In good fun? Don't be disingenuous. Would you say it to his face in good fun? Would you think it was good fun if people could not forgive or forget mistakes you had made in your life? Let's be clear, the negativity I speak of is not directed at my movie...but at my friend. I can't help but get involved with my subjects. That's how I work.
In Kai Greene I see a work in process, a man who started with a deficit of all the things we take for granted, trying to re-create himself. How about we give this champion our support in that effort? Or should we continue to bring up a brief period in his life, between the time he was abused as a youngster but before the time he found his spirituality, when he walked in the fringes of society?
I know that his past will never go away, but I question the motives and maturity of those who continue to bring it up...over and over and over again. It gets tiresome.
Just sayin'.
Was not "disingenuous" at all Mike.
I said nothing negative about your movie as I said,but you want to make it personal? here we go!! As last time you came on to promote a movie,once again drama.
I can say without a doubt if you want to move up the ranks and make mainstream productions your gonna need to grow thicker skin! As your movie wasn't even critiqued,but the subject with a disquesting past was joked about and your losing your cookies!! I can't imagine how you would be reacting if a major media outlet said your work was crap?
There have been many threads on your "friend" on many boards and I don't respect someone that does that kind of shit for money!! period!! I am not going to go into details,but maybe I should to clear the air as many are probably unaware of these acts.But I wont.
You said "
I know that his past will never go away, but I question the motives and maturity of those who continue to bring it up...over and over and over again. It gets tiresome."
"Question the motives"? no motives,just have no respect for people who will try go to the top doing anything and everything with no morales or boundaries to get there.Will holding a mr. olympia trophy over your head make all those disquisting things okay? there are right and wrong ways to do things.
"Maturity"? I made a joke about a guy who fucks grapefruits by putting up a pic of grapefruits.Yeah I am way out of line mike!
I am a Father,own a home in a gated community ,provide for my family financially,emotionally ,I teach them right from wrong.Spiritually by bringing them to church on Sundays.
I have a good career.I think I am doing okay "mature" wise mike.
"Over and over and over"? once
"It gets tiresome" I'm sorry but
you chose to do a documentary on this person with these morales and convictions.He did these things Mike,nobody is talking shit or making up derogatory stories about your "friend".
I will say it again,I said nothing about your movie.You want to make it personal because I don't condone Kai Greenes way of life? okay then.