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Big A

IFBB PRO/NPC JUDGE/Administrator
Staff member
Jun 4, 2002
Who has experiences with this?
How did it interact with your gear, especially with your 17aa orals?
Were its results satisfactory?
this is a cholesterol med correct?

My dad used to take this and it raised his liver values slightly. Not to mention this, he got bad side effects as far as feeling very lousy, run down, tired and sick. he has fibromyilga (sp?) and he said it made his joints ache more as well.

he no longer takes it
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I've been on it for awhile and noticed no sides at all, either when off or on. I can't say for sure about interactions with AS, but I don't know of any. Maybe on orals you might want to watch your liver, as I think Lipitor can sometimes have some effect on your liver, but it hasn't done anything to my liver readings (I get checked fairly regularly).
Both my parents have used it with great success, however as Conan21 said it did raise their liver counts a little. Other than that they where both fine. Sorry I can't be of any more help as far as useing it with gear.

let me restate

that it only raised values slightly and that was no concern. but he swears that it made him feel horrible while on it and the symptoms went away when he stopped taking.

but it did do its job.
I used it to lower my cholesterol. After about 3 months, I weaned myself off it because it was making my joints hurt and my muscles cramp, common side effects.
Right... so it's not something that can be used year round?
I am using the gear year round, and we all know what it does to the cholesterol levels, so I am looking at making the levels healthier.
Any other meds out there that can do the job without the sides or interactions?
Big A , I have known several bodybuilders that have used this and it caused strange muscle cramps that looked like bad site injections. Try naicin , fiber supp daily , and that should help quite abit ......drugs are not always the my friend . Now get your wheels turning come up with a new supp to market .......and I am being serious .It would do well, I have some other ideas for new products as well ......I hope is well Big A , I am very glad that you taking care of that health .

From what I can tell from the research I've done this is a better option and it looks like it can be taken year round.

Ezetimibe reduces the amount of cholesterol absorbed by the body. It's used to reduce the amount of total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B (a protein needed to make cholesterol) in the blood. It's used with a low cholesterol diet.

What are the possible side effects of ezetimibe?
If you experience an uncommon allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of the throat; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; or hives), stop taking ezetimibe and seek emergency medical attention.
Other, less serious side effects have also been reported, although uncommon. Continue to take ezetimibe and talk to your doctor if you experience, abdominal pain, diarrhea or tiredness.
Side effects other than those listed here may also occur. Talk to your doctor about any side effect that seems unusual or that is especially bothersome.

Hope this helps

but then again the theme is always this, to fix my ailment ive gotten from drugs, i must add another drug to fix it, and thus a never ending cycle. aint it great?
If you take Lipitor or any other cholesterol med you need to supplement with CoQ 10. That will help with the lousy feeling and muscle weakness. For a natural cholesterol lowering supp try policosanol. Stuff works great with no sides.
Big A I have been in the pharmaceuitcal business for 2 yeard and have spoken to alot of dr. about these types of meds. The one they recommend for bodybuilders are tricor and niaspan- both have no side effects like muscle weakness or fatique and are safer on the liver. Lipitor or zocor are not one I would recommend.

With your cholesterol is it low hdl?
physiqueartist said:
Big A I have been in the pharmaceuitcal business for 2 yeard and have spoken to alot of dr. about these types of meds. The one they recommend for bodybuilders are tricor and niaspan- both have no side effects like muscle weakness or fatique and are safer on the liver. Lipitor or zocor are not one I would recommend.

With your cholesterol is it low hdl?

I would agree with Tricor, but you have to be careful with Niacin and Niaspan. It would come down to your dose of each and what you are actually trying to do (ie lower LDL or raise HDL). Either way you are going to make sure you follow your liver values. And, what type of orals are you going to be taking and what doses?

If you want to give any details on current lipids values I can point you in the right direction -- I have worked in the lipid management field for several years.
I've found that while cycling my LDL always stayed low (good) but my HDL was depressed very low (bad) too. Lipitor won't help with that. That is where the Naispan comes into play. Unforunately, that sunburn feel when the nacin is released sucks big time. I seem to react badly to it.
Low HDL is what got Mike Matarazzo (sp?) in trouble. I think he said his was near zero! Dead man walking at that point. Mine was down in the high teens. Not good.
Homer said:
I've found that while cycling my LDL always stayed low (good) but my HDL was depressed very low (bad) too. Lipitor won't help with that. That is where the Naispan comes into play. Unforunately, that sunburn feel when the nacin is released sucks big time. I seem to react badly to it.
Low HDL is what got Mike Matarazzo (sp?) in trouble. I think he said his was near zero! Dead man walking at that point. Mine was down in the high teens. Not good.

Have you tried taking a baby aspirin and / or yogart 30 minutes prior to taking the Niaspan? This helps a lot of people. Are you taking it at night?

You can also look into using something like Glugophage (Metformin) to help with the HDL.
No, I didn't but I will if you say it helps I will. :)
I will have to research the Glucophage.

Homer said:
No, I didn't but I will if you say it helps I will. :)
I will have to research the Glucophage.


Both of these will help with the flushing / itchiness that most experience. Niaspan is a great drug but riddled with unpleasant side effects. How much are you taking?
Hell, I had trouble at 500mg. I quit when I stopped AS a year ago due to injury. My HDL has come up but is still low. Last test I believe it was 35.
Homer said:
Hell, I had trouble at 500mg. I quit when I stopped AS a year ago due to injury. My HDL has come up but is still low. Last test I believe it was 35.

That is not horrible -- depending on what your LDL is. Obviously you have a low tolerance to Niaspan. The baby aspirin may help.

I have worked with people that take upwards to 2500 mg with no problems. Others like you have trouble with the smallest dose.
I'm having a new blood test next week, just before I begin the orals, and I'll post the results.
Usually, both my LDL and HDL are low.

I can't handle niacin at all. Makes me itchy and blotchy as hell at any dose.

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