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Krav Maga and MMA


Sep 19, 2004
Do you think it's possible to work out hard and gain size as well as practice Krav Maga / MMA? ...or would it be better off focusing on putting more size on...then on my "Off" time practice my Krav Maga and maintain size from working out...
Yea you can gain size while training for MMA , as long as your weight training is geared toward mass gaining and your diet is on target for that , the MMA's burn alot of cals that combined with weight training would require alot of calories.
Another problem would be the ability for your body to take that kind of abuse ,I would think that any kind of mass gaining with that much cardio would require some ASS to assist your body in putting all the ext cals to use.
This is a constant struggle for me. The good thing I think about being too big/strong is you can always cut back on certain areas and change your focus to speed/endurance. I think this is easier to do then to make your focus size/strength since it takes so long. There are a lot of factors though, if you want to compete and you have a weight class decided, and let’s say you don't even need to cut weight, to make weight for that class. I think it MAY be smart to gain some size. But depending on your strengths, let’s say its speed; you may want to just drop a weight class. I'm talking as if your main priority is MMA.

MMA has became bigger then weight training/bodybuilding for me. But I still love lifting weights. I just have given up all heavy strength training for now. I try not to work shoulders too much anymore; when I do I try to do high reps mainly. They are over developed and my arms get fatigue to hold up for extending periods of time, and the last thing you want to do is drop your hands in a fight because they are getting to heavy to hold up near your chin. Triceps I also rarely train, because of my height jabs are not something I will use often, mainly to set up a hook, but I get very fatigue throwing jabs. I have been as heavy as 240, and 235 was a common weight for me in the past at 5'9". Right now I'm walking around 205lbs 8-9% bf; I have gotten down to 193lbs around 6% bf recently. I felt the best at this weight, but its hard to maintain. I couldn't hit quite as hard but I could throw a lot more punches’ total, which is more important to me. My speed and endurance was great also. For me middle weight 185lbs will always be my goal competition weight and 190-195lbs my Ideal walking weight.
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I stopped training Krav Maga becauseI was the biggest guy in my group but I would get tired out from carrying the weight.
The bigger you are the faster you get gassed , the more muscle you have the harder your lungs have to work to keep oxygen filled blood in their. I train with some guys more jst to give them somthing new to look at and to help teach me some ground game but wehn I grappel with the lighter guys its alot easier to get winded if I don't just use brute strenegth to overwhelem them.
It also depends on what you are training for. I agree with everyone that it is nearly impossible to be bodybuilding and be in top martial arts form: it is like asking can I compete on stage and then go run a full marathon -- two opposing goals.

But if you are training Krav Maga as a self-defense art, then I think you have a better chance than if you are training for 3 5-minute rounds in an MMA match. Endurance may not matter much if you are executing neck strikes, eye gouges, or using a shiv knife from the guard position on the ground. But if you are training strictly for sporting purposes, conditioning is absolutely key. I cannot prove it, but from my own experience it is usually the fighter who has more endurance that comes out on top. I personally had to drop to two workouts per week (down from 5-6 per week) when I was doing MMA in a serious way, and it helped tremendously as I lost 15 pounds of size but maintained a lot of my strength.
Sean Sherk, Matt Hughes, Quinton Jackson, Wanderli Silva, Rameau Sokoudjou, Kevin Randleman, and Melvin Guillard are all good examples of fighters who balance a muscular physique with MMA. They have just enough. Randleman I would say is the quickest fighter with a bodybuilders frame. He has perfect balance, so much potential the guy had.


  • k1.jpg
    64.9 KB · Views: 577
heres another good one, punching Quinton:


  • k2.jpg
    51.2 KB · Views: 4,920
Randleman had an awesome physic

does he still fight ?
He is attempting a comeback.

I remember seeing this on maybe the intensemuscle board mma forum. He recently signed a non exclusive deal with I can't remember what fight org, maybe Elite XC ...

Moved to Vegas and starting training if I recall at Coutures school. Sorry I cant remember specifics but I know he is making a comeback.

He had a very impressive physique. Also from the past, Mark Coleman, Mark Kerr...Vitor Belfort and of course Jeff Monson. Must be one of the most built guys in all of MMA esp considering he is 5-0 competing as a heavywt.
Jeff Monson at 5'9" and 240lbs is a freakin animal. I've seen footage of his training and it is absolutely insane. I don't think the average person who has put a lot of muscle on their frame can train to compete in MMA seriously, and continue to bulk up. That being said their are exceptions, and I think genetics has a lot to do with it
Randleman's a horrible example. He gasses so quickly.

Muscle requires oxygen. Not saying don't build mass, I'm just saying don't make it a priority if you plan on competing. When I compete, I always have a clean diet. I never worry about bulking or cutting. I eat to supply my body for the days training to come, and it allows me to usually compete between 245lbs-255lbs verrrrry comfortably at a bf% 15-18%. Couldn't care less how I look physically on the mat or ring. Cardio. Cardio. Cardio. People have a misconception that you have to have super low BF to have good cardio/stamina. Very untrue. I'm 6'5, and walk around at 280-290lbs. Comp time, with about 3 months prep I usually come down to around the range I previously mentioned.
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