I'm not really sure what you're asking. Are you asking if there's a double standard? Like a woman with implants vs. a guy juicing?
I never bought the whole "I need bigger tits to feel better about myself," bit any more than I buy the "I need roids to feel better about myself," bit. If your feelings are in the ways I just mentioned then you very likely have self-esteem issues and you should know that bigger breasts and muscles are only an extremely temporary symptomatic solution to a very core problem. You can have perfectly healthy self-esteem and still be drug and implant free!
You're self-esteem should not depend on something as superficial as the size of your breasts or your biceps but rather should come from a true knowledge and respect for yourself as a unique and special human being. If your self-esteem's mechanism for appeasement is something as transitory as your outward appearance, you will forever be lacking in that department (both appearance AND self-esteem).
And no, I did not learn that in college, or from a book, or from my mother - but from thoughtful and contemplative self-examination. If I can reach that conclusion, than I assure you that most anyone can. How rediculous to imagine the fulcrum of your own self-worth as the size of your mammary glands or the size of your pectoral muscles. It's absurdity.