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Well-known member
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Kilo Klub Member
Aug 26, 2003
i wanted to have the mods recognized
for cleaning the site here lately

the last month or so i have really seen a difference
in the thread quality

thanks for keeping out the bullshit threads
and keeping the newbs on their toes

your work here does NOT go unseen


now if we can get ahold
of all this damn spamming bullshit:(
THANKS.. it needs to get back to what it was.. it is the best site period.. but when ya attract so many new members it can get a bit ...wierd lol.. i think i can speak for all the mods when i say we love the board.. we would not be here so often if we didnt.. our wives might be happier but we wouldnt..;)
i wanted to have the mods recognized
for cleaning the site here lately

the last month or so i have really seen a difference
in the thread quality

thanks for keeping out the bullshit threads
and keeping the newbs on their toes

your work here does NOT go unseen


now if we can get ahold
of all this damn spamming bullshit:(

X2 The mods have been in over drive the last couple of months kicking some ass. Thanks
Thanks Tenny. I try to move some bullshit newbie post over to Beginners Forum and also delete some non-sense post and many of them dont read the rules sad to say but true. I am more ruthless than Dad :D
It gives me something to do and clean up the forum more often when I am online. I am sorry I havent been posting much but I will try my best to post more soon.
Also alot of newbies are posting shit in the Main Forum and I will have to start handing out 3 day ban like Dad.
I'm taking FULL credit.:D:p
Can't ever argue with Tenny

Great job!

Hate all the damn spam but let's just keep flagging it. Nothing worse than having a thread brought to the top only to read about fake jerseys.

I'd like to add though that I wish more people would use the search rather than starting a new thread on the same stuff that's already been posted. Big A already wrote everything you need on seo but you get all these people asking how it works like they're the first ones to ask.
Bump to the mods, this place is THE best board. I'm reminded of that even moreso everytime i wander over to any other board.

Oh and maybe there can be an SEO subforum :D
Because of this thread I just posted some bullshit to see how long it would take to move it or delete it. You have to love the guys Big A pic's as his moderators.
i think i can speak for all the mods when i say we love the board.. we would not be here so often if we didnt.. our wives might be happier but we wouldnt..;)


I honestly can't remind how many times you cracked me up in your posts, LATS... mods can be damn funny also... hahaha!!! :p;)

Talking of great threads (good topic Tenny :)), ain't it time for a new STORYTIME? Pleaseeeeeeeee!!!!! ;)
I completely agree with Tenny.

Been reading here for years and they've always done a great job :D

Also, I'm gonna side with Phidias :yeahthat: ... more story time with LATS? Please :cool:
Yes,excellent job guys:headbang:
i wanted to have the mods recognized
for cleaning the site here lately

the last month or so i have really seen a difference
in the thread quality

thanks for keeping out the bullshit threads
and keeping the newbs on their toes

your work here does NOT go unseen


now if we can get ahold
of all this damn spamming bullshit:(

Thanks Bro:headbang:
great job mods!
Bump to the mods, this place is THE best board. I'm reminded of that even moreso everytime i wander over to any other board.

Oh and maybe there can be an SEO subforum :D

Not a bad idea at all!! I will bring that idea up asap.

I honestly can't remind how many times you cracked me up in your posts, LATS... mods can be damn funny also... hahaha!!! :p;)

Talking of great threads (good topic Tenny :)), ain't it time for a new STORYTIME? Pleaseeeeeeeee!!!!! ;)

LOL He gets his balls broken constantly. Never enough "Story Time With LATS"

A Phidias post rocks the block too!!:)
i wanted to have the mods recognized
for cleaning the site here lately

the last month or so i have really seen a difference
in the thread quality

thanks for keeping out the bullshit threads
and keeping the newbs on their toes

your work here does NOT go unseen


now if we can get ahold
of all this damn spamming bullshit:(

:yeahthat: I was thinking the same a couple days ago.
I've always loved this board because there is no flaming and just useless posts. I feel safe here. Other boards can be a little rough around the edges.

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