LBAs Rock!
It's liquid 3 or 4 times a day- many people here seem to be taking 3 tablespons mixed into some water, 3 or 4 times a day... I did that then got lazy and just chug a few gullps out of bottle with a water or a Vitamin Water chaser. I have replaced all my shakes withi for now - 1/2 to 2/3 a bottle day. I've only tried chocolate, but it tastes good, kind of like drinking Hersey's Syrup so you need to wash it down, but tasty.
I've only been on about 10 days but I've stopped all protein powders for now, feel great (stomach discomfort at first as I reported ealiers, but that was notthe LBAs,Iam preety sure.
Give it a try- 1/2 bottle is about $8 and I know I spent that much between protein powder and tuna. I trust Phil and don't think he would be promoting some crap to make $$$.