Very nice definition but you in order to be competitive, I htink your need more muscle. But you sure are ripped.
Your weakest point:
I think is your back.
Keep doing what your doing... If you add some more muscle with that level of condition you will look AMAZING, i think so anyway
Thank you all, I appreciate it! I wish I knew what I was doing, lol. I train and diet very hard but I'm pretty confused by everything about this sport. I will definitely keep at it.
tsimehc75, calves and grip are the only two areas I think I am lazy about. They are very boring to me and I can't focus enough to get in any more than the basic level of volume. I do 1 DC rest-pause set (5 sec neg, 10 sec hold) for calves twice a week.
um?If??.........he is 22 and natty.........what do you suppose is going to happen if he keeps training and dieting correctly.