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Losing a TON of size


Active member
Jan 26, 2011
Well guys I'm out at the oil rigs roughneckin and even tho I'm on test I'm still losing a lot of size. I've lost 25 lbs in 12 weeks most of it muscle.
The main reason is diet. I just can't eat as much as I need to I don't always have the time.
So this is my plan of attack: bumping up my dosages and lots of weight gainer shakes.
Cycle looks like this:
1-4/9-12/17-20- 100mg drol Ed
1-24 600mg test cyp weekly
1-24 150mg test prop eod
1-8/13-20 100mg tren ace eod
1-8/13-20 100mg masteron eod
1-24 5iu hgh am every day
1-24 100mcg ghrp-6 before bed
10iu insulin 1 wk on 1 wk off pw
50mcg igf-1 DES 1 wk on 1 wk off
(slin and igf will alternate. 1 week slin 1 week igf.)
I can't do slin on week that I'm at work, to risky with not being able to get my meals in frequently so I'll do igf on week that I'm at work. I work 7 days on 7 days off.
I will eat 3 whole food meals a day and 2-3 weight gain shakes consisting of
55g protein/145g carbs/17g fat each shake.

I guess my main concern is how I plan on incorporating slin and igf in mini cycles. I would normally alternate 4 weeks with each. I guess this thread would be more suitable for the hgh/peptides section but I already started typing so it's goin here now!:p
Please critique!
Instead of masking the issue fix it. Drugs won't fix the weight loss except by water retention IMO...

Some weeks I have 24/7 free time others literally 0 hours. MRP shakes have become a staple in my diet. A minimum of 2 a day max of 4.

I use serious mass. 1/2 serving + 1 scoop of whey + 1 scoop egg protein powder. 75 grams of protein 125 grams carbs around 5 grams of fat

Are you cruising right now or off completely?
Instead of masking the issue fix it. Drugs won't fix the weight loss except by water retention IMO...

Some weeks I have 24/7 free time others literally 0 hours. MRP shakes have become a staple in my diet. A minimum of 2 a day max of 4.

I use serious mass. 1/2 serving + 1 scoop of whey + 1 scoop egg protein powder. 75 grams of protein 125 grams carbs around 5 grams of fat

Are you cruising right now or off completely?

Cruising right now at 250mg week test cyp. I agree with what your saying tho. It's just sometimes a meal is impossible to get in, so yes shakes will be a staple in my arsenal as well. Tren has always had the reputation of adding lean muscle tissue even when on a calorie restricted diet, so that's why I have it in there, normally I run deca and use tren while cutting.
My hopes are that even if I'm still a bit under what I should be consuming calorie wise, that the addition of the extra aas will help keep me in a anabolic state. I would normally bash anyone for following this principle, but I feel as if it's my only option. I have lost so much fullness and development, I'm embarrassed to even take off my shirt! :(
My other worry is that even if I'm consuming enough calories, that I'm putting to much of a constant workload on my body that without the addition of all the growth and aas- I won't recover properly

3months ago I was:
10% bf
5'8" tall
28 years old

9% bf
5'8" tall
28 years old

I blast and cruise, blasts usually about 2g total gear weekly
Cruises are 200-250mg test only weekly
Been on aas for 3 years now.
I work out heavy 4 days a week at home and light 3 days a week while I'm gone at work
For what its worth..

Im not an advocate of adding gear to compensate for diet, but if its time for a cycle then its time. You can take as much gear as you want but without food, you will not grow.

The most anabolic compound you can put in your body is food.

I personally would cut that cycle back quite a bit (to save some money and my body) and add some weight gainer. Obviously your profession is physically demanding and you burn a ton of calories per day, therefore I would fix that first.

Regarding alternating slin and igf one week on and one week off, I don't see much benefit in cycling igf that way, so I would drop the slin and just run the igf.

You have a very well put together cycle, which leads me to assume you know what you are doing and in the end you know what works best for you.

Good Luck!
Maybe you could write and ask viator. That was his gig back in the day too. T
bump the test up to 750 for 5 weeks, if ur getting those shakes in it should be all u need man
when you say oil riggin are you on land riggin or off shore at sea!????
I assume at sea...

Amplify shakes work for me. 3x/day.
out of curosity how often are you able to eat? the reason i ask is because i worked off shore back in the day,if i worked 12 hours i would eat 3 meals,if i worked 18 hours i would eat 4,and i am talking about each time was basically an all you could eat buffett,hell on steak day i would eat 2 steaks at 1 meal,i guess my point is if it was set-up like it was when i worked off shore you can get alot of calories in 3 meals.
out of curosity how often are you able to eat? the reason i ask is because i worked off shore back in the day,if i worked 12 hours i would eat 3 meals,if i worked 18 hours i would eat 4,and i am talking about each time was basically an all you could eat buffett,hell on steak day i would eat 2 steaks at 1 meal,i guess my point is if it was set-up like it was when i worked off shore you can get alot of calories in 3 meals.

Yea I wish we had it like that! Gotta bring my own food from home. I buy a big block of roast beef and portion it out into 6oz servings for sandwiches and freeze it.8 whole Eggs n 4 pancakes for breakfast with milk n oj
6oz roast beef on ww bread n chips and Gatorade for lunch,
chicken or steak and 2 cups sweet potatoes for dinner with veggie
Casein n peanut butter before bed
This is how I've been eating since I've been out there and losing weight like crazy. Hopefully the addition of 2-3 weight gain shakes in between will get me up in weight a bit.
If for some reason I don't have enough time in the day I will compensate with some shakes just to meet protein needs.. Throw in a cup of egg whites natty pb and 4 scoops of weight gainer..pretty good amount of calories..try that out..
your cycle looks like a great cycle..some would say too much.
That cycle will def lean you out..might not add weight..
you could just simplify that to 1000g's test 100 mg adrol. gh.but its your cycle..
I think jars of peanut butter should be your friend to meet your caloric intake requirement on your work days, especially if you are so active your mashing thru major calories plus will have gh to help with keeping the fat metabolized... definitely need to use the fats for energy to your advantage.. hell if you get tired of the pb then make your shakes using half/half or whipping cream/heavy cream... seriously, the fat content is what will help keep the calories up...

talking about all this fat intake actually reminds me of a NatGeo show I seen recently about eskimos and when they go for a hunt for weeks at a time, they would survive off cured whale/seal blubber as their primary souce of calories/energy to keep there body fueled while out for their 3 week etc long trek..
Is roughnecking part of your long term plan or just a temporary thing like for the next year or so?

I ask b/c hard labor like that can just be a bitch no way around it, and it really comes down to calories. I'd be packing whey / peanut butter / dextrose shakes to drink if it was a possibility. But even with adequate nutitrition its hard to maintain a "bodybuilder like" physique under truly hard labor conditions....

If it were me, and this was just a temporary phase I would just cruise or come off completely and try not to worry about it, view it as a time to focus on brinign in some money and setting yourself up better in life, and then when its over you can hit it hard again and your body will respond quickly.

Just my 2 cents on what i would do in this situation
how about jus bump your test up to 400mgs weekly, start eating more, and wait until you can stall your weight loss (muscle loss)

once uve done that, then consider a cycle plan, becoz then ull know how much more ull need to eat to gain the weight u want

thats wat id personaly do
let me know if i understood this right, you were blasting and were 20lb heavier and now you are cruising and you lost muscle and you wonder what happened? is this correct
let me know if i understood this right, you were blasting and were 20lb heavier and now you are cruising and you lost muscle and you wonder what happened? is this correct

I've only been cruising for 6 weeks now. That is not why I have lost so much weight though bro. I have been blasting and cruising for almost 3 years straight now and the most I have lost during a cruise was about 5-8 lbs.
Diet and hard labor are the contributing factors to why I have lost so much weight now.
Welcome to my world: Its all about cals in versus cals out, gears second.

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