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Muscle Mass, Fat% and Junk Food


New member
Oct 20, 2005
Look for an article i will post here as soon as i get the research paper from a friend of mine.
The studies show that you may be short changing your mass gains by keeping your bodyfat low and limiting your saturated fat.
The results were pretty amazing from what i was told. I do not have the details but the groups that gained the most LBM had bodyfat 18% or higher and ate food high in saturated fata through out the day.

I hope to get it by next week.

Awesome! I'll be at McDonalds until you post it.
I ate a Chicken Quesadilla, Nachos, and a Taco Last night. I kind of feel a little better after seeing this post!! lol :p
I don't care what any study says I don't want to be anywhere near 18% body fat. Forget that, plus take into thought what that would be like for your heart over a sustained peroid of time. NO THANKS
Armageddon said:
I don't care what any study says I don't want to be anywhere near 18% body fat. Forget that, plus take into thought what that would be like for your heart over a sustained peroid of time. NO THANKS

I agree. I love staying in the 10-12% b/f range while holding a slight amount of water. That range will allow your joints to be safer and still being able to gain lots of muscle while still feeling good taking your shirt off.

Snarf said:
Awesome! I'll be at McDonalds until you post it.
Same here Snarf ! But seriously 18% is what I call LARDASS! The most I get to in the winter is 12 to 14% and that is eating Mcdonalds and BK and Ice cream,cheesecake,pies,etc. Shit I couldn't get to 18% if I tried!:eek:
anything over 10% and your too damn fat to be a bodybuilder. At 10% you are not compromising gains for low BF.
W8killa said:
anything over 10% and your too damn fat to be a bodybuilder. At 10% you are not compromising gains for low BF.

Well, like Thor, I sit at 12-14% offseason. I guess I better turn in my BB card for a lardass card.
I eat junk food here and there but making gains isn't worth what it would do to you in the long run to eat junk that often. I really prefer staying on the leaner side. I'll sacrafice some gains if I have to.
Guys im only passing on the info. Do i agree? No. Of course health is a big concern. Staying around 12-15% is just as benefical. I think naturals do need to get higher amounts of fat to not supress hormone levels.
I think a balance of eating healthy and leting loose once in awhile can give you the best of both worlds.
Of course my ideal bodybuilder are those who are symetrical with small waists ala Rory Liedemyer or Bob Paris. You get the picture.

W8killa said:
anything over 10% and your too damn fat to be a bodybuilder. At 10% you are not compromising gains for low BF.

I agree with this only if you are an ectomorph by nature. Meso's and especially endo's would have a very hard time keeping %10 while bulking. In fact most endo's compete at %10 lol...
Snarf, i agree if it works for you....thats cool. I cant argue with your results:) . I have realized I am never going to be a pro so I dont need to focus on optimal bf levels for muscle growth. As BuffD Says, I also will sacrifice 5-15 pounds of mass to stay at 8-10%. PLus I live in FL where its beach weather 11 months out of the year. If I lived up north...bring on the cheesecake in the winter.
I highly disagree....Junk food is has one fat that you don't want to much of; trans fatty acids. They do the oppsite of anti-catabolic fats that we like to call "smart" fats. Junk food also contains a boat load of chemicals, preservatives, stabilizers, tenderizers that simply aren't found in natural home cooked meals. These substances toxify the body by a process called oxidation, increasing catabolism at a cellular level. Oxidation causes electrons to be released as cells are damaged. These electrons are known as free redicals. Their release perpetuates more cellular damage and destruction. Simply stated anytime a substance loses a electron oxidation as occurred. When the cell is stripped from its electrons the cell itself begins to show instability and impair function. We cause enough free-radical production by damage to our muscle in the gym so we certainly don't need the very food we are eating to cause more free-radical stress on our bodies. Now after we work out we are trying to recover from the stress of the workout and shouldn't have to worry about recovering from what we eat too. So obviously junk food impairs recovery.

PS this is one reason Ronnie Coleman gained to much muscle from 2003 and when he came in at 296lbs RIPPED at the 2004 mr. O. He cut out the junk food and grew a ton more!
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