I have seen this problem for many years and there is only one solution ;ALL of the pros must get managers and say hey we ar not going to take it anymore,either we make x amount of cash or we arent doing anything and i mean good money for competing and more for me to endorse your poducts.yes it could blow up in there faces (its that thinking that holds them back now) but I dont think Weider is going to want to lose everthing or BOb Kennedy,the money is definetly there,no one will argue that,I am more than sure that could give up a few million a year if there backs were up against the wall;Its called business folks.If there only choice was a litle less or nothing ,what would they choose.Now you are in control.And the supplent companies come on they are making billions and paying a few thousand, F that I want my share it sells because of me,now I want my piece.Now im not sayingit is just that simple ,it will take a massive amout of coordinating ,thats why you need the managers they know how to negotiate, thats what they do .All sports have had to organize at one time,if the b.b.want it they are going to have to bite the bullet.But the problem is the top 10 guys are making a living and they dont want to jeperdize that,they are the problem.Hey Im not making some big revilation here.Im sure everyone has known this for a very long time ,If the top 10 will stand up and say f you we want our fair share the rest will follow .the money is there ,they just need to be smart enough to get it.And dont think Weider,Kennedy,and all the suppliment companies arent looking at us thiking those b.b. are some real stupid mother f's we are making billions and we dont have to give them nothing because they are to dumb to figure out how to get it.See WEider,Kenndy and the suppliment companies are businesses and until the b.b. stop seeing themselves as pieces of meat instead of a business nothing will ever change. I dont mean to be rude or diespectfull to b.b., but that is the cold hard truth.