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Juice and INR


Verified Customer
Kilo Klub Member
Verified Customer
Oct 4, 2002
I will try and make this quick as possible as I think no one will be able to help me but maybe someone can so. So I go to Dr yesterday and my INR is above 8 which is as high as the machines go. They tell me to go to.emergency room as if its above 10 I need a vitamin k shot as with even a very minor injury I could bleed out internally or.otherwse. Get a to emergency room and the place is packed but they get me right in. Get an IV line in and draw blood. Now I went to an out of network hospital so if they tested me for drugs I wouldn't have to talk to my current Drs about it and just wouldn't tell them about the visit. Anyway luckily they didn't and they came back with a still high but more acceptable 5.4 for.reference anything between 2-3.5 is the.range you want to be at. Now I had my bloodwork done.prior.to.startinqg juice.as I'm just.getting back in the gym due to.shoulder injury. My gfr went up 16 points but he said my liver enzymes were elevated slightly but told me to keep an eye on it.
Other than that he said I am good. My liver enzymes have never been elevated at all. I was told a packet of papers had my bloodwork results in it.but I don't have them to know what slightly elevated means.

So ever since I started this cycle my INR has been hi. I would test at 6 and they would tell me take a couple days off.warfarin come back in a two days it would test within range and they would.give me a new.lower dose and then i come back in a week its always hi.
So I been taking sus250 mast 100 prop 100 tren 100 all at 3/4cc eod.
I also started prescribed Ritalin 10mg x2/day and Soma 350mg 1 day so it could be one of those I guess but the Dr wasn't concerned about it at all.
Juice I have done since taking warfarin is TestC/E, Anadrol, EQ, deca and none.of these messed with my INR at all

So does anyone know if a.certain compound can make your.inr go up. I am going to take a.week off and just take some different shit as I imagine if I keep winding up in the hospital they will drug test me. I don't want to wind up explaining what I am doing with them being like well we actually found 3 drugs that are not in your system (lol jk)

Any help at all would be appreciated
INR? Hmmm I have no idea what you're talking about lol

It's related to clotting risk. The time taken to form a clot.

Too high you risk bleeding out. Too low is a risk factor for clotting.

OP obvious questions; are you taking anything alongside the warfarin like aspirin, fish oils etc anything which will obviously thin the blood?
It's related to clotting risk. The time taken to form a clot.

Too high you risk bleeding out. Too low is a risk factor for clotting.

OP obvious questions; are you taking anything alongside the warfarin like aspirin, fish oils etc anything which will obviously thin the blood?
No nothing like that at all. I.have switched my diet to a lot of.protein shakes with oats, bananas , blueberries and have one meal a day that
Is actually food. It has to be either the tren or mast as.I.doubt(but don't really know) that switching.an ester on test would matter. Thank you.for your.help!
No nothing like that at all. I.have switched my diet to a lot of.protein shakes with oats, bananas , blueberries and have one meal a day that
Is actually food. It has to be either the tren or mast as.I.doubt(but don't really know) that switching.an ester on test would matter. Thank you.for your.help!
I‘m reading that mangoes (or anything with substantial vitamin a) can increase the anticoagulant effect of warfarin
I will try and make this quick as possible as I think no one will be able to help me but maybe someone can so. So I go to Dr yesterday and my INR is above 8 which is as high as the machines go. They tell me to go to.emergency room as if its above 10 I need a vitamin k shot as with even a very minor injury I could bleed out internally or.otherwse. Get a to emergency room and the place is packed but they get me right in. Get an IV line in and draw blood. Now I went to an out of network hospital so if they tested me for drugs I wouldn't have to talk to my current Drs about it and just wouldn't tell them about the visit. Anyway luckily they didn't and they came back with a still high but more acceptable 5.4 for.reference anything between 2-3.5 is the.range you want to be at. Now I had my bloodwork done.prior.to.startinqg juice.as I'm just.getting back in the gym due to.shoulder injury. My gfr went up 16 points but he said my liver enzymes were elevated slightly but told me to keep an eye on it.
Other than that he said I am good. My liver enzymes have never been elevated at all. I was told a packet of papers had my bloodwork results in it.but I don't have them to know what slightly elevated means.

So ever since I started this cycle my INR has been hi. I would test at 6 and they would tell me take a couple days off.warfarin come back in a two days it would test within range and they would.give me a new.lower dose and then i come back in a week its always hi.
So I been taking sus250 mast 100 prop 100 tren 100 all at 3/4cc eod.
I also started prescribed Ritalin 10mg x2/day and Soma 350mg 1 day so it could be one of those I guess but the Dr wasn't concerned about it at all.
Juice I have done since taking warfarin is TestC/E, Anadrol, EQ, deca and none.of these messed with my INR at all

So does anyone know if a.certain compound can make your.inr go up. I am going to take a.week off and just take some different shit as I imagine if I keep winding up in the hospital they will drug test me. I don't want to wind up explaining what I am doing with them being like well we actually found 3 drugs that are not in your system (lol jk)

Any help at all would be appreciated
I’m confused. Your doctor wants to give you a Vitamin K shot because you’re on Warfarin which contraindicates not to take Vitamin K with as its mechanism of action in the body is to block one of its pathways…

I’m sorry, but you need a new doctor. Or to make sure your doctors are on the same page IMO.

Unless you have a clotting disorder or just had heart surgery then I personally am not a fan of this class of medication. I’m assuming you just had some sort of surgery to be on it?

If one is indicated or needed I’d suggest looking at Plavix. Just my opinion.
No nothing like that at all. I.have switched my diet to a lot of.protein shakes with oats, bananas , blueberries and have one meal a day that
Is actually food. It has to be either the tren or mast as.I.doubt(but don't really know) that switching.an ester on test would matter. Thank you.for your.help!

I’m confused. Your doctor wants to give you a Vitamin K shot because you’re on Warfarin which contraindicates not to take Vitamin K with as its mechanism of action in the body is to block one of its pathways…

I’m sorry, but you need a new doctor. Or to make sure your doctors are on the same page IMO.

Unless you have a clotting disorder or just had heart surgery then I personally am not a fan of this class of medication. I’m assuming you just had some sort of surgery to be on it?

If one is indicated or needed I’d suggest looking at Plavix. Just my opinion.

His inr is high so he's at risk for bleeds not clots. Vitamin K increases clotting factors.

It appears his warfarin is working too well, so the K makes sense.

However I agree clopidogrel makes more sense here.
His inr is high so he's at risk for bleeds not clots. Vitamin K increases clotting factors.

It appears his warfarin is working too well, so the K makes sense.

However I agree clopidogrel makes more sense here.
Oh I fully understood what was happening. Just was stating that taking vitamin k while on warfarin is not the solution IMO. Stopping it or moving to Plavix would be a much smarter play here.

You never want to start chasing side effects and problems with more items. Once you start it doesn’t stop.

It of course comes down to why is he on the medication as well- was there a recent heart procedure. As warfarin and Prasugrel are generally used in those cases in my experience.
Gentlemen Plavix is mainly used for stents. With aspirin usually. Unfortunately i know i have 7.
Gentlemen Plavix is mainly used for stents. With aspirin usually. Unfortunately i know i have 7.
Yes it is. That’s why I’m suggesting he not just come off until we know why he’s on it. 😊
I take vitamin k2 Mk7

Is that good?
I’m assuming you’re joking. 😂 But for those who actually don’t know the answer to this- taking a complete K supplement is very good for you and one of my staples.

However, if you’re taking Warfarin or Prasugrel it is contraindicated as they block one of the vitamin k pathways as their mechanism of action.
I’m assuming you’re joking. 😂 But for those who actually don’t know the answer to this- taking a complete K supplement is very good for you and one of my staples.

However, if you’re taking Warfarin or Prasugrel it is contraindicated as they block one of the vitamin k pathways as their mechanism of action.
Not a joke. I take it for reals
Not a joke. I take it for reals
K1: comes from plants primarily and used for preventing blood clots and bleeding disorders.

K2: comes from animal derived foods and helps ensure calcium is out of the arteries and in the right places (bones).

There’s long list of other benefits from K2 which is why it’s touted so much like increased nutrient assimilation. But most bodybuilders are using it as a staple for heart health.

In cases of stent procedures- most patients are only indicated to take warfarin, Prasugrel or Plavix for 6-12 months after the procedure. After that they can resume vitamin k supplements and even if they are on Plavix one could still take it (if they wanted to) as it’s a different drug class.
K1: comes from plants primarily and used for preventing blood clots and bleeding disorders.

K2: comes from animal derived foods and helps ensure calcium is out of the arteries and in the right places (bones).

There’s long list of other benefits from K2 which is why it’s touted so much like increased nutrient assimilation. But most bodybuilders are using it as a staple for heart health.

In cases of stent procedures- most patients are only indicated to take warfarin, Prasugrel or Plavix for 6-12 months after the procedure. After that they can resume vitamin k supplements and even if they are on Plavix one could still take it (if they wanted to) as it’s a different drug class.
K1: comes from plants primarily and used for preventing blood clots and bleeding disorders.

K2: comes from animal derived foods and helps ensure calcium is out of the arteries and in the right places (bones).

There’s long list of other benefits from K2 which is why it’s touted so much like increased nutrient assimilation. But most bodybuilders are using it as a staple for heart health.

In cases of stent procedures- most patients are only indicated to take warfarin, Prasugrel or Plavix for 6-12 months after the procedure. After that they can resume vitamin k supplements and even if they are on Plavix one could still take it (if they wanted to) as it’s a different drug class.
I like the Koncentrated K product myself, a bit pricey but a great supp
I like the Koncentrated K product myself, a bit pricey but a great supp
That’s the one I personally use. Life Extension makes a good/cheaper second option.
Oh I fully understood what was happening. Just was stating that taking vitamin k while on warfarin is not the solution IMO. Stopping it or moving to Plavix would be a much smarter play here.

You never want to start chasing side effects and problems with more items. Once you start it doesn’t stop.

It of course comes down to why is he on the medication as well- was there a recent heart procedure. As warfarin and Prasugrel are generally used in those cases in my experience.
I do appreciate your's and everyone elses input but when your warfarin levels get too high in this case that number being 10, vitamin k is given to counteract the high levels of warfarin. This is for emergency situations only as I was in yesterday its too dangerous to just do nothing as you can start peeing blood, shitting blood or bleeding internally. Even a mild fall or anything really could cause one to bleed out. Plus they never know if its on the way up or what. Even at 5.4 they were like don't take warfarin for 4 days and then get it checked. So it coming down from ten plus you're really in a very dangerous situation for days! So vitamin K in this situation is the absolute solution. I was given a room and seen immediately and as I have previously stated the emergency room was full. If that doesn't tell you drs take the situation very seriously i don't know what will.

My cardiologist is rated as one of the best in my area and he treats my whole family, the problem with other drugs is they are not approved for my condition which is I have an artificial mitral heart valve. Like all I know of that is approved is warfarin. i was always going to need a heart valve at some point and it didn't go to total shit until i was 41(currently 45) if i remember correctly. I am sure all the shit ive thrown at it over the years didn't really help things. I have never been in a situation since my I got my valve with warfarin as I was in yesterday. Honestly i felt %100 and got kinda alarmed how quickly they moved to get everything done.

As far as Plavix I will ask my Dr about it as I usually get my inr checked once a month and it stays pretty normal except if I eat a bunch of leafy greens as they are high in vitamin k. I am currently taking something though that is messing with it.

Again I appreciate everyone opinion and don't be shy if you got any ideas!!
and no i haven't been taken seamen orally or rectally...hahaha
I do appreciate your's and everyone elses input but when your warfarin levels get too high in this case that number being 10, vitamin k is given to counteract the high levels of warfarin. This is for emergency situations only as I was in yesterday its too dangerous to just do nothing as you can start peeing blood, shitting blood or bleeding internally. Even a mild fall or anything really could cause one to bleed out. Plus they never know if its on the way up or what. Even at 5.4 they were like don't take warfarin for 4 days and then get it checked. So it coming down from ten plus you're really in a very dangerous situation for days! So vitamin K in this situation is the absolute solution. I was given a room and seen immediately and as I have previously stated the emergency room was full. If that doesn't tell you drs take the situation very seriously i don't know what will.

My cardiologist is rated as one of the best in my area and he treats my whole family, the problem with other drugs is they are not approved for my condition which is I have an artificial mitral heart valve. Like all I know of that is approved is warfarin. i was always going to need a heart valve at some point and it didn't go to total shit until i was 41(currently 45) if i remember correctly. I am sure all the shit ive thrown at it over the years didn't really help things. I have never been in a situation since my I got my valve with warfarin as I was in yesterday. Honestly i felt %100 and got kinda alarmed how quickly they moved to get everything done.

As far as Plavix I will ask my Dr about it as I usually get my inr checked once a month and it stays pretty normal except if I eat a bunch of leafy greens as they are high in vitamin k. I am currently taking something though that is messing with it.

Again I appreciate everyone opinion and don't be shy if you got any ideas!!
and no i haven't been taken seamen orally or rectally...hahaha
You made the right call as I said in my above post, most patients using warfarin are using it for a heart issue. Generally if there is an imbalance like this they’ll move you to Plavix unless you can get to the root of the issue with the vitamin k. It could be diet related as I’d look at the supplements and your diet around the week it all set in.

Prasugrel is a second option and you could consider adjusting the dosage down a bit on it. And if you do add an aspirin daily.

Def discuss with your cardiologist. In cases such as my father who had had multiple heart attacks, robotic bypass and stents he found that only Plavix worked for him. The other two caused similar issues.

Having heart valve issues sucks and is no fun. The good news is that they’ve come a long way with the artificial ones and replacement. My mother had one put in when she was in her 30’s and has had zero issues all the way through her 60’s now. Was a game changer for her.

Sounds like you have a cardiologist you trust which is rare so talk through it with him. I’ve personally never seen gear impact this. But every patient is different.
You made the right call as I said in my above post, most patients using warfarin are using it for a heart issue. Generally if there is an imbalance like this they’ll move you to Plavix unless you can get to the root of the issue with the vitamin k. It could be diet related as I’d look at the supplements and your diet around the week it all set in.

Prasugrel is a second option and you could consider adjusting the dosage down a bit on it. And if you do add an aspirin daily.

Def discuss with your cardiologist. In cases such as my father who had had multiple heart attacks, robotic bypass and stents he found that only Plavix worked for him. The other two caused similar issues.

Having heart valve issues sucks and is no fun. The good news is that they’ve come a long way with the artificial ones and replacement. My mother had one put in when she was in her 30’s and has had zero issues all the way through her 60’s now. Was a game changer for her.

Sounds like you have a cardiologist you trust which is rare so talk through it with him. I’ve personally never seen gear impact this. But every patient is different.
You seem pretty knowledgeable about medical stuff do you work in that field out of.curiosity?

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