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Mike S - What's up with that?


Jun 21, 2003
Thompson was not the first person to ask this question, and it certainly doesn't look like it will be the last. I have been waiting to order from Synthetek for probably about 3 months now. I read all kinds of complaints on this board from a dozen ifferent guys about how it was taking Synthetek 1 month to get them their products, no one would return their e-mails, and no one would answer the phone. This all was supposed to have been straightened out when they got their USA rep and started using FedEx/UPS instead of just USPS>

I don't understand why you would come down on him so hard for his thread. It is not a minor delay-he ordered his Syntherol 3 weeks ago and has had no response. i just ordered other products from other companies this past week, including Syntherol and another SEO. I have gotten all 5 of my products from the other companies, but don't even have a tracking number for my Syntherol yet.

Yes, I know, their products are great - but a COMPANY can only truly be great when all facets of it's operation are running as well as the product line. Clearly Synthetek has not cleared up their issues yet, and thompson is bringing it to this boards attention, which i for one appreciate. And i think it would be very helpful if the Mods that deal directly with Synthetek could get thompson and anyone else that is waiting a straight answer.


I dunno

But I recieved just the other day --- took them 10 days from Australia.
their products are good. i ordered and it took about 3 weeks, but i had to be persistant and come and post here about it but they rectified the situation.
I dont think there need to be multiple threads by the same guy about the same complaint. And I left the original thread up there. And also, I feel that this should be mainly handled off board, like I said, its not like its a scam operation. Thats all I wil say on that, hope that will suffice.
i know this isn't directed towards me, but i have to agree with mike here. with my former business i had alot of internet orders as well as mail orders, and shit does get backed up now and then. and even a few years ago, when i wasn't the quickest out there, i would have people bitching becuz they ordered XX and instead of it taking 4 days, it took 8 or even 9 and yet here i was a LEGIT LEGAL business and i had people calling their CC companies and doing chargebacks(even though they RECIEVED their products) and all kinds of other BS which cost me ALOT of money.

My point? I'll use a quote from MikeS here "its not like its a scam operation." so people need to chill out, not to try to take business away from synthetek, but if you need a product "today"
then maybe you should go to the local GNC and spend twice as much for an inferior product.

Done with this!

Enough already. The point is that we all understand that shipment get backed up and certain items are on back order. Business is business. If this is the case, then Synthetek should have the customer service ability to respond to e-mails and phone calls. Customers waiting for 3-4 weeks to get a product, it simply is bad business and NO company will succeed in the long run like this. I think the board was used in the past successfully because BigA got involved and Synthetek posted back on the board.

We all support the company and its products, but really, how long do you think consumers will deal with this type of customer service before they go elsewhere, there are a million good suppliers out there (and I hope no one actually shops at GNC)

So I hope Synthetek will take a minute and review this post, maybe they can appoint someone from this board as go-between to get answers

That's it

There's a few issues here that I want to address, especially points brought out by SJR.

I viewed Synthetek USA's logs.

In July, they sent out just over 300 internet orders.
They had less than 5 complaints.
One was from a guy that screamed that his order wasn't delivered before his comp, when he ordered overnight. I saw the tracking and the order was delivered overnight, but the knucklehead never picked it up. Then a week later it was sent back to Synthetek USA.
The others were unreasonable 'delay' complaints like the above.

Synthetek USA clearly states on their buy page that unless you speak to them prior to an order, each order takes TWO BUSINESS DAYS to be processed. If you pay by credit card they will not ship until the funds are cleared (not just reserved). That is because they have had purchases made with stolen cards and then the $ were never cleared by the bank but they did ship the product so they lost out.
If you pay by money order or cheque, your order doesn't get shipped until the money order or cheque gets cleared.

Only AFTER all the above happens, your order will be shipped.

Thompson's order was shipped by Priority mail, because that's what he ordered.
To qoute USPS 'Priority mail can take up to 14 days before it even gets processed by the mail sorting facility'! Some people seem to have the belief that Priority mail takes 2 to 3 days. Some VERY RARE times it does. It is definetely not the norm though. You want faster shipping, you pay for it, but keep in mind the factors that I mentioned that occur before your order gets shipped.

Synthetek USA said that if Thompson wants, they can send him overnight, on Monday, another Syntherol so he will have it Tuesday and when he receives the first bottle that was sent Priority, he can either return it or pay for it then.

I asked Marc (General Manager of SynthUSA) about the phone not being answered. He told me that they are making the point of not answering it anymore because they are sick of IMBECILES calling them with language like "Why the fuck is this Syntherol shit hurting my biceps so fucking much after I inject it?" A number of female staff were subjected to this language and abuse as well.

I see all this shit talk on the boards and then I speak to Synthetek USA and then I see proof (logs, tracking numbers, emails) and I realise that there is nothing wrong with their customer service. All it is is just some meatheads acting like children.

BTW, you all remember my Amazon book? Still haven't got it. I ordered it on May 25th. It was reshipped on July 14th. Still haven't got it...
Big A said:

Synthetek USA clearly states on their buy page that unless you speak to them prior to an order, each order takes TWO BUSINESS DAYS to be processed. If you pay by credit card they will not ship until the funds are cleared (not just reserved). That is because they have had purchases made with stolen cards and then the $ were never cleared by the bank but they did ship the product so they lost out.
If you pay by money order or cheque, your order doesn't get shipped until the money order or cheque gets cleared.

I personally believe this to be the best business decision out there. I know how it feels to be ripped off, esp when you carry some high priced items and then it's up to YOU to cover the cost, so in essence I have paid for stuff wholesale and unfortunately retail as well when i was in biz due to stolen cc's and the like.

all i have to say now, is good luck with the biz.

Also, forgot to mention. That 'dozen' or so guys that complained - it was actually just a handfull that were 'genuine' complaints. And those were because a number of packages went and then stayed at the Dellaware mail sorting facility for no reason at all. Synthetek USA shipped and the packages were not delivered to no fault of SynthUSA.

All those people had re ships and also the tracking numbers to the original packages were forwarded to them as well, to show that the original packages had been shipped and then usps were the ones that screwed up.
Also, all those people that received re ships, were supposed to return the original packages or pay for them if they chose to.
All of them did that, apart from two who chose to keep the products and not pay for them.
BigA - Thanks for looking into it

Appreciate you jumping in. I'm sure most of the crap that is spewed about poor customer service is exactly what you said" I bunch of Meatheads acting like children". I'm just gonna sit back and see what happens with mine. I'm not in any rush to recieve my Syntherol, but I did pay for the fatsre shipping, and the payment was put through and cleared on my credit card 1 week ago. So I guess if all is well I should get my product either tom or Tues. I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for looking into it for us

Big A said:

Thompson's order was shipped by Priority mail, because that's what he ordered.
To qoute USPS 'Priority mail can take up to 14 days before it even gets processed by the mail sorting facility'! Some people seem to have the belief that Priority mail takes 2 to 3 days. Some VERY RARE times it does. It is definetely not the norm though. You want faster shipping, you pay for it, but keep in mind the factors that I mentioned that occur before your order gets shipped.

Big A, if you are talking about priority mail within the USA, that statement is not true. Priority domestic specifically states it averages 2-3 days. I have never had a priority mail package take longer than 3 days, except for the odd one that got lost.

**broken link removed**
Need to pipe back in

Sorry, missed what BigA said earlier about the USPS taking up to 14 days. Have to agree with Wolverine on this one, I have both sent packages and received them in the past 2 weeks via USPS and it has never taken more than 2-3 days (sometimes less). I live in CA and some packages are coming from the East Coast , 3,000+ miles away. As a matter of fact, I just sent something to Shanghai, China via USPS and they told me 4-7 days-now that is clear across the world.

But like I said earlier, I'm going to sit back and be patient on this one so that I can give a non-biased impartial opinion on the whole process..

Must have had my wires crossed about the priority mail. I'll check back on that.

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