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Mast to test ratio vs primo to test ratio


New member
Nov 9, 2022
Hi all,

I'm trying to plan out my spring cutting cycle and am curious about masterons ability to control estradiol vs primo. I just finished a test and primo cycle and I found 1:1 ratio really brought my estradiol level down but when I brought test up to 1.25:1 primo ratio I felt amazing with a super high libido. I want to save a little money and try masteron with a low dose test of 200mg per week. Should i keep the same ratio of 1:1 or do higher test to mast? Is estrogen control simular to primo?
No the estrogen control isn’t similar.

Test primo at 1:1 nuked my e2. Killed my sex drive and made me feel like shit.

Mast I can run 5x higher than test and have absolutely zero issue other than looking flat.
No the estrogen control isn’t similar.

Test primo at 1:1 nuked my e2. Killed my sex drive and made me feel like shit.

Mast I can run 5x higher than test and have absolutely zero issue other than looking flat.
Thank you!
What dosage of test will you be using?
What dosage of test will you be using?
Just planned on 200 test per week. It's a little higher than my 160 mg trt dose. I only want to get to 12% bf so don't need high doses. I'm probably 18% bf now. Also running 80 mg per week nandrole for joints.
Just planned on 200 test per week. It's a little higher than my 160 mg trt dose. I only want to get to 12% bf so don't need high doses. Also running 80 mg per week nandrole for joints.
Nice I would stick to around 1 to 1. I was on 200 test 200 mast all last spring and loved it.
Hi all,

I'm trying to plan out my spring cutting cycle and am curious about masterons ability to control estradiol vs primo. I just finished a test and primo cycle and I found 1:1 ratio really brought my estradiol level down but when I brought test up to 1.25:1 primo ratio I felt amazing with a super high libido. I want to save a little money and try masteron with a low dose test of 200mg per week. Should i keep the same ratio of 1:1 or do higher test to mast? Is estrogen control simular to primo?
Usually i cut on 750 Sust 500 Tren 500 Mast, so i keep mast a tad lower than the Test and dont need any AIs, just 20 Nolvadex or 60 Raloxifene for my gyno.
Usually i cut on 750 Sust 500 Tren 500 Mast, so i keep mast a tad lower than the Test and dont need any AIs, just 20 Nolvadex or 60 Raloxifene for my gyno.
Wow...that's a lot of gear. At my level of development I probably don't need more than 200 test 200 mast. I also have preexisting gyno so the primo was awesome to run with test.
Mast typically blocks estrogen more than lowers it in a lot of people. You'll only know how much for you if you try it. I tend to get bad acne if my estrogen is high with DHTs
Wow...that's a lot of gear. At my level of development I probably don't need more than 200 test 200 mast. I also have preexisting gyno so the primo was awesome to run with test.
Sorry mate the doses were just to explain.

Use the doses that are right for you.
I am 6' 246lbs and using gear since 7y.

Imho primo suppresses estrogen more than masteron.
I prefer to mix EQ and Masteron, instead of using Primo, which is pretty weak, expensive and easy to counterfeit.
Sorry mate the doses were just to explain.

Use the doses that are right for you.
I am 6' 246lbs and using gear since 7y.

Imho primo suppresses estrogen more than masteron.
I prefer to mix EQ and Masteron, instead of using Primo, which is pretty weak, expensive and easy to counterfeit.
Got it! I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes.
ran primo 1:1 test

felt like shit - tired - low sex drive
I've been using Mast during my bulk to keep estrogen under control along with some of the other positive things it has to offer, not really using it to harden up. Got some info on another thread, someone recommended 3 to 1 or even 4 to 1 Test to Mast. I started 3 to 1 and am moving this week to a little less than 2 to 1 to see how I respond. This was a test for me to see how I reacted to the sides (mainly hair loss) so I've been adjusting every couple of weeks. I suggest you do the same since all of us will react different. Good luck.

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