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My trip to the North America's and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame


Active member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 1, 2005
I am going to try and do this thread Jethro Tull like but I don't have the widest array of pics but I am hoping others will jump in that were there with there pictures and stories.

After I did the Florida State on Aug 21 I was pretty run down and beaten. It was my 3rd show in as many weeks and there was a little drama as my estranged/soon to be ex wife competed. When the show was over I was ready to get back to my beach man cave and recooperate for awhile. No sooner had I got back to the beach and just started to relax I got a call from friend Nancy Tremblay. She is a member of Team Blade (Dexter Jackson and Gale Elies figure team) and she was planning on competing in the North America. She said that Dexter was in California with Charles Glass preparing for the Olympia and Gale had another commitment. She would be alone and was there any way I could come out and help. So not wanting to turn my back on friend and also knowing that National level shows are always fun to attend I told her I would be there.

I got in late Thursday night, was pretty tired, so I went to bed. The next morning Nancy had a 7:00 am tanning appointment and she kind of went over a picture schedule. The idea was every few hours I would take her pictures, she would in turn email it to Dexter or Gale and that would determine what her next meals would be. I have to say the approach that Nancy took to all this was very professional. She might not be a Pro yet but other then the card she is a pro in every aspect. She had a huge cooler filled with an assortment of frozen chicken breast, Talipia, Oatmeal, Sweet Potato, Asparagus, Spinich. All of this was cooked a month in advance, vacuum sealed, and frozen. Once eat set of pictures were analyzed then she would be instructed on Chicken or Talapia, carbs or not. This was being worked in conjunction with the other water removal methods. So after Nancy got back from tanning pictures were taken. I then told Nancy if she needed anything call me I was going to take the day, eat and go to the Rock and Roll hall of fame.

Walking around the hotel and town a lot of people asked me if I was a competitor I thought that was kind of cool. One guy obviously a homosexual (that is okay no problem with that here) asked if I competed then several other questions. He then followed me into the bathroom and was talking to me while I was at the urinal. I don't want to say I had "stage fright" but after standing there for 10 minutes with nothing coming out I almost gave up. Off course the longer I stood there the question got a little more brazen, finally once the flow started he asked if I could give him a double bicep pose, I explained to him that both my hands were busy at the moment but maybe later. This was all happening to the amusement of the different people walking in and out of the bathroom.

With that done I set out on foot in downtown Cleveland. The weather was cloudy and looked like rain and I really wasn't sure where I was going. I knew what direction the Lake was so I walked towards that because I seemed to remember the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame being on Lake Erie. The closer I got to the lake the worse the weather got finally it started raining and I ducked into the train station down there. At that time I got a text from Nancy asking what I was doing when I told her I was caught in a storm she said try to make it back in 1 piece by 2:00PM for the next round of pics (oh those high level figure girls, so sensitive and

Anyway kind of by mistake I ended up at the Cleveland Browns stadium. I took a few pics and went over to see if I could get in. When I was leaving a car pulled up and asked if I just got cut by the Browns and what was my name.....I said "Yes, Phil Hernon, Fresno State"



I have to admit someone who knew where they were going probably could of got to the HOF in maybe a mile and a half, when I finally saw this sign I probably had walked 5 or 6 miles.​

Finally there was the Rock and Roll hall of fame​


To be continued many more pictures and stories.
I always enjoy your stories and photo's! thanks for sharing Tony

I always enjoy your stories and photo's! thanks for sharing Tony

I appreciate that. I am pretty open and honest about myself and I like to share my life with you guys and girls. I think it breaks the ice whenever I have been fortunate enough to meet other Pro Muscle members they seem to know something about me so in some ways it's like they already know me.

Funny someone was just yelling at me this morning about that very same thing, saying that everyone can read my business, of course that was one of 50 things they were yelling at me about but you know how that
more from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

It is no secret I love music especially rock music. Classic Rock and Metal, 60's stuff too many to list. I had older sisters and a brother so I cut my teeth on the classic rock of the late 60's and early 70's. So to me this was one of the most interesting museums I have ever been. Plenty of literature to read, videos that went with each exhibit, cars and motorcycles of the the rock starts you name it. I could of spent the whole day there. It is times like this that I really miss Iabadman. He is into a lot of this as well (many things he and I have in common) I was text messaging him to death during my visit and I am sure it was either waking him up or disturbing some kind of wild 3some he was but I was having a good time so I figured I was far enough away from him where he wouldn't kick my ass. Love ya J.....

They had some Bruce Springsteen stuff going on but in all the excitement I forgot to check it out.​


That is my hand there, I got my ticket, they armed me with my guide know I was ready to go.​

If this was the game show Family Feud and the question was name something you would find in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, I guess the number one answer would be guitars. The survey would say something like


Many different guitars were on display I thought this Jerry Garcia Guitar was pretty cool with the Grateful Dead Logo on it.

Man Tony , i sure hope your feeling as good as all your latest post make your life out to be!

it seems your in alot better place now days and coping well , glad to see that.

Like my dad always says ,
"life is what you make of it , your attitude and outlook are the front site for your furure , poor attitude makes for poor site picture and you'll never hit the target like that" (he is an old school Marine)
Motorcycles and Cars

If you were old enough to watch MTV in the early to mid 80's who doesn't know what this is........."Give me all your loving all your hugs and kisses to give me all your loving nothing else will do"......"Shes got legs she knows how to use them.....shes got legs got me on a plane from Florida to Cleveland".....ahh okay I made that part​


Joan Jetts Jaguar you can't quite read the plate but it says something to the effect that she bought this when she was 15 with no license and didn't know how to drive. I am not sure but I think she was in a band in the mid 70's as a teenager so that is where she would of got the money to buy the car.​



For those of you that are Bon Jovi fans.....not me......I think Tenny is though....hahaha jk​

More Motorcycles

I know Billy Joel has one of the most impressive Motorcycle collections anywhere, I got to think this one was taking up space where he wanted to put a more impressive one so he was like "lets just keep that one at the HOF" because I know a little about Motorcycles and this paticular model is on no ones must have list. As a matter of fact these bikes were such lemons you would be hard pressed to find many still running.​



Unfortunately I couldn't take any pictures in the main area of the HOF. It was very interesting, in the Elvis area they were playing that damn song "are you lonesome tonight" I haven't been able to get it out of my head yet. I must of sang it to my dogs 1000 times already. They can't figure out what command that is but they look at each other like "damn that has got to be a command or why would he keep repeating it"

Like I said an unbelievable interesting place for those who love rock and roll. When they had the different outfits and such I couldn't believe how small they were. Even like Jimmy Hendrix I thought would be bigger but these guys were like small girls size.

I finished the tour by buying shirts for all 3 of my kids and I even got Marilyn a shot glass (she has collected these for years and picks one up from everywhere she travels) I picked myself up a nice Tie Die shirt as well. I probably won't wear it in the gym but that will go really well around here as many of the hippies where stuff like that.

Man Tony , i sure hope your feeling as good as all your latest post make your life out to be!

it seems your in alot better place now days and coping well , glad to see that.

Like my dad always says ,
"life is what you make of it , your attitude and outlook are the front site for your furure , poor attitude makes for poor site picture and you'll never hit the target like that" (he is an old school Marine)

Yes for the most part I love where my life is at right now. I really live the life that I want to live. A free spirit and I love a lot of the relationships that I am developing that I would never have been able to develop before.

I have another installment of "my life" coming out as the last one came out before I competed again. Since that time my life has changed a little.
Friday continues on

Okay so I get done with the Hall of Fame and I got to get back by 2:00 PM for the next round of Pictures. My sense of direction is a little better this time and I make it back without incident. The host hotel was also where the show was at. The Blue Angels were also staying there and they were doing an airshow really close by. It was loud as I was trying to walk back. A friend called me and I had a tough time having a conversation with him with the constant roar of the jets. For most of the weekend throughout the hotel you could see Liquid Sun Rays tanned competitors and Blue Angels roaming the hotel.

I get back to the hotel and I take the shots these are an example of how I would take the pics though these are from my phone and the quality is poor. For the shots that were being analyzed I used Nancy's camara.



I was married to a figure competitor who had a different suit for every contest that she competed in. Nancy on the other hand wears the same suit each and every time. The suit to me looks a little different then most suits when I asked her about she said that it's unique and she wears it everytime because she wants the national judges to remember her.

I took a nap and then walked with Nancy down to a place in the mall that was doing her hair. The Hotel had an adjoining 3 story mall that was pretty decent. I told Nancy that I was going to do some shopping, probably eat dinner, and I would just see her later. When she got done with her hair she brought her food over to Houlihans where I was having dinner and joined me while I ate a Grilled Balsamic Chicken Sandwich, French Fries, Ceaser Salad, and dessert she chowed down on 3oz of Talapia, Sweet Potato, and assparagus all mixed together in a bowl with no water to drink. I got to say I felt bad eating that in front of her and off course the waitress and staff had no idea what to think. They asked how come I can eat all that and even drink cokes but the little girl is eating ......"what the hell is that?".....I explained to her that I wasn't competing and if I don't get the hell out your restaraunt and Ohio and general I may never compete again.

You told him my name and alma mater? hahahahahahahaahhaha You remembered that? Your awesome T, hahahahahahhaahaha your the best.............thats friggin hilarious.........
You told him my name and alma mater? hahahahahahahaahhaha You remembered that? Your awesome T, hahahahahahhaahaha your the best.............thats friggin hilarious.........

Phil if it was any other team but the Browns I wouldn't of used your name but I know that is your favorite team........I almost said Brian Sipe

Phil if it was any other team but the Browns I wouldn't of used your name but I know that is your favorite team........I almost said Brian Sipe

u r bringing tears to my eyes.. BRIAN SIPE!!! hahahhaha That goes way about Mike Phipps?
Friday Night

Okay I finish dinner and Nancy finishes her feeding and Friday night arrives and I am scared to death. I know when I compete Friday nights are the worst. Depleted, hungry, tired, and thirsty. I am miserable, so I imagine Nancy will be the same way. She leaves for awhile to get her final tanning and I plot my exit plan. I figure I can go to the mall, see a movie or 2, then hit the Hard Rock and I won't be subjected to anything that might be unpleasant. If I play my cards right I can do this before she gets back from the tanning. I am dressed, shoes are on, ready to go, and the door opens and Nancy is back.

Well what happens for the next few hours really surprises me. No, No, get your mind out of the gutter.....we end up telling a few jokes, talking about music (Nancy is big Pink Floyd fan), Quantam Physics, and some really deep s!@#@. So what I was dreading (how strange does that sound being in a hotel room with Nancy Tremblay is something to dread) Turned out to be a really enjoyable evening. We had some really good laughs as well. So yes Friday night was a success a good nights rest and on to the show.
how about Mike Phipps?

Purdue University......Drew Brees before there was Drew Brees

Lets not forget Jerry Sherk, Doug Dieken, Greg and Mike relation

I almost jumped in the air and said I was the leaping Dave Logan or
I even thought about making a motion like I was a straight on kicker and telling them I was Don Cockroft

Purdue University......Drew Brees before there was Drew Brees

Lets not forget Jerry Sherk, Doug Dieken, Greg and Mike relation

I almost jumped in the air and said I was the leaping Dave Logan or
I even thought about making a motion like I was a straight on kicker and telling them I was Don Cockroft

Tell them you were Thom Darden..........better yet, Ernie, he is a God around there.....

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