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New member
Dec 14, 2012
This is my Boy Hach, This pic was taken at 2 years of age and weighing in the ball park of 70-80lbs, 3 years later he is 130-140lbs. Smart Bastard he opens doors, windows and it takes me about 5 minutes to teach him English. He is the Alpha and shows his dominance (Mounting) on everything with 4 legs. He does not like kids except family, does not like anyone who is not family and is partial to women (My Boy!). He is also VERY disciplined and for the most part listens to our commands unless he sees a deer or squirrel then it is off to the races. A fierce protector to property and family, a Canine only for the experienced because he would like to do what he wants when he wants. We cook him only fresh food, Chicken, Beef, Yams, Brown rice, Barley, Carrots, Spinach, Blueberries, Bananas and apples, We also incorporate Blue mountain for his dried cuisine.


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Beautiful looking dog!!
Curious what you mean by he doesn't like kids?
Lol I have a Newfie and his a whore I don't think he understands the concept of who is owner is. He will follow any one willing to pet him or feed him.
With a pup that size, I think he means they tried to feed him some kids, but the dog didn't like the taste!

Funny Bro, to answer the initial question, Akitas are have a low tolerance for kids not in the family and for that matter, anyone who is not family, sure they tolerate non family and kids but you can not treat them as an immediate family member would. I am sure you can find "Watered Down" Akitas that are a mush with anyone but that is not what we wanted, after a year of research and visiting kennels all over the US we settled on our boy and thus far the return for the dollar has been 10x the initial investment.
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Funny Bro, to answer the initial question, Akitas are have a low tolerance for kids not in the family and for that matter, anyone who is not family, sure they tolerate non family and kids but you can not treat them as an immediate family member would. I am sure you can find "Watered Down" Akitas that are a mush with anyone but that is not what we wanted, after a year of research and visiting kennels all over the US we settled on our boy and thus far the return for the dollar has been 10x the initial investment.

Dogs are great man, happy for you.

How often does your dog exercise & socialize with other dogs and people?

Sent from my Galaxy S2 using Tapatalk 2
Cool post a video if you get a chance.
I know some one who adopted one, her brother was pushing her around and the dog ripped a piece of his arm out.
Funny thing is I used to play with this dog as a kid and put Blankets over him and stuff and he put up with me.
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Dogs are great man, happy for you.

How often does your dog exercise & socialize with other dogs and people?

Sent from my Galaxy S2 using Tapatalk 2

Good question, As far as socialization he went to obedience school from 6 months until 9 months and got along with every dog, no problem. We tried to bring him to the dog park and he mounted everything. When he is on the leash he wants to rip every dog insight. What I absolutely hate is people walking their "Arffy Arffy" 10lb skanks down the block, they see my monster wanting to shred them apart and you would think that they would cross the street, but NO they have to walk that shit 7 feet from my dog, FUCKING DUMB.
Post a video when you get a chance.
Good question, As far as socialization he went to obedience school from 6 months until 9 months and got along with every dog, no problem. We tried to bring him to the dog park and he mounted everything. When he is on the leash he wants to rip every dog insight. What I absolutely hate is people walking their "Arffy Arffy" 10lb skanks down the block, they see my monster wanting to shred them apart and you would think that they would cross the street, but NO they have to walk that shit 7 feet from my dog, FUCKING DUMB.

Haha, you gotta love mittens the neighbor hood yorkie wanting to pwn lol.

Why would you think there's a difference with him on the leash? Is he in front of you guys when you walk? Hows the body language from you when you're walking him...tense leash, looking at him etc?

Just wondering man, not trying to pick your post apart. I used to help people with their dogs when I worked for a doggie daycare.
Gnosis is Cesar Milan lol
Haha, you gotta love mittens the neighbor hood yorkie wanting to pwn lol.

Why would you think there's a difference with him on the leash? Is he in front of you guys when you walk? Hows the body language from you when you're walking him...tense leash, looking at him etc?

Just wondering man, not trying to pick your post apart. I used to help people with their dogs when I worked for a doggie daycare.

He has got to be the proudest dog, head up ears forward, concentration 100% and proper leash control, no pulling, until he sees another dog, then he is tense, lease stretched, barking and pulling like a mofo. I have two ruptured patellas and I would love to walk him but I feel I do not have the forward strength to control him when he is in the zone, instead my wife walks him. Bro in no way shape or form do I think you are picking my post apart instead we are having and intelligent exchange, please continue as it is much appreciated.
He has got to be the proudest dog, head up ears forward, concentration 100% and proper leash control, no pulling, until he sees another dog, then he is tense, lease stretched, barking and pulling like a mofo. I have two ruptured patellas and I would love to walk him but I feel I do not have the forward strength to control him when he is in the zone, instead my wife walks him. Bro in no way shape or form do I think you are picking my post apart instead we are having and intelligent exchange, please continue as it is much appreciated.

For sure man, glad to help if I can. Let's take this question by question haha

-When you say ears forward and head up, is there a break from that? Meaning, does he use the nose at all on walks? Is he doing the typical dog routine trying to smell trees, poles etc? If not, is he like this from the time you present the leash? Do the eyes lock on the leash? Trying to determine the mental state you leaving the house in and who's walking who lol

-When he sees a dog at a far distance, does he stop for a brief second or keep moving forward?

-You said usually a relaxed leash when he starts off? Does he walk next to you?

-Are you using verbal commands to try and stop him when he's in the zone?

I can tell you enjoy having him by that first comment about him being the proudest dog lol.
For sure man, glad to help if I can. Let's take this question by question haha

-When you say ears forward and head up, is there a break from that? Meaning, does he use the nose at all on walks? Is he doing the typical dog routine trying to smell trees, poles etc? If not, is he like this from the time you present the leash? Do the eyes lock on the leash? Trying to determine the mental state you leaving the house in and who's walking who lol

His nose is always at work, eyes never lock on the leash, he is like a fag in boys town when he goes for a walk, happiness on a major scale. In the rare event I walk hime I use the Ceasar method, leash taut left hand in the upper position and walks tot to toe with me. As I mentioned in one of my Posts I have two ruptured patellas and I do not feel confident walking him in the event he sees another dog, my wife walks him in all the wrong way.

-When he sees a dog at a far distance, does he stop for a brief second or keep moving forward?

No when he sees another dog it is BAD Hach regardless who is walking him.

-You said usually a relaxed leash when he starts off? Does he walk next to you?

When I walk him not wifey, he is obedient as a Marine.

-Are you using verbal commands to try and stop him when he's in the zone?

I can tell you enjoy having him by that first comment about him being the proudest dog lol.

He is second to my best but when we leave the house with apprehension eave the house he is a Hells angel. Yesterday we child proof the house but he managed to jump the kitchen barrier, tossed the bird cage on the floor, explored the kitchen table and half of the shit on the table was on the floor, ate 5 Bananas. Ripped the outer bathroom curtain. When we are gone he howls like a wolf, we need help.

Most of my answers to your questions are in the blue box.
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Yea man if you're feeling tense when walking him (due to your injury), I'm sure he's noticing that. I'll give you an example. I had a German Shepherd in NJ before I moved to FL. I was with him everyday after work and he was extremely obedient, and really really great off leash. I used a remote electronic collar to make sure he didn't approach other people/dogs if I didn't want him to. Well, there were a few times that I knew the batteries were dead on that collar and guess what, those were the days he wanted to check out other people in the park etc. He picked up on it, I'm sure of it. He could probably tell by my confidence level that something was off. He never caused any problems and was in doggie daycare from a puppy so I never worried.

Now magnify that to an everyday thing with your injury and you can see how he may become a problem. I'm definitely thinking that he thinks he's leading the walks now. I didn't know he was getting into trouble at home as well, but that is where it starts. If he is acting up while you guys aren't home, sure it could be separation issues, but having tons of energy on top of that makes for a bad day. After you come home and he's gotten into things, is there a difference in body language or is he as usual? The fact alone that he is even going up on your table tells me there is limited guidance at the home.

Again not bashing, but this is a large breed and you need him to respond to you and your wife disciplining him, the sooner the better, especially for your wife.
This is my Boy Hach, This pic was taken at 2 years of age and weighing in the ball park of 70-80lbs, 3 years later he is 130-140lbs. Smart Bastard he opens doors, windows and it takes me about 5 minutes to teach him English. He is the Alpha and shows his dominance (Mounting) on everything with 4 legs. He does not like kids except family, does not like anyone who is not family and is partial to women (My Boy!). He is also VERY disciplined and for the most part listens to our commands unless he sees a deer or squirrel then it is off to the races. A fierce protector to property and family, a Canine only for the experienced because he would like to do what he wants when he wants. We cook him only fresh food, Chicken, Beef, Yams, Brown rice, Barley, Carrots, Spinach, Blueberries, Bananas and apples, We also incorporate Blue mountain for his dried cuisine.

VERY NICE:headbang:

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