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its prolly bout time....

I think we have witnessed a miracle here. Never thought we would ever see pics:eek:

Hello Mrs. Q!
I thought it might be time:)
Wanna say. Johnny has helped me out tons over the last few years.

If I pm questions I always write down what he says, keep notes.

Hes always steered me in the right direction.

Thanks for that JS!!!

You are welcome bro.
hope all is well.
I will keep this interesting...
so one of dumbest things I did was inject hamstrings. I have tried injecting everywhere I can think of. sometimes cuz I was running outta room or cuz I was just curious. one of most painful place I ever injected was hamstrings. holy SHIT it HURT. not during inject but after. don't ever do it. did 2 shots of 2cc's in each ham and it was awful....
just cuz I was curious:rolleyes:
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I will keep this interesting...
so one of dumbest things I did was inject hamstrings. I have tried injecting everywhere I can think of. sometimes cuz I was running outta room or cuz I was just curious. one of most painful place I ever injected was hamstrings. holy SHIT it HURT. not during inject but after. don't ever do it. did 2 shots of 2cc's in each ham and it was awful....
just cuz I was curious:rolleyes:

Haha ya figure you would try a half cc into the hammies, johnny smiles has to try 2cc in each. Ouchy. Are you still on any bp meds now that you have lost weight and lowered dose? Also did you have any problems with hematocrit while on. If you dont mind me asking?
I will keep this interesting...
so one of dumbest things I did was inject hamstrings. I have tried injecting everywhere I can think of. sometimes cuz I was running outta room or cuz I was just curious. one of most painful place I ever injected was hamstrings. holy SHIT it HURT. not during inject but after. don't ever do it. did 2 shots of 2cc's in each ham and it was awful....
just cuz I was curious:rolleyes:

give you props for trying it... but damn, I don't even wanna know how painful that was? Could you even walk? Did it knot up?

Great thread, honestly, I'm looking forward to seeing some crazy stories lol. :D
js could you share your opinion on this. i do all my shots in my delts, and delts are my absolute best body part, ahead of everything else by a margin. I'm debating starting to do the same but for arms, as they are lagging behind everything else, your .02?
Thanks JS!! Awesome thread, so much great info here!

A hypothetical question. This is a situation I've seen a bunch of times and experienced myself in the past, so your advice would be great on it, Johnny.

So, contest prep: You've got a guy starting lean, say a true 10-12%. He's dieting along, eating his macros when he's hungry, very strictly, at say 45/45/15 Pro/Carbs/Fat (Just as an example). He loses fat for the first few weeks, gets down to say 9%. Then shit grinds to a halt. He's not losing muscle, but not getting any leaner.

How to get things moving again and keep it moving, what things would you change?
In the diet
AAS/Ancillaries (T3, fatburners and whatnot)
In training (if anything).

C: I'm most interested in what you'd do if adding more AAS is not possible (or he's natty). I see these shredded nattys and honestly wonder what they do when they can't boost their metabolism with AAS.

Thanks again for this thread and putting yourself out there, Johnny!
I eventually learned to limi starches from things like breads and pasta as they always cause me bloat and I think they make you retain water. I definitely felt better with 80% of my carbs from fruit and bout 20% from potatoes or rice. I felt just fine eating those kind of carbs. for fats I got them from olive oil, coconut oil and natty pb. mainly from nattie pb:cool: I know its not exactly optimal but after 14 week diet it tastes like fucking heaven:D
I basically kinda found myself eating primarily fruits during the week and on weekends would have carbs from sweet potatoe and/or rice. I learned to make this part of my preps b/c the diuretic effect of the fruit and good bowel movements kept me less bloated and didn't fluctuate in water weight much. glycogen might go down a TAD n if it did then the carbs from potatoe and rice would give me a bit fuller look. this made me learn a ton about the peaking process. there are many ways to skin a cat. I found a few...
supps! when I remembered I used dhea, multi vitamin... vit c... creatine with my slin... glutamine with slin..... I didn't use many supps I guess...

That 80% carbs from fruit... What fruit(s) did u mainly use?
1. test/npp/mast...tren at low dose few weeks on few weeks off. did that for most of a year once. just "cruising" lol.

the staples imo are:
test e, test p, npp, mast, eq, tren, drol, slin, gh, winni, proviron, aromo....

If you have the time and feel like it, could you explain for what reason you used each compound, how you feel it helped your physique and what dosage you got the most out of it without drawback.

And curious about what dosage did you use the test/npp/masteron with tren on/off for a year straight And how were bloodwork on that cycle

Thank you appreciate your experience
Such an awesome thread!! Thanks for doing the deed!
Haha ya figure you would try a half cc into the hammies, johnny smiles has to try 2cc in each. Ouchy. Are you still on any bp meds now that you have lost weight and lowered dose? Also did you have any problems with hematocrit while on. If you dont mind me asking?

yeah, I gotta go big ugh:rolleyes: 1/2cc makes way more sense but I had to know... I could barely walk. no way I could train em. went to doc and he prescribed me some antibiotics just to be safe. hurt like HELL.

my bp is all over the place. I take meds "when needed" is what I am trying to accomplish. I think most of it is mental for me. I get wound up very easily. always have.

yes, hemocratic usually rose up on me. at 250mg a week it is good but not great. higher than that and more things involved and it would go up. inevitable i think. i have come to believe that 6 months ON! and 6 months "off" is best for overall health. imo and experience you cant push the limitations of your body and still maintain all good health markers in blood work the whole time. any engine pushed to its limit will red line eventually. just don't run in the red too long or engine will blow....

i just mean that when you step on the stage with these guys some don't give a fuck about blood work. i know cuz i didn't for about 5 years. i have heard some guys say they have good blood pressure....but anyone that says that usually isn't a beast....from my experience. must watch blood pressure and all health markers but cmon i didn't expect to be healthy 2 weeks out. its a risk i was willing to take.-JS
give you props for trying it... but damn, I don't even wanna know how painful that was? Could you even walk? Did it knot up?

Great thread, honestly, I'm looking forward to seeing some crazy stories lol. :D

i wanted to find out what would happen on high dose T3 so every day i took one more than the day before. i made it bout 9-10 days and i was so fucking sped up i couldn't sleep. laid there twitching..... :rolleyes::banghead:
js could you share your opinion on this. i do all my shots in my delts, and delts are my absolute best body part, ahead of everything else by a margin. I'm debating starting to do the same but for arms, as they are lagging behind everything else, your .02?

i did a lot of delt shots too usually with fast acting gear cuz wife got tired of shooting me every day and/or sometimes i didn't want her to exactly know what i was doing. out of sight out of mind:cool:
anyway, delts are my best body part. i don't think its due to the oil at all. i will say i experimented with shooting bis and tris a lot. as long as the oil was in em of course they would be bigger. like in this last show i did i evened up my biceps shooting in my right be a week out. the inflammation will sit in (how bad depends on kind of gear shot ime) but after inflammation it will be a lil bigger for a couple days. timed right, it can help for a show. gotta make it look natural tho.
however, the size will reside. ime. i have never done synthol but supposedly this is how synthol and spot inject differentiate. any size from spot injecting is temporary in my experience but can still be used as a tool. :cool:
i cant believe i am saying some of this shit.... :st:r-wars
Thanks JS!! Awesome thread, so much great info here!

A hypothetical question. This is a situation I've seen a bunch of times and experienced myself in the past, so your advice would be great on it, Johnny.

So, contest prep: You've got a guy starting lean, say a true 10-12%. He's dieting along, eating his macros when he's hungry, very strictly, at say 45/45/15 Pro/Carbs/Fat (Just as an example). He loses fat for the first few weeks, gets down to say 9%. Then shit grinds to a halt. He's not losing muscle, but not getting any leaner.

How to get things moving again and keep it moving, what things would you change?
In the diet
AAS/Ancillaries (T3, fatburners and whatnot)
In training (if anything).

C: I'm most interested in what you'd do if adding more AAS is not possible (or he's natty). I see these shredded nattys and honestly wonder what they do when they can't boost their metabolism with AAS.

Thanks again for this thread and putting yourself out there, Johnny!

if he were natural.... i got nothing lol. got no advice for that. i don't know.

if not natural... and ata plateau, up dose and manipulate diet and or exercise to increase muscle OR metab and burn more calories.

but honestly, when guys pm me and ask how to get REALLY lean and we start talking... come to find out they just haven't ever been STRICT. they never suffered enough to see the sub 9%.....
edit: by and large i didn't use t3 nor fat burners. tried them of course. abused them, yup but was never a staple in what i did
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yeah, I gotta go big ugh:rolleyes: 1/2cc makes way more sense but I had to know... I could barely walk. no way I could train em. went to doc and he prescribed me some antibiotics just to be safe. hurt like HELL.

my bp is all over the place. I take meds "when needed" is what I am trying to accomplish. I think most of it is mental for me. I get wound up very easily. always have.

yes, hemocratic usually rose up on me. at 250mg a week it is good but not great. higher than that and more things involved and it would go up. inevitable i think. i have come to believe that 6 months ON! and 6 months "off" is best for overall health. imo and experience you cant push the limitations of your body and still maintain all good health markers in blood work the whole time. any engine pushed to its limit will red line eventually. just don't run in the red too long or engine will blow....

i just mean that when you step on the stage with these guys some don't give a fuck about blood work. i know cuz i didn't for about 5 years. i have heard some guys say they have good blood pressure....but anyone that says that usually isn't a beast....from my experience. must watch blood pressure and all health markers but cmon i didn't expect to be healthy 2 weeks out. its a risk i was willing to take.-JS

same here bro if I could start over I would go 6 on and 6 off. having same issues here with hematocrit and bp. my bp rises just from trying to keep the daily schedule because I get all worked up. thanks for the response brother.
if he were natural.... i got nothing lol. got no advice for that. i don't know.

if not natural... and ata plateau, up dose and manipulate diet and or exercise to increase muscle OR metab and burn more calories.

but honestly, when guys pm me and ask how to get REALLY lean and we start talking... come to find out they just haven't ever been STRICT. they never suffered enough to see the sub 9%.....
edit: by and large i didn't use t3 nor fat burners. tried them of course. abused them, yup but was never a staple in what i did

Nice, Bro, thanks! Pretty much what I do, but was wondering if there's another way.

And, yep...shredded "nattys" are a mysterious people. LOL
While running the hum r... What things did u do to maintain or improve ur insulin sensitivity? Did u monitor fasted blood Gloucose levels at all?

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