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Junior Figure vs. National Figure Shows

mo chuisle

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Jul 26, 2006
Does anyone know what the difference is between the Junior Figure shows (Junior USA Figure, Junior Nationals Figure) and the National shows (National Figure, USA Figure)? I realize each show has different pro qualifications requirements. What does the "Junior" part of the title mean?
i think junior means the contestant has to be 20 years old or under
I don't see any age requirements or limitations listed in the show information, though ...
jr has nothing to do with age. i dont know why they call it jr exactly but i feel they r stepping stones to nationals....jr usa, then jr nationals, then north american, then usa's, and finally nationals.

i misunderstood the question...i thought he was asking about the junior division at a bodybuilding show. my fault:eek:
Do you know if it's recommended to compete in the Junior National shows before competing in the National shows? Is the level of competition comparable?
progress to the national level

Basically its best to do a state level show or a national qualifier and then move up to a jr. level contest...if you place well top 5 move up to USAs, Nationals etc. this goes for figure as well as bodybuilding.
Thats the progression that I would follow in that the judges get to see your face and how you have progressed etc and you know the cough!! politics. Some people don't follow this path and jump in and compete in a national qualifier and then move straight to a big time show.. sometimes they do very well...other times they get blown out.
I know guy who went from a looked middle of the road to weak in a state level show one year... dialed it in the following year and won an overall state level ( in a tough state) and then hit nationals directly and placed in the top 6...Heavyweights...and the Class WAS LOADED that year..

hard2core2 said:
Basically its best to do a state level show or a national qualifier and then move up to a jr. level contest...if you place well top 5 move up to USAs, Nationals etc. this goes for figure as well as bodybuilding.
Thats the progression that I would follow in that the judges get to see your face and how you have progressed etc and you know the cough!! politics. Some people don't follow this path and jump in and compete in a national qualifier and then move straight to a big time show.. sometimes they do very well...other times they get blown out.
I know guy who went from a looked middle of the road to weak in a state level show one year... dialed it in the following year and won an overall state level ( in a tough state) and then hit nationals directly and placed in the top 6...Heavyweights...and the Class WAS LOADED that year..


pretty much summed it up,

its a stepping stone to between a state level show and the usa's or nat's, good exposure, and shows consistancy.... its rare to go right into the national shows and place well, there are just so many people in each class and they all look good, moat of the time if you dont have a name you will get lost in the mix....
I'm competing in a national qualifier in a couple weeks, and am looking ahead to national shows later this summer. Just wondering if I should consider another NQ show or a Junior show before jumping straight to the National Figure in July. I was borderline eligible for nationals last year, but took the rest of the year off to get bigger. Not sure how I'll do this year, but hopefully I'll do well enough to compete at a national-level show.
If you place well in your next contest ( win your class or the overall title) move on to either the Jr. Nationals or Jr. USA's...prove yourself there..then move up the next level to the Nationals, USAs, North Americans, etc.
If you place middle of the road or worse at the jr. level shows...you obviously have work to do...before moving on..

hard2core2----- incidentally the guy I knew won his class at the state show in Ohio...then hit nationals and did very well...top 6 Heavyweight...his situation..bodybuilding wise was not the norm... he unfortuately could NEVER duplicate the standard he set on that day... ( bad injuries, personal setbacks took its toll)

mo chuisle said:
I'm competing in a national qualifier in a couple weeks, and am looking ahead to national shows later this summer. Just wondering if I should consider another NQ show or a Junior show before jumping straight to the National Figure in July. I was borderline eligible for nationals last year, but took the rest of the year off to get bigger. Not sure how I'll do this year, but hopefully I'll do well enough to compete at a national-level show.

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