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New member
Nov 12, 2010
So I bought a bottle in every flavor but the taste is pretty rough. I like Phils mix of chocolate in coffee. Anyone got any other mixing tricks to make it taste better?
I just got mine today and I think the chocolate is awesome. Probably is good with coffee. I havent tried mixing it with anything though sry can't help you out bro. I also got coconut cuz that was the other flavor I heard people say was good. I steered away from the others cause I heard they werent good or wasnt enough feedback on them, better safe than sry...
Chocolate is great as a stand alone.

Have tried Grape and Lime aswell.
Mixed them in Crystal Light or a matching flavor of sugar free Powerade Zero (was better than the crystal light).

never tried the vanilla nor Coconut
Chocolate is good mixed, but for me after a while it's too sweet.
Coconut is where it's at. Mixed, alone, always tastes good.
Vanilla isn't too bad either.
I think the trick is to switch back and forth so you don't get tired of one flavor.
LBA's are business, not pleasure. ;)
LBA's are great. try grape in 7 up diet if you are watching carbs. I also think that grape taste like big league chew by itself. vanilla is good too.

I agree lbas are business not pleasure
Never had an issue with the taste of them I think they are great.
the chocolate is off the chain as a stand alone to me,i think there is a thread on here,try searching lba recipes
I started off with the coconut mixed with water to drink throughout workout. Drizzled over hot oatmeal in the morning is off the hook! This time I switched to lime, now everytime I drink it I need to remind myself that it's "business not pleasure". I can't wait to go back to coconut.:(
Grape and Lime ideas

Chocolate is great as a stand alone.

Have tried Grape and Lime aswell.
Mixed them in Crystal Light or a matching flavor of sugar free Powerade Zero (was better than the crystal light).

never tried the vanilla nor Coconut

Yeah, I mix the grape and lime with Gatorade of matching flavor and use as drink DURING workout. Crystal Lite would work too, I'm sure.
vanilla is great

I actually prefer vanilla LBA to chocolate even though I love chocolate ice cream, etc.

Vanilla has this molasses-like flavor and goes well on all sorts of stuff. My wife made some crepes the other day, and the vanilla went great as a syrup. I like it with Greek yogurt.

As for the chocolate lba, I mostly take that straight. This is good stuff I think.
Chocolate mixed with Raw milk is great , I use the vanilla mixed with watter and sipped through the day.
I have used cocnut and vanilla both as syrup on egg white/oatmeal pancakes.

I just ran out of my tub of BCAA's , I may try using the LBA's an an intra workout drink for a few weeks and see how that does
I've only tried the Lime and Chocolate so far. Lime was horrible by itself. I tried mixing it with diet sevenup but it just doesn't mix well enough. The chocolate is bearable for a few sips straight, but tastes pretty good in milk.
I may try some vanilla too. Can't do coconut because I hate the flavor to begin with.
The chocolate lba's I mix in the following:
hot chocolate
bowl of oatmeal
bowl of cereal

The lime lba's I mix in both hot tea and ice tea. To do ice tea, I warm about a half cup of the tea in a microwave before adding the lba's to get it to dissolve and mix. Then I mix this solution with the rest of the ice tea in a glass. Personally, the ice tea method is my favorite. I drink several of these a day.
How come their are no scientific studies with lean beef aminos, when searching through google scholar or something like that? Just wondering. I am about to order some with TP after christmas. Will be my first go with them. Can't wait!:D

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