) Wait till your over fifty! It just keeps getting better and better........:banghead:

Concrete, you are made out of STONE brotha, nothing can break you!!!!:)

thanks for the warning tho. I can def see where its tracking...:eek:
Milos Sarcev!!!!!! Holy SHIT Johnny.......... What an incredible grass roots beginning to your BB career. Not to mention the base line you had to start with. So you where there to learn his slin protocol, training and literally experience the intensity. Man -O- man I'm jealous and I'll admit it.
I could only imagine the stories that would be rolling out after a dozen beers or so? lol.

I think we have witnessed a miracle here. Never thought we would ever see pics:eek:

Wanna say. Johnny has helped me out tons over the last few years.

If I pm questions I always write down what he says, keep notes.

Hes always steered me in the right direction.

Thanks for that JS!!!
this is what i am most afraid about when i decided to start this thread. my experiences have shown me when a guy asks a question he wont even understand the answer unless you tell him in a certain way.... i choose my words carefully to try to share the logic behind the answer. not just the answer... if that makes sense.

if i am ever "right" bc hindsight is 50/50 ya know? i tried everything. learned what worked and what didn't and imo really began to understand.

Johnny- It's been my experiencing since I've been on PM reading threads is that, people will hear what they want to hear and ignore what they don't want to hear. If someone posts that they did 5 grams of AAS for 5 years straight, but experience major health issues now, somehow the experience major health problems are ignored. I bet when you started you never thought about all the aches and pains you experience now, This sport is unbelieveably hard on the body, in more ways then just AAS.

Great thread.
Milos Sarcev!!!!!! Holy SHIT Johnny.......... What an incredible grass roots beginning to your BB career. Not to mention the base line you had to start with. So you where there to learn his slin protocol, training and literally experience the intensity. Man -O- man I'm jealous and I'll admit it.
I could only imagine the stories that would be rolling out after a dozen beers or so? lol.


i am biting my tongue trying not to tell the stories. gotta protect the guilty lol. wild times.
Milos is an intense guy. very smart. everyone in his family are doctors I believe. his stories alone are freaking crazy. but yeah I lived near fullerton cali and worked at his gym. saw all kinds of crazy stuff. met flex wheeler and shawn ray there. they worked out regularly there. flex was training for his last mr. o.....
if this thread gets too stale maybe a story will be in order.... but it could get way off subject lol.
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