Test because my mangina needs more masculinity.
NPP at low doses, like 2-300mg/wk, or 50-100mg EOD or m/w/f. At the lower doses, it is still effective in building muscle and strength while keeping sides such as stomach distention, excessive water retention, sexual sides, etc at a minimum while also just feeling good all the time, strong and joints feel great.
I think i'll go with Masteron for the 3rd. I'm older now these days, and it has lower sides and I can afford it compared to Primo, lol.
Honorable mentions:
Tren Ace would have been #2 up until just a few years prior. It is by far the most effective compound for leaning down in a caloric deficit, and for the cost. i never really had very many sides from it using 75-100mg/d except for night sweats (which I could control depending on what I ate the last meal of the night) and insomnia which was the major PITA side for me. I will need to play around with lower doses, if I decide to use it again, and if they are effective with no sides, i'd swap it in for the Mast. I used 10mg/d like 2 years ago for a month and was shocked at how well it worked for me (YES, I was on very low test only doses for a long while prior...only). I stopped because I got a major head cold at the time. I used tren for so many years, since the 90's when Duchaine mentioned adding the pellets to DMSO, then onward to the kit days and then eventually UG. I'm 48 now, and just want to 'feel good' when on stuff. If i find a dose of tren that still allows that to happen, i'll use it.
Primo....last time I used it was in the 90's with the old 50mg Schering amps from Mexico, lol. Want to give it a run at some point in the future now that i'm......older, lol....just to see....'how I feel.' Most likely if I win the lotto
Sorry for the tl;dr.