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Kai Greene out of the O???


Jun 3, 2006
Just heard on another board the Kai is out of the Olympia. He says that he's not ready, but word is that someone failed a drug test. Either way it's a freakin shame b/c that guy was looking as good as he has since stepping onto the scene.
No way, this dude's one of my favorites. I've been waiting on him to do some damage at the mr o.
Mr. O drug tests??
SInce when did they start testing the big boys???? I call bullshit!
Unless he is on parole for something and failed a drug test of that nature!
SInce when did they start testing the big boys???? I call bullshit!
Unless he is on parole for something and failed a drug test of that nature!

I read on MD the IFBB was doing some random testing, and they would suspend people if they failed. I'll try to find the link.
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I read on MD the IFBB was doing some random testing, and they would suspend people if they failed. I'll try to find the link.

Like to know what they are testing for and just how random that shit is?? because no one would pass a legit test for gear. Could be wrong here but.................:rolleyes:

Politics for sure. The will ramdomly pick the boys they do not want in this years line up, that's about as ramdom as it will get!
Yeah, supposedly the IFBB is instituting drug testing. Not sure if that is fact, but would make since for him not competing b/c is sure as hell couldn't be that he's not ready. Last few shots of him guest posing the guy looked to really have packed on some quality size. I just hope that if it is true the government is behind it, b/c if they aren't, then the IFBB is just cutting themselves off at the knees.
I read on another board that the IFBB was doing some random testing, and they would suspend people if they failed. I'll try to find the link.

my guess is any test by the ifbb would check for rec drugs, not gear

the sick irony is that up until a few years ago, greene would have been one of the few actually able to pass a random juice test.
sorry to hear, but i must say dude's added some great thickness
I read on MD the IFBB was doing some random testing, and they would suspend people if they failed. I'll try to find the link.

LOL @ "random" testing.
here is an article from MD:
IFBB Enforces Drug Policy!
Written by Dave Palumbo
Friday, 11 July 2008

The IFBB has always maintained that it has a random drug testing policy in place that all active athletes are subject to. Until now, it was always thought that this rule was just some phantom policy that was placed "on the Books" to look good for outside parties. All that changed today when I was contacted by an IFBB athlete in good standing who was sent a registered letter that informed this person that they were selected for a random drug test. As a result of this selection, they had 72 hours to report to a designated testing facility where they were required to submit a urine sample for analysis. The letter also explained that a failed drug test would result in suspension from the IFBB for a designated period of time. Furthermore, all test results, whether positive or negative, are being kept private; apparently to prevent embarrassment and/or loss of future potential income. Failure to provide urine samples within the designated 72-hour period is being considered a failed test.

Also was posted that Victor Martinez is out of the O due to his torn patellar. He felt he wasn't going to be able to show up better than last year.
it still doesn't say what they're testing for. This is the first that I'm ever hearing of this. And if it is for gear how can they justify random testing? It would be to easy to single somebody out.
Are they trying to go forward again and make Bodybuiling a olympic sport again? And thus trying to do random testings to show the olympic commities that they can police themselves? Also it would be very interesting to see "who they test" and "who they don't test". What are the odds to the top 5 guys right now "don't" get tested? But the rest of the guys that Mr. O can live without on show contest day do get tested? Interesting.
Like to know what they are testing for and just how random that shit is?? because no one would pass a legit test for gear. Could be wrong here but.................:rolleyes:

Politics for sure. The will ramdomly pick the boys they do not want in this years line up, that's about as ramdom as it will get!

completely agree, and Kai seems like the perfect candidate to be "randomly" tested because he poses a serious threat to Jay cutler.
About every kid in junior local shows is loaded to the gills and they'd like to test the O... :confused: :rolleyes:

BB is NOT a sport... since everyone does the same you don't cheat anyone when you juice... so what's wrong?

They can do what they want anyways, people will always think bodybuilders are meatheads pinning themselves all day long... our hobby will NEVER become mainstream again like it used to be in the 70's/80's :eek:

So please leave athletes alone... :cool:
top 10

The O's are by invite. They are not going to invite you and then drug test you. And how can you jump to the conclusion that because he is not competing that it has anything to do with a failed drug test? I don't see the connection.
This how BS rumors get started.
GUYS KAI HAS A BAD HERNIA.. nothing more.. he is taking time out to get it fixed.. it has nothing to do with the "drug testing".. if that were the case then all would be pulling out.. as for kai having health issues.. who knows, but i can tell ya he is having surgery to fix a hernian that has been plaguing him for quite some time.. so it has nothing to do with the so-called testing.. and nothing to do with bad health.. but, he is having surgery.. oh and by the way.. the stuff they are testing for isnt going to make many worry.. it is window dressing.. so lets not "getbig" this and jump to conclusions..
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Just heard on another board the Kai is out of the Olympia. He says that he's not ready, but word is that someone failed a drug test. Either way it's a freakin shame b/c that guy was looking as good as he has since stepping onto the scene.

heard the same about the hernia. wish him speedy recovery.

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