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looking for a new split.


Active member
Jan 18, 2009
i am looking to start a new workout split. have been doing high intensity type training for about 5 months and made great gains in strength and some size but the workouts are getting redundant and i might pick up some volume training for a change.

can you guys post your workout split and explain why you like it and why you think it works ?
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Here is one I have done in the past.

I liked it. I am no expert and I think some folks are afraid to answer your request.

Friday-abs cardio am......biceps/forarms pm
Satuday- quads am.......hams calf pm
Sunday....chest am........traps medial delts cardio pm
Tuesday....abs/cardio am..........back pm
Wednesday..cardio am....Triceps/ calf pm

I think it worked well and I am going to start doing it again this week. I have been doing chest shoulders tris....legs ....back and bi's and I am getting bored just like you are. lol
check out the german volume training (pretty sure thats the name) i did it last winter with a guy at my gym its only 4 or 6 weeks long and really kicked my ass i would give that a try to check out something new
there is also a modified german volume training set up by christian Thibidou (spelling?) that I used and made some pretty good strength gains with.
I liked it. I am no expert and I think some folks are afraid to answer your request.

Friday-abs cardio am......biceps/forarms pm
Satuday- quads am.......hams calf pm
Sunday....chest am........traps medial delts cardio pm
Tuesday....abs/cardio am..........back pm
Wednesday..cardio am....Triceps/ calf pm

I think it worked well and I am going to start doing it again this week. I have been doing chest shoulders tris....legs ....back and bi's and I am getting bored just like you are. lol

i would love to try this but i just cant get to the gym 2wice a day. i like the idea of getting a break between the bodyparts in the same day.

this is how my training has been it is chest/back legs arms/delts for the past 5-6 months.

for chest i do flat bench i pyramid up to a challenging weight and then do a rest puase or a drop set with it. then i move on to back which is bent over rows followed by pullups or machine rows. everything low volume to failure. i occasionally through in heavy deads and shrugs.

for legs i do squats i pyramid up then a drop set(3-4 back to back) all to failure. then finish with leg curls and calf raises.

for arms i start with close grip bp pyramid up with a rest puase at the end or a drop set. then i do the same with dips. i finish with biceps standing curls and finish preachers. for shoulders i do side laterals i feel the front head gets worked enough from pressing. for the rear delts i do rows to the chest or bent reverse flies.
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If you want to change, shake things up, then why think in terms of a split?

Just workout your entire body every other day. I suspect you will have to
reduce the volume but your frequency will go up. It will take some getting
used to but if you can do this, wrap you brain around it and stay focused,
many a great physique has been built by doing this.

But if you want to split things up, try every other day, do upper and lower body.

Or do upper one day, lower the next. Then take a day off. And take two days
off for the weekend. Next to a 3X per week routine, this was very result producing
routine for me but I can't stand going to the gym that often anymore, even if it's
only an extra one day a week.

Don't have much, if any, experience with other combinations. I tend to have
better "results" when I take a day off between weight training sessions. Again,
my best results occurred on a 3X per week routine. And I still try that now and
again, but my workouts get to be too long as I'm spending more and more time
warming up. Can't just jump in like I used to when I was younger.

Hope this helps . .

this is actually what i was thinking . i was thinking of benching rowing deading and squating 3 times a week. and throwing in some isos at the end with 4 sets for everything
5 Day Split

I see alot of people mentioning a 5 day program. I like this idea, but how do you set it up as to not overtrain certain areas like biceps, and triceps? by 5 day I mean mon-Fri, with weekends off.
My 5 day split...

My 5 day routine goes like this:

Monday Shoulders
Tuesday Biceps/Triceps
Wednesday Legs
Thursday Chest
Friday Back

Hitting bodyparts in this order keeps me from working anything two days in a row. Been doing this for the last 6 months and it's working great. Moderately high volume (for me anyway) 8-12 working sets per bodypart.
Thanks dude, the day after I do shoulders my triceps are a little sore, because I do standing military press, I guess I could tweak this and do triceps on Chest day and shoulder day, but this looks like a good template.
It's going to be difficult to completely spread out each bodypart without adding another rest day during the week and training once during the weekend. That split does a pretty good job for me though.
Nothing has worked for me like the classic


I also modify it sometimes and make shoulders and traps a seperate day.

I've tried a lot of things and always find myself falling back on this classic split that never fails me.
i am seeing more results on DC training than anything else ever. strength going up, getting leaner, getting bigger.

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