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my blood work after a decade of anabolics


New member
May 5, 2006
i know some of you take keen interest in your blood work and over all well being. since turning 39 i too have been kinda getting away from being 'big', and looking after my over all health a little more.

for the past 12 years i have used anabolics. i started out like everyone else cycling one or two cycles a year. then my cycles got bigger. and longer. about 8-9 years ago i started running low dose test (500mg/wk) year round. then every 3 months or so i would add in other compounds depending on my goals. these compounds would be a mix of orals and injectable (tren being my favourite) and i would run these courses for 12-16 weeks. i was pretty much 'on' all the time, but never really going higher than a total of 2.5g at my peak. i just didnt need to go much higher or want to really.

at this time i started using insulin as well. my insulin usage was pretty consistent for a period of about 5-6 years and in that time frame i used it every which way you can but not using more than 30iu a day at my peak.

GH i discovered 2.5 years ago now and use it mostly in antiaging fat loss doses.

i recently decided to commit myself to, as i said, looking after my health. i finished up my last course of tren/test/winny and var back in may. i have been on 300mg of test and 6 weeks prior to this blood work had just finished up 4 weeks of var and winny i wanted to get rid of before i clean out and work my way down to a HRT dose of 300mg or so a week.

here below are my latest results. i have embolded areas of concern.

hemoglobin 151g/L
hematocrit .45L/L
white blood cell count 4.0 E9/L
red blood cell count 4.86 E12/L
mcv 92.4 fL
mch 31.1 pg
mchc 336 g/L
rdw 13.7 %
platelet count 272 E9/L

absolute: neuts 2.4
lymph 1.1
mono 0.4
eos 0.2
baso 0.0

inr 1.1

vit B12 310 pmol/L

glucose fasting 4.5 mmol/L
creatinine 111 umol/L
eGFR 64

sodium 140 mmol/L
potassium 4.6 mmol/L
chloride 104 mmol/L

cholesterol 3.83 mmol/L
LDL 2.54
HDL 1.06
cholesterol/ HDL ratio 3.6
triglycerides 0.51

alaninie transaminase 209

creatine kinase 2139

thyrotropin 3.92

ferritin 884

notice my creatine levels are way high- i exercised within 15 hours of this blood work so it could have affected that. i am going for more blood work this week to address this and my liver enzyme values, which are a concern as well, being 4 times the norm. i attribute this is finishing up the winny and var 6 weeks ago. the doc is sending me for an ultrasound on my liver and more blood work as i said testing for hep A and B etc. i haven't disclosed my coming off the var and winny in the past 6 weeks. when the results of the ultrasound and blood work come back i am meeting with him again and will see from there where i go with my disclosure of this. i am hoping they are just elevated from that course and i haven't sustained any damage. i do not drink as it isnt that thats responsible for the elevations we're seeing.

i just wanted to share this very personal information with all of you. i wondered for years the toll taking the doses i took would have on my body in the long run, as im sure much of you do. being a community where we all help each other i hope some of you will look at this and start to take a better interest in your health, instead of wondering 'i wonder whats going on in here'.

my prostate too was a very real concern for me as well, my father having had prostate cancer 13 years ago now. my total PSA came back at 0.62 and it is a big relief to know all the years of orals haven't harmed my prostate any.

i guess thats about it. i f anyone has any questions feel free to ask.
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thanks for sharing man. Hopefully everything checks out positive for you.

Good Luck!
keep us posted and updated.
i am also looking into not being "big" anymore. it has taken a toll on my health and i have just begun steps to get back to healthy.
Thanks for sharing your personal med info Big. Us newbs (well the ones who aren't too lazy to read) & even not so newb, will definitely learn & benefit from gents like you. Best wishes with concerning your new endeavor for better health.
appreciate dat. Looks like some liver issues. try some synthergine. keep us posted bro
Looks like you have hemochromatosis which for white males is the most common genetic disease. It means you store too much iron and the iron will/can attack organs. I have this disease, found it earlier this year my ferritin levels were only in the 300s though. I only have one of the two genes with this fault. Treatment is giving blood. I have to do it twice per year....in some extreme cases its much more frequent.
Ok your ferretin is pretty high. What was your serum iron?
Women can get rid of iron in their period every month, men store iron and it can cause a host of problems....especially with the hpta.
I got a feeling this is the boon of the problem and the other levels will go back to normal if you get ahold of this problem. You seem to have a semi hemochromatosis situation going on...and for some reason in people who use anabolics the body stores Iron at a high rate.

How do you attack this problem?
IP6 in theory will do it
Stop eating so much red meat and heme iron and eat much cleaner....thru white meat and eggs.
Stay the heck away from orals.

I bet any money you have surprised yourself on how much size youve been able to keep havent you? For alot of people they do not realize that 300mg a week of test and 1-2 ius of gh will keep them a good semblance of what they allready have been
any chance you could post the normal range for what those numbers should be in?

when did you start using AAS?
you should not do any lifting at least 2-3 days before your next lab work, and see if that shows a different [lower] creatinine reading.?
Bigfatandugly, you should be tested for iron overload /hemochromitosis.It is treatable, but can cause problems if not treated.The excess iron can damage your Liver, far worse than orals can .Good luck
What liver protection have you been using, that is assuming you have been using them regularly?
i have been on 300mg of test and 6 weeks prior to this blood work had just finished up 4 weeks of var and winny i wanted to get rid of before i clean out and work my way down to a HRT dose of 300mg or so a week.

Just so you know, 300 mg/wk is nowhere near HRT dose. HRT dose is going to be between 100 and 150 mg/wk, thats it. 300mg/wk is way supraphysiological and would put you at 2x the normal test level or more. Not the best health decision.
yes, the doc was quite concerned with the iron/ ferritin levels for sure, and so am i.

doitright, johnnysmiles, stealthwhealth, alfresco: thanks for your kind words guys. im a pretty positive person and im looking at this like everything will work out for the best. we'll get this iron issue sorted out and be 100% again. it's funny you know once you hit the late 30's how your whole mindset starts to change not just when it comes to health and things of that nature but in all areas of life it seems. the things that mattered the most to us when we younger seem to matter less, and the things that mattered less, now matter more. guess thats called 'growing up' maybe. :)

cornelius: hopefully we'll better know whats going on with the iron issues after the next blood test, as i am going tomorrow. i'll keep you updated.

DOGGCRAPP: i cant find the serum iron measurement in my test results. he has a bunch of abbreviations to be tested for on sheet for tomorrow. might be in there? i am done with orals. the odd thing is i don't eat a lot of red meat. hardly any. maybe once, twice a week and thats a lot. thanks for tip on the IP6. dude- i am amazed how much size i am hanging onto- its really odd. i thought i was going to shrink away to 220 pounds- and honestly i dont care if i do, my goals have changed. i want to be more athletic now. i am softer somewhat- given the absence of tren in my system it comes as no surprise- but still still am holding my size well. and all this considering i am now doing core and conditioning training 3-4 times a week as well as my gym routine which i have abbreviated to keep from overtraining. honest to god truth- i feel better, more athletic- and im not nearly as lethargic as i used to be.

laduem88: i'll try to get to posting the normal levels later. i started using about 12 years ago now.

mexbeast: my last workout was 2 days ago. tomorrow i'll go for my blood work. we'll see if that brings the creatine down somewhat.

trey1: thanks. we'll see what happens with this next workup. this iron excess is quite disturbing for sure.

jello: i was religious with liv52 when i ran orals, but now that im off orals i haven't kept it in the rotation.

i'll tell you guys what the turning point was- i was in turks and caicos for a week in july with my girl. i had just proposed and she said yes. we were walking across the sand and i found myself breathing heavily just from the bit of exertion. it was like a eureka moment- the engagement and the struggling to walk across the beach was enough to make me decide at that moment to take better control of my health.
Just so you know, 300 mg/wk is nowhere near HRT dose. HRT dose is going to be between 100 and 150 mg/wk, thats it. 300mg/wk is way supraphysiological and would put you at 2x the normal test level or more. Not the best health decision.

200mg cyp a week put me at 1500 test level.......
Very informative tread. These are the kinds of treads that place insigh and help members....Thanks. Best of luck to you
Just so you know, 300 mg/wk is nowhere near HRT dose. HRT dose is going to be between 100 and 150 mg/wk, thats it. 300mg/wk is way supraphysiological and would put you at 2x the normal test level or more. Not the best health decision.
damn bro, im glad you said this, I was just going to keep quiet as people think im mr. anti-steroid or something??? but that is not HRT dose, but i see a lot of people thinking it is. hell some people think 500mgs is HRT dose :eek: my doc told me the same thing as what you posted, that if she ever would put me on HRT therapy that it would be probably anywhere between 100-150mg/wk. and that should put me in the "normal" range.
Ok your ferretin is pretty high. What was your serum iron?
Women can get rid of iron in their period every month, men store iron and it can cause a host of problems....especially with the hpta.
I got a feeling this is the boon of the problem and the other levels will go back to normal if you get ahold of this problem. You seem to have a semi hemochromatosis situation going on...and for some reason in people who use anabolics the body stores Iron at a high rate.

How do you attack this problem?
IP6 in theory will do it
Stop eating so much red meat and heme iron and eat much cleaner....thru white meat and eggs.
Stay the heck away from orals.

I bet any money you have surprised yourself on how much size youve been able to keep havent you? For alot of people they do not realize that 300mg a week of test and 1-2 ius of gh will keep them a good semblance of what they allready have been

hey dante i myself just got blood work done and my iron was 245. so they made me go get my hemo, ferritin and somthing else i forgot done wich ill have the results anyday for. I just hope i just dont have this hemochromatosis.

i was clean for aas for one year and did a 30mg of var for 12 weeks and got blood work 5 wks after pct. So how high is 245 i could not fine any numbers to compare too i know it shouldnt be over 177.

damn bro, im glad you said this, I was just going to keep quiet as people think im mr. anti-steroid or something??? but that is not HRT dose, but i see a lot of people thinking it is. hell some people think 500mgs is HRT dose :eek: my doc told me the same thing as what you posted, that if she ever would put me on HRT therapy that it would be probably anywhere between 100-150mg/wk. and that should put me in the "normal" range.

i laph when guys take 250-500mgs of test and call it hrt! i would call that a cycle for me i could make some real impresive gains for 500mgs for sure. i think 500mgs is actually 20 times higher then a normal average test level.

A common mistake is to run a ferritin level and not a serum iron. Unfortunatley this can provide innacurate information. Sometimes a very high ferritin level is indicative of severe inflammation in the gut and digestive track. The best people to work with on these type of problmes are functional medicine experts who understand the interplay between blood levels/digestive issues/and inflammation. functionalmedicine.org is a good place to start in order to find a practitioner.
damn bro, im glad you said this, I was just going to keep quiet as people think im mr. anti-steroid or something??? but that is not HRT dose, but i see a lot of people thinking it is. hell some people think 500mgs is HRT dose :eek: my doc told me the same thing as what you posted, that if she ever would put me on HRT therapy that it would be probably anywhere between 100-150mg/wk. and that should put me in the "normal" range.

Agree, just because it is less than what you took when "on cycle" does not make it HRT. OP thanks for sharing.

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