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Latimus Border States pictures


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Featured Member
Oct 5, 2008
hey guys I just got back from the border states. I ended up losing a close one in the Open Heavyweights. I ended up 2nd place and qualified again for nationals. I had the best condiction and he had more size. Tough Call. I really just need more size! I figure I am still 25years old and the gains will come I just need to be patient!! Here are some pics my wife took with a regular camera from the crowd. I will post some in the next post also

My training partner also placed 2nd in the open light heavies. He also lost a very close one. I will get some of his pictures up also.


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excellent conditioning - great job - you have freaky rectus femoris..

Few more shots


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excellent conditioning - great job - you have freaky rectus femoris..


THanks JOhn! anything positive coming from you is big insipiration for me!!

Also I wanted to say it was Great to meet some of the Pro muscle guys down there.

Big MIke was down there and nearly won the overall! He looked great. nice guy! it was also nice to meet alex a and socal photo. everyone in the show was really nice!
THanks JOhn! anything positive coming from you is big insipiration for me!!

Also I wanted to say it was Great to meet some of the Pro muscle guys down there.

Big MIke was down there and nearly won the overall! He looked great. nice guy! it was also nice to meet alex a and socal photo. everyone in the show was really nice!

Hey latimus, clear your PM inbox! It was great meeting you and your training partner at the show. I'll sort through my photos and post some up if you'd like me to.
A few shots from the prejudging. Some of the same shots that latimus already posted, just from a different angle.

Front relaxed.


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Quarter turn - side. I didn't realize it until I looked at the photos, but latimus had excellent conditioning.


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Great pictures, and congrats on your placing. I would like to see the guy that beat you. a little more size with that conditioning and you will be a serious force. congratulations again.
Nice job Lats. Great conditioning and your right...just more size, but hell we all need that.
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THanks JOhn! anything positive coming from you is big insipiration for me!!

Also I wanted to say it was Great to meet some of the Pro muscle guys down there.

Big MIke was down there and nearly won the overall! He looked great. nice guy! it was also nice to meet alex a and socal photo. everyone in the show was really nice!

Hey Joel! It was definitely cool to meet and hang out with you and your bro Addison this weekend! Congrats on a good showing from both you and him and good luck to you both in the future!

Here is a the pic we took together backstage!

Hey Joel! It was definitely cool to meet and hang out with you and your bro Addison this weekend! Congrats on a good showing from both you and him and good luck to you both in the future!

Here is a the pic we took together backstage!

View attachment 40473

yah man. awesome to meet you and your wife mike. It was great to be able to pick ur brain a bit at the show and get feedback from someone with your calibur physique. Addison and I were very tickeled and humbled by the whole experience.

awesome picture of us. thx. ur dwarfing us!! LOL keep in touch!
Excellent conditioning, lat. Great job, and congrats on the qualification. You're a champ.
Wow - amazing showing, dude! Can't believe how fukkin wide you are! grats on the win and conditioning - amazing accomplishment at 25 - you will go on to do some serious damage in this sport! - BTW - what's your other stats?
Hey bro,

you where ripped to the have the conditioning game down..but just need to put on the muscle to be a top NPC guy...In the pics, I seen you look a bit drawn or over dieted..I would like to see what your offseason conditioning looks like...I would bet you lost a little bit of muscle coming down...You have the tools to be damn good...and time is on your side...So continue to do what your doing and im sure we will be seeing ya on the national stage soon...:D
Shredded conditioning:headbang: Congrats and you looked great! Like they said, with added muscle and that type of stage conditioning, watch out:eek:

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