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Micro doses vs 1 or 2 times a week

Okay for the ones who are injecting every day. Are you back filling insulin needle and If so what gauge and length are you doing? Me just doing my regular trt once a week I have noticed scar tissue in my glutes now and I’m bleeding more than use to but I have always used 22 1.5. I want to try everyday now.
Never had time to worry about backfilling slin pins. I use a real 25g 1 inch needle, 23 x1.5 in glutes. if I have scar tissue then it's not affecting me or my absorption based on the test levels, been doing it for years.

Quad, Quad, Glute, Glute, Delt, Delt, Bi, Bi many different sites rotate them.
I do EOD and do not need anti E..200-300 test a week and 200-300 deca week
Fo you micros the deca as well as the Test? Do you think the same advantages exist for microdosing anabolics outside of test?
I don’t know anything but my individual blood work..what works for me doesn’t always work for everyone and vice versa..all I know is doing my test and deca EOD religiously my e2 never goes over 42 and my prolactin stays in check.
The best, most informative thread I’ve ever seen on here was Emeric’s 10mg/day thread. There’s everything you could ever want to know about this topic in there.

to answer you directly, I’ve done both way for years and I’ll likely never go back to twice weekly. Plus you can get better numbers with way less test doing daily. And no need for an AI which is a big deal to me.
The best, most informative thread I’ve ever seen on here was Emeric’s 10mg/day thread. There’s everything you could ever want to know about this topic in there.

to answer you directly, I’ve done both way for years and I’ll likely never go back to twice weekly. Plus you can get better numbers with way less test doing daily. And no need for an AI which is a big deal to me.
Thanks, i've been doing the test per Emeric's recommendation off and on for years. I'm familiar with that tread but don't recall seeing anyone speak to using his protocol for test, but the more traditional for other products. Like something low dose like Primobolan, its hard to microdose daily based on the MG per CC.
The best, most informative thread I’ve ever seen on here was Emeric’s 10mg/day thread. There’s everything you could ever want to know about this topic in there.

to answer you directly, I’ve done both way for years and I’ll likely never go back to twice weekly. Plus you can get better numbers with way less test doing daily. And no need for an AI which is a big deal to me.
Thanks I’m going to check it out
I believe 27 gauge is the largest insulin pin. It takes me about 10 seconds to draw 10iu through that pipe. I am forever a daily dose guy after experiencing the difference.
On test c does anyone believe there is any benefit to micro dosing everyday vs injecting 2 times a week? I could see it would on a short ester vs long ester but a guy in gym said is blood work showed a jump from 1000 to 1500 on the same dose by micro dosing everyday. Is he full of shit or is there validity to what he is say?
I think he’s full of crap! Injecting everyday just causes more scar tissue build up. That in and of itself can interfere with the absorption of what your injecting into your body.
Never had time to worry about backfilling slin pins. I use a real 25g 1 inch needle, 23 x1.5 in glutes. if I have scar tissue then it's not affecting me or my absorption based on the test levels, been doing it for years.

Quad, Quad, Glute, Glute, Delt, Delt, Bi, Bi many different sites rotate them.
U use the 25 gauge sub q I know a lot of guys say they r doing sub q oils.
with insulin pins no scars. I've been doing daily injections for several years. On the contrary, much better for me.
I use 25 gauge 1 inch needles in the glutes and insulin pins everywhere else for spot injections. A mixture of both gives me the best of both worlds.
I have been using a 1/2" 1cc, 29G slin pin twice a week. However when I pin the glutes, often a raised area remains. Maybe 1/2" needle isn't long enough for good penetration into that muscle.

Thought? Experiences?

I think he’s full of crap! Injecting everyday just causes more scar tissue build up. That in and of itself can interfere with the absorption of what your injecting into your body.
5 IU will not cause scar tissue build up. I have been doing it for over 28 years.
5 IU will not cause scar tissue build up. I have been doing it for over 28 years.
I agree 5 iu is nothing, you said you’ve been on for 28 years??? Straight, how old were you when u started?
I agree 5 iu is nothing, you said you’ve been on for 28 years??? Straight, how old were you when u started?
I was 43, more correctly I have been on for 27 years.
I was 43, more correctly I have been on for 27 years.
So you got on at 16? Do you have any issues from getting on so young. I know me there are plenty of guys who do or have but most burn out shortly after college or sooner, only ones I know of like you are Jay and Branch.
Has there been any evidence that scar tissue builds up and hinders absorption? Or is it bro science combined with people just want to reinvent the wheel or not shoot IM because it takes an additional 2 minutes per day vs sub q?

I've personally never felt scar tissue and my lab work says I'm absorbing my test despite using prop and shooting Ed for the past 2 years as my ester of choice.
So you got on at 16? Do you have any issues from getting on so young. I know me there are plenty of guys who do or have but most burn out shortly after college or sooner, only ones I know of like you are Jay and Branch.
I am 70 now. I started at age 43.

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