And we can all thank Big A for having the balls
to let us discuss these issues openly. Some boards are just too paranoid and that really creates a diservice to the community.
I only took a glance at the Red Star newpaper story above but like I said average doesn't get you very far. I don't care how nice of a guy he was he was his own worst enemy.
He wasn't anonymous!!! and in 2006!!!
We have known for years that you don't recieve customer payments in the mail. If I get a payment address in the US for you and if I want to bad enough I can get up close and personal. Even if you have someone else picking up, you better hope they can never ID you because your payment reciever who you are paying $10 a payment to collect for you is going to roll.
And don't tell me you only give your addy to your most trusted bro's! you are a fool, there aren't those kind of friends if you are sourcing. When you retire you can have close friends on the board, but until you do, they are aquaintenances. Your supplier should be the only one who has your addy and if he is domestic you still have a small vulnerablity here.
You don't have thousands and thousands of tabs in your home. The only place you should ever get popped is picking up from a mailbox and if you are sharp enough that should never happen. If you get popped picking up that is all you get popped with and maybe some past seizures if you had some, but your house, your computer, your bank account, is squeaky clean.
You don't have phucking guns in your possesion if you are sourcing. You are an idiot, that is an enhancement of 5 years although it usually will get negotiated out with the plea. but you still gave the prosecuter leverage to phuck you.
So about the only thing on the surface he did right was he wasn't bathing in cash!! However he had better hope he was a master in concealment as I am sure they dug far and wide knowing the volume and the time he was sourcing.
It is anonymous sourcing and if you are a source that doesn't understand this, then you better get out now or change your ways.
Sorry, I have seen to many guys phuck up and I am not going to hold back when there is so much at stake.
You don't have to be perfect and we all make serious errors in judgement. just don't be stupid.
If you don't understand this and are