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Need answers on first cycle


New member
Aug 29, 2010
I started the beginners cycle posted in one of the sources and I m using

1ml super test week
2ml Eq week
30mg of dbol

After injects deltoid area became very very sore (this is were super test was injected) eq is fine. Am in the fourth day now and yet Not worked out and gettin high temp. Ive now read super test is very painful, but I have also heard of such a thing called (the test flu) can someone confirm if they have had the same symptoms? Btw first time using gear!

186 lbs
You are going to get pain from super test, plain and simple. Thats alot of test in 1ml! Did you shoot all 450 mg in 1 shot or did you split it in 2 shots?
Yeah it w the whole freaking ml and damn I feel crippled I could move a bit more keep in mind it's going to be five days
plit it up .5ml test and 1ml eq each shot that will make it much much better
plit it up .5ml test and 1ml eq each shot that will make it much much better

Jamescb77 thanks am a try that here in a couple of days, but has anyone actually tried that mix? And was there a big difference in the pain level? I can definitely say the pain level on super test is freaking an 8 (1-10)
Yes that works fine, splitting in same dart, you can cut it with some grapeseed oil or bake it to remove some of the excessive alcohol used.
Jamescb77 thanks am a try that here in a couple of days, but has anyone actually tried that mix? And was there a big difference in the pain level? I can definitely say the pain level on super test is freaking an 8 (1-10)
Yes that works fine, splitting in same dart, you can cut it with some grapeseed oil or bake it to remove some of the excessive alcohol used.

Stewie when u say bake it are u saying let the alcohol evaporate?
Originally Posted by houstonflex713
Holy Shit 1/ml of test in a weak

Sorry thought he said 10/ml a week and in 1 shot:D:D:D
Yes, if You choose to try this approach take a glass baking dish and place in the oven turn your oven on 200° , preheat(buy a oven thermometer and place in oven to make sure Your oven thermometer is set correct ) take a 18ga needle insert in vial just a few mm above oil.
Once your oven reaches 200° place vial on baking dish and place a 3 cup glass measuring cup over vial, bake for 10 mins.

Alcohol boils around 175°
depending on oil used boils anywhere from 375°-420°.

Edit: as soon as you remove from the oven remove the needle.
Stewie when u say bake it are u saying let the alcohol evaporate?
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there's gear out there (sponsors section) that is smooth as silk. just change brands.
Thanks to all on the feed back, but do you think its still going to hurts as Hell lol, thats my only concern right now as, if I would have know this stuff was that freaking strong i would have gotten somenthing else. Then to top it off, I injected that 1ml in less than a minute, it went in smooth and no pain, until i woke up the next day, I thought i was hit by a bat. :banghead:
Its generally from the Benzyl alcohol or other type of alcohol used in the preparation of making the product, its used for a few reasons, 1 to dissolve the raw test, 2 keep from bacteria to form in the solution. Sometimes they put to much in.

Cut yourself and pour alcohol on it, hurts like hell, now put it deep in the muscle and it has no way to evaporate, it stays and hurts.

You can also cut it.

You have options.
Deal with the pain
Or cut

Good luck
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Your still probably going to have some pain. ...? Your only removing a fraction of alcohol, by cutting it your diluting the total volume reducing both test and alcohol.
Thanks stewie that sounds good! I'll try baking this stuff thanks!

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