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Mucuna + EOD fasting = hairloss?


New member
Jun 12, 2009
I started 5 weeks ago. I take Mucuna (2000mg 15% = 300mg L-Dopa) only on fasting days. Now I notice a sharp hairloss! Is it the mucuna or perhaps the fasting because of a deficit of nutrients? Or both? I never read about this side. I take nothing else. If its the mucuna is it perhaps a type of renew the hair?

Btw I dont feel any better libido or energy level.
There have been quite a few reports in studies and literature regarding the effect of dopamine and various dopamine agonists on alopecia and hairloss in general.
Compounds that have been observed in studies include herbs such as Mucana standardized for L-Dopa, Levodopa, Cabergoline, Bromocriptine, Pramipexole.
The pathophysiological mechanism underlying the hair loss is not clear, however, it appears reversible when dosages are either lowered or discontinued in patients having these symptoms.

Take Care.
There have been quite a few reports in studies and literature regarding the effect of dopamine and various dopamine agonists on alopecia and hairloss in general.
Compounds that have been observed in studies include herbs such as Mucana standardized for L-Dopa, Levodopa, Cabergoline, Bromocriptine, Pramipexole.
The pathophysiological mechanism underlying the hair loss is not clear, however, it appears reversible when dosages are either lowered or discontinued in patients having these symptoms.

Take Care.

Thanks a lot for your fast response!
I've been EOD fasting for 6 mos. now and have been on mucuna 45% dopa for longer....Haven't had any hairloss issues. I guess some are succeptible....
are you prone to hairloss to begin with ?
I've read that mm89 uses mucuna for general well being.
I'm curious why run it while fasting?
Thank you
I've read that mm89 uses mucuna for general well being.
I'm curious why run it while fasting?
Thank you

Whats mm89?

Why not use it when fasting?
Why not use it when feasting?
Why not use it to enhance mood?
Why not use it for a little prolactin control?
Why not use it for a little bit of GH release?
Why not use it for enhanced orgasms?

Of course if it is making your hair fall out then just STOP.

Stop being a pussy and just stop something if it makes you feel bad. Not every damn thing that effects hormonal balance will be without side-effects.

Of course your problem will stop IF L-Dopa was causing you to shed.
I started 5 weeks ago. I take Mucuna (2000mg 15% = 300mg L-Dopa) only on fasting days. Now I notice a sharp hairloss! Is it the mucuna or perhaps the fasting because of a deficit of nutrients? Or both? I never read about this side. I take nothing else. If its the mucuna is it perhaps a type of renew the hair?

Btw I dont feel any better libido or energy level.

As others have said, I would recommend that you stop taking the Mucuna since you do not seem to be experiencing the purported benefits and have some possible side effects. Dopaminergic agonists have been known to cause hair loss (as others have been managed) for several decades now. Although some patients have experienced a reversal of the hairloss, there is no guarantee that the reversal will be 100% (i.e., your hair density may not revert to the exact same thickness as it was prior to starting Mucuna). Best of luck and let us know if (and how quickly) the hair loss stops if you elect to cease using Mucuna.
Whats mm89?

Why not use it when fasting?
Why not use it when feasting?
Why not use it to enhance mood?
Why not use it for a little prolactin control?
Why not use it for a little bit of GH release?
Why not use it for enhanced orgasms?

Of course if it is making your hair fall out then just STOP.

Stop being a pussy and just stop something if it makes you feel bad. Not every damn thing that effects hormonal balance will be without side-effects.

Of course your problem will stop IF L-Dopa was causing you to shed.

Mm89 = musicmann89 its the only name I remembered from researching mucuna lol. I'm going to give this a go, yet I would like to get it in bulk.

Mr DatBtrue did I read somewhere that your thinking of writing a book, if so will it be ready soon?

Last edited:
Whats mm89?

Why not use it when fasting?
Why not use it when feasting?
Why not use it to enhance mood?
Why not use it for a little prolactin control?
Why not use it for a little bit of GH release?
Why not use it for enhanced orgasms?

Of course if it is making your hair fall out then just STOP.

Stop being a pussy and just stop something if it makes you feel bad. Not every damn thing that effects hormonal balance will be without side-effects.

Of course your problem will stop IF L-Dopa was causing you to shed.

Hey DAT, do you think I could stop the shedding with nettle root?
Is DHT the reason for the hair fall out?
wont nettle root free up test?

have you ever used AAS? did your hair fall out? if yes then its DHT, if not then its something else

have you used GH or cjc/ghrp6 and your hair fell out?

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