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Low carb :(


New member
Nov 9, 2005
Man how long does it F#$kin take for your body to adapt to really low or no carbs throughout the week. Im at the end of week two and i feel like shit and am very irritable!!!!lol
For me I go basically to zero carbs from day one. Restrict myself to chicken, tuna and steak nothing else.

I up the protein and the good fats and start taking caffine and ephedrine and T3 and really do not feel much stress. I do get that shaky feeling sometimes but usually only after 2 or 3 days. I am guessing this is when I have gone into ketosis but never anything too bad. Maybe it just means I am too carb sensative lol

I read someone (maybe Big A or Big Kiwi) say you can do 4IUS of slin every 3 or 4 hour 3 times and will put you into ketosis faster. I will give that a try next time.

With that said tomorrow and Sunday are carb up days YUMMYYYYYYYYYYYYY

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3IU Hum-R every 4 hours with no carbs will bring you in ketosis within 8 to 12 hours. So you will feel like crap only during that time.
Big A said:
3IU Hum-R every 4 hours with no carbs will bring you in ketosis within 8 to 12 hours. So you will feel like crap only during that time.

I knew it was one of ya big bastards :jumpin:-s
StoryOfTheYear said:
Man how long does it F#$kin take for your body to adapt to really low or no carbs throughout the week. Im at the end of week two and i feel like shit and am very irritable!!!!lol

without the aid of slin, about 3-4 days it will take to be in ketosis. If its been 2 weeks, you should be well into it by now, and seeing weight loss results, unless your bulking on that, then i would say your protein and fat ratio should be significantly raised.
I swore by low carbs for losing fat but I think it's utter crap now, you feel like shit, you can't think 100% anymore and fat loss goes just as fast with more as with less carbs, you only hold more fluid so it SEEMS like you're getting leaner faster with no carbs but that's an illusion obviously
Moen said:
I swore by low carbs for losing fat but I think it's utter crap now, you feel like shit, you can't think 100% anymore and fat loss goes just as fast with more as with less carbs, you only hold more fluid so it SEEMS like you're getting leaner faster with no carbs but that's an illusion obviously

It is indeed very good to lose fat when doin a ketogenic diet, but like you said, you are so out of energy, its hard to do anythin, like go to the gym, which will be catabolic. Recommend somethin like a ton of caffeine or one hell of a energy supp, for the long haul.
when i start my spring/summer diet, i will have to try the 4iu of humalin-r and see how that works. sounds like a damn good idea to me. ill wake up at 7am and hit the 3iu a few times and by 7pm i should be in ketogenic mode. :D

Im mainly doing it to lose fat. Another reason is because ive never done low-carb anything before and i wanted to see how my body reacts to it as far as fat loss and how much muscle i hold on to. Oh by the way today was my carb up day! :D
StoryOfTheYear said:
Im mainly doing it to lose fat. Another reason is because ive never done low-carb anything before and i wanted to see how my body reacts to it as far as fat loss and how much muscle i hold on to. Oh by the way today was my carb up day! :D

Good, i highly advise a carb up day once a week at least. It will refill glycogen levels, and help fight catabolism. Also, if you want to ensure that muscle loss is at an all time minimum, i would recommend u use some form of AAS to help. Nothing to fancy, and nothin that bloats you. I would recommend var or primo, or even a small dose of prop.
alo5603 said:
Good, i highly advise a carb up day once a week at least. It will refill glycogen levels, and help fight catabolism. Also, if you want to ensure that muscle loss is at an all time minimum, i would recommend u use some form of AAS to help. Nothing to fancy, and nothin that bloats you. I would recommend var or primo, or even a small dose of prop.

yeah, im actually looking into that right now.:)
Is fruit ok on low/no carb diets? Because pineapple and cottage cheese is great!!

Let me not be your source of dieting info (by a long shot) but I would think pineapple would be a moderately bad move right there. IronMike :D
StoryOfTheYear said:
Is fruit ok on low/no carb diets? Because pineapple and cottage cheese is great!!

cottage cheese is good, but fruit shouldnt be introduced, unless its only pwo, and then in moderation anyway. Too much sugars in em, but i agree, there both hella good.
I eat fruit with every meal (apples, pineapple, bananas, oranges, pears) and lose fat no problem with no cardio. You just need a balanced diet.

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