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Myostatin? Is there really a way to suppress it?


Jul 28, 2006
Wasn't there a peptide years ago that would suppress myostatin in the body? Is there anything out there that really can suppress it?

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I think you are referring to follistatin. It was being pushed hard a few years back.

The board tested it and it came back as entirely bunk. The following drama was noteworthy.

It's been reappearing in a lot of places. My advice would be to stay away from it if you find it, unless it has been proven to be legit which to my knowledge is not the case.

If you search here you can find threads going back probably about a decade now.
lol i remember the hype train for follistatin. MAN was it expensive too, especially for being worthless.
What I recall is that in the very beginning there was a follistatin lot that worked like gangbusters. Then there was another recombinant form expressed as a fusion protein and gave everyone welts and allergic reaction. then other stuff came on the market that was probably nothing at all or something else. So, brolore developed around this stuff for years and fizzled out.
There are real compounds out there that will suppress myostatin, but the only way to get them is to buy them from the real manufacturers. Back in 2011, I purchased 0.6mg of ACVR2B for over $1200 from a real biopharma company. And yes, it costs when going that route. The stuff worked. That was the biggest and leanest at the same time I have ever been at 217 (photo of me in 2011). How I would love to get a few grams of that stuff now...


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Member xcrunner211 posted on his ACVR2B use 2 years ago; after he decided to not post any longer for reasons described in his thread, I remained in touch with him via his email, as did member Bionic as well.
To make the long story short, he pursued his Folli cycle, and he put on over 40lbs of lean tissue in short time, problem is, he got some ligament issues in his elbow.
There are many myostatin inhibitors out there that will have a great effect. It's not like they are bullshit products. It's just I think nearly all of them available on the UG markets are crap. But they do exist and there are clinical studies to back them up. I am sure they will appear more in the future. Although at the same time it's not like I have ordered 50 different things recently so who knows. There is good ug hgh all over so it's a possibility if thy aren't available now they will be in the future.

I think anyone out to buy them will be very disappointed and I recommend you don't. This was posted in another thread recently. They are obviously expensive so not worth it. If they were $15 per vial then sure experiment and see for yourself. But the amount guys are paying you could get a full aas cycle with slin etc... all things proven to work.

They have all these various names but who knows what you are actually injecting. I recall using folli and it was ok. ACVR2B was amazing when I tried it for the first time. I tried it again years later and it done nothing. Well both my bi-cep tendons went to shit on it. It could be coincidental but they were fine and within a short time they both were terrible and it took over a year for me to get them back pain free. Maybe it was just water in a vial as I noticed no difference in any other way. I once tried Myo HMP years ago and that don't nothing to me either.

I have experimented a tiny amount and overall it was a complete waste. However that one time on ACVR2B was super impressive so I know not to totally dismiss them in regards to potential. Plus it wasn't placebo (far from it) and I used folli around the same time and didn't rate that. As posted you need to watch yourself if you do use them as they are known to cause tendon and ligament issues over time.

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