If you want to change, shake things up, then why think in terms of a split?
Just workout your entire body every other day. I suspect you will have to
reduce the volume but your frequency will go up. It will take some getting
used to but if you can do this, wrap you brain around it and stay focused,
many a great physique has been built by doing this.
But if you want to split things up, try every other day, do upper and lower body.
Or do upper one day, lower the next. Then take a day off. And take two days
off for the weekend. Next to a 3X per week routine, this was very result producing
routine for me but I can't stand going to the gym that often anymore, even if it's
only an extra one day a week.
Don't have much, if any, experience with other combinations. I tend to have
better "results" when I take a day off between weight training sessions. Again,
my best results occurred on a 3X per week routine. And I still try that now and
again, but my workouts get to be too long as I'm spending more and more time
warming up. Can't just jump in like I used to when I was younger.
Hope this helps . .