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Kidney Beans


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2011
Holy shit. Obviously I’ve always known beans are very nutrient dense. But I was just looking at making a chili and wanted to calculate the macros. This shit is wild assuming my app is correct for 100 grams. Why don’t we talk about beans more often? Is there a downside I’m not aware of?


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Legumes are the shit! Home made beans (no cans) are a staple of my diet. Black and pinto!
Sounds about right. The only problem is not many people can handle large amounts of beans
Beans are pretty rough on your digestive tract. Also some beans have "Anti-Nutrient" properties and block the absorption of certain micronutrients. I can't recall which beans specifically, I just remember reading about it a while back when I went paleo.
Beans are pretty rough on your digestive tract. Also some beans have "Anti-Nutrient" properties and block the absorption of certain micronutrients. I can't recall which beans specifically, I just remember reading about it a while back when I went paleo.
Beans contain lectins and phytic acid. And all beans contain them, some are just higher than others. Soaking overnight before cooking helps, but most people are still gonna have issues in larger amounts
Holy shit. Obviously I’ve always known beans are very nutrient dense. But I was just looking at making a chili and wanted to calculate the macros. This shit is wild assuming my app is correct for 100 grams. Why don’t we talk about beans more often? Is there a downside I’m not aware of?
I’ve wondered that too. It’s like they are never EVER mentioned as a “bodybuilding” food like other carbs. They don’t tear me up too bad at all.
I’ve wondered that too. It’s like they are never EVER mentioned as a “bodybuilding” food like other carbs. They don’t tear me up too bad at all.
But try to eat 500 grams of carbs from them a day and see what happens? They’re great for show prep, they keep you very satiated. But off season….I need all the room i can get in my stomach
But try to eat 500 grams of carbs from them a day and see what happens? They’re great for show prep, they keep you very satiated. But off season….I need all the room i can get in my stomach
Yeah I’ve never tried them as a primary source day after day……
Black beans are usually a bit easier to digest and are around 25g carbs for 120g(half cup)
Beans contain lectins and phytic acid. And all beans contain them, some are just higher than others. Soaking overnight before cooking helps, but most people are still gonna have issues in larger amounts
Soak in water and then drain prior to cooking?
Soak in water and then drain prior to cooking?
Correct. This helps with grains like oatmeal too if it gives you digestive issues. Soaking them overnight ferments them a bit and breaks down the compound that causes gas. This is why little Mexican abuelas soak them overnight. If you’re talking about canned beans….I’m not sure this would have the same effect since they’re not dry.
Beans are like many things. People often eat a bunch and have less then desirable out comes. But if they start off with smaller amounts and then ramp up their bodies learn to produce the enzymes that it needs and are better equipped to handle it. I didn't go from eating like a normal person to eating 300 grams of protein from meat over night.
Beans are like many things. People often eat a bunch and have less then desirable out comes. But if they start off with smaller amounts and then ramp up their bodies learn to produce the enzymes that it needs and are better equipped to handle it. I didn't go from eating like a normal person to eating 300 grams of protein from meat over night.
Sometimes. Not everyone is going to be able to handle the lectin and phytic acid in beans regardless of how slowly they introduce them. And personally I could never handle all the fiber you’d get from making beans a large part of your diet
Soak in water and then drain prior to cooking?
Yes, I soak all my beans overnight, even up to 24 hours with a teaspoon of salt and 1 sliced lemon. It increases the digestibility greatly and no gas. If you don't, particularly kidney and black beans will put a hurting on everyone in your general vicinity. I LOVE legumes. And they are very, very nutritious.
digestion issues for sure. Try using them as a preworkout meal, you'll understand REAL fast...
I ate chicken chili for at least a year. Probably closer to two years. I mostly used black beans and pinto beans. I find red beans harder to digest.
I love beans. Especially black beans. Throwing some black beans over rice with chicken or steak is an amazing way to hit good macros with a great taste. Let those beans coom slow with some seasonings bay leaves, garlic, onions, lime, lemon, pineapple juices, come out really good
I eat them daily. My go to meal prep consist of 4 pounds of 90/10 ground beef and two cans of organic black beans. So many different ways you can prepare them whether it be a burrito or eating a taco salad. My go to breakfast is that with 3 to 4 over easy eggs. Fast, easy, and keeps you satiated. In saying that, I’d cut it out if I was trying to bulk because it’s tough to get enough calories in because they make you feel so full.
Beans are like many things. People often eat a bunch and have less then desirable out comes. But if they start off with smaller amounts and then ramp up their bodies learn to produce the enzymes that it needs and are better equipped to handle it. I didn't go from eating like a normal person to eating 300 grams of protein from meat over night.
That’s a great point.. seems like it should be common sense but I just never thought of it this way. I need to focus more on ramping up gradually. Thanks for that

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