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"Junk Volume"


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2022
What are your thoughts on the "junk volume" premise.

For instance if you believe that Muscle group #1 takes 10-12 work sets (ie: close or at failure) per week to grow then anything beyond this is wasted effort.

Does this apply on an exercise by exercise basis or is it simply on a muscle group? If it is on a muscle group basis then how is that determined? Lets take back. How many muscle "groups" are there? Rhomboids, trapezius, spinal erectors? Or is it simply "back"?

Looking to hear the boards thoughts on this.

fyi - not looking to change my program or to "major in the minors", just interested in the concept and theory....
I believe a true bodybuilder knows when they’re done training a muscle. Anything more or less is just over complicating it.
Trial and error I found was the best way to figure it out. Overtrained then pulled it back by dropping a session/sets until I wasn’t. The stronger and more in tune with your body you get unless you’re a high volume guy then the less volume you’ll require.

I can generate more muscular damage in 1 set now than I could in a whole workout when I first started
I believe a true bodybuilder knows when they’re done training a muscle. Anything more or less is just over complicating it.
I've started making my training more like this - yeah I know around how many sets I hit per body part but I'm starting to more look for that feeling in the muscle that let's you know it's taxed. Or sometimes I'll just keep training until I feel my blood sugar getting low.

I'm sure to some that sounds ignorant and like a recipe for overtraining but I guarantee it'll produce more results than worrying about doing too much if your diet / recovery / PEDs are on point.
All the bodybuilders of the Golden era pushed volume was it overkill who knows they all looked great
I've started making my training more like this - yeah I know around how many sets I hit per body part but I'm starting to more look for that feeling in the muscle that let's you know it's taxed. Or sometimes I'll just keep training until I feel my blood sugar getting low.

I'm sure to some that sounds ignorant and like a recipe for overtraining but I guarantee it'll produce more results than worrying about doing too much if your diet / recovery / PEDs are on point.
I’ve always viewed workout plans as a template and train this way. Sticking to a piece of paper is an easy way to under train or over train IMO.

I think you’ll see a lot of progress training this way. I know I have.
It can be deleterious if you are trying to train multiple muscle groups in that session. Had this issue with clients who were complaining of no arm or calf gains.... but they were working them always after tons of volume for the bigger muscle groups.
I've always been a cheapskate with volume, so this is not a concern for me.
How many sets to failure do you guys do per muscle group in a training session? When do you feel like you're doing too much?
How many sets to failure do you guys do per muscle group in a training session? When do you feel like you're doing too much?

These type of questions are very dependent on the person, lifestyle ect.

My back bis and hamstrings. Pull muscles can handle alot more volume then my push muscles chest, should, tri , quads ect

I can do 20 working sets for back if im doing isolated exercises

If im deadlifting and rowing try half maybe even 1/3

Personally my shoulders over train easy so I don't do a ton of volume in a single shoulder workout.

With all that being said as I age im trying to get the most out of the least
Taking out some volume and adding mobility exercises, stretching and cardio

Your time to shine brother 😶‍🌫️😅
Haha amen. I think imma sit back and see what the big guys say should be a good thread. I've been doing good sticking to the basic bro split simple....I just need to keep it simple...stick to a basic fucking plan focus on intensity..very aware of my ocd....but always enjoy hearing people I respect taking training.
I just instinctively know when I’m for training. I never needed someone else’s theories to know. All these bullshit so Called scientific approaches to training are speculation and reinvention of the wheel to get likes. All you have to do is Train your ass off. Push yourself as hard as you can try to avoid injuries and eat right. That’s all the science I need
Haha amen. I think imma sit back and see what the big guys say should be a good thread. I've been doing good sticking to the basic bro split simple....I just need to keep it simple...stick to a basic fucking plan focus on intensity..very aware of my ocd....but always enjoy hearing people I respect taking training.


I give it 2 hours though 😅

I give it 2 hours though 😅
My man ha. For real a big thank you to Southern, luki, Daniel, hyper, bbex, 55...who have busted my balls I needed it. But yeah I can always revert to my old ways so trying to avoid ig, YouTube, all the "evidence based" influencers who do nothing but influence me ..and I'm sure many more...to make simple shit complex
These type of questions are very dependent on the person, lifestyle ect.

My back bis and hamstrings. Pull muscles can handle alot more volume then my push muscles chest, should, tri , quads ect

I can do 20 working sets for back if im doing isolated exercises

If im deadlifting and rowing try half maybe even 1/3

Personally my shoulders over train easy so I don't do a ton of volume in a single shoulder workout.
Absolutely correct. One day you night take 3 sets to true failure, another day maybe none, another day maybe 6.

@yousef1202 I know you're a young guy wanting to make progress the most efficient way. Best thing you can learn is there are never any rules for bodybuilding. Trial and error and noting what works and doesn't, then continuing to refine based on that, is the quickest way to maximizing your physique.
It depends how you define junk volume. To me, you need to be doing hard sets, where the last couple reps the bar is slowing down and you're giving a lot of effort to lift the weight. If you're not doing that, it's junk volume and IMO not very effective.

I have a client right now that is doing this, and I've been trying to get him to break the habit. If he's doing two sets, the first set will be 65 lbs x 8, second set is 70 lbs x 10. I tell him if you can do 70x10, then that set with 65 was not hard. Don't even write that shit down. Your first real set was with 70, so do another with 70 and fucking try harder.

So that, the other way of adding junk volume is at the end, when you've pretty much exhausted your ability to take things to failure and you're just adding sets just to do them. We only have so much we can give, and and when you reach that point just go home and eat. I don't have a specific number of sets and everyone's work capacity is different, but I think most of us know where that point is.
Never hurts to throw in some curls with the gurls at the end of your workout.

What are your thoughts on the "junk volume" premise.

For instance if you believe that Muscle group #1 takes 10-12 work sets (ie: close or at failure) per week to grow then anything beyond this is wasted effort.

Does this apply on an exercise by exercise basis or is it simply on a muscle group? If it is on a muscle group basis then how is that determined? Lets take back. How many muscle "groups" are there? Rhomboids, trapezius, spinal erectors? Or is it simply "back"?

Looking to hear the boards thoughts on this.

fyi - not looking to change my program or to "major in the minors", just interested in the concept and theory....
All the latest workout research has been showing that volume is king for muscle growth

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