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mr newbie says hello.


New member
Sep 27, 2003
First of all. Hello guys. Just new to lifting, done it since April. Primary goal is to gain knowledge. Secondary would be muscle mass. Still know next to nothing, as you could se by the picture. Planing to run a ckd. For three moths, or some.

But here i need the help of an experied eye (that would be you). Since I am in lack of a bf% masurment'er, I wondered if some of you could suggest what my precentage could be. I think its about 20/25%.

Other comments would be apreciated to. Though it might not be that easy to see, through the massive layers of fat. (-; But any way.

**broken link removed**
tell me thats not your penis measure down at the bottom???
well. its just as importan as the arms. so why shouldnt i masure it? But i dint come here to talk about my penis. (-;
True. Training, proper diet, supplements and gear can help those arms, but i dont think theres much hope for lil mr. winkie.
gainingmass said:
True. Training, proper diet, supplements and gear can help those arms, but i dont think theres much hope for lil mr. winkie.

Thanks for the warning gainingmass. I had it on split screen and didn't even bother to move the bar down.

SPQR- start lifting for about 3 months with a proper diet and then post some pictures. Hit the cardio in the morning and evening. Also hit the weights hard. Allow your self plenty of recovery time in between muscle groups and watch your diet.

Example of my day when dieting:
Morning- Cardio/ Don't eat tell after and eat some good. Protein Shake, eggs white and turkey bacon (example)

Evening workout: 10min cardio and then hit one muscle group a day, which you should be able fit all muscle groups in about 5 days. I then hit cardio again unless leg day. This is usually a slow jog or fast walk.

Make sure you're eatting right and getting the proper rest. Cjay
Thanks for a nice answear Cjay. I'v got some help for the diet. So now its kinda up to me. Training through the body once a week. Arms twice. Training Monday, Wedensday, Friday. Cardio comes on Thuesday and Thursday.

A day starts with a hour of walking. Then breakfast. Then school with meals. Then raining. should I add Cardio after the training as well?

Hoping to get down at 14/12bf% around christmas. And then start to build muscles, without adding all the fat.

Would Phils penis-pump work for me?
Well if hopin to build muscle after you shed the bodyfat and not really worried bout losing some, you could do more cardio, i would suggest 3 30 minute sessions, after training would be up to you, judging by how fast your losing weight. What are you planning to take while dieting? As far as the pump, anything Phil endorses has got to work!!! Nah i dont know it works for some people, others are just stuck with what they got. But hey its worth a try!!
Again. Thanks for your time.

Like now i aint realy got any muscles to lose. But I would kinda like to keep the amount i got now. I guess I just have to find out what amount of cardio that works best for me (Not to much muscle lost vs. fat lose). I might be insane or some thing, but actualy I planed not to use "gear" for this. As I am just cutting down to a level wich i feel allright and can actualy see the muscles I am working for. As a mather of fact I didnt plan to take any thing for a looooong whild. I have only been training for six months, so gear is for me out of question. I might just be wasting space for you guys, but I belive in my self and will show you how (well) I do. (-:

Maybe I should learn some propper spelling as well... ?

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