I hope i am into the right topic.
My name is Ruud and come from the Netherlands. My age is 52, yes i know a oldy. I train allready for over 30jears.
My weight is 134kg at 11% bf. Still very good right? My height is 184cm
I used in the jears a lot of gear and HGH, IGF-1Lr3,Slin and last time also MGF.
Now i ordered for the first time 2 botles of Syntherol.
See what it can do for me.
I already have seen and read the instructions from BigA.
But now i guess i have not ordered enough of the Synthol (only 2 bottles)
My arms are now 55,5cm (23") Let see what happend when the synthol helps me to..
Maybe i place this into the wrong section, but please forgive me, i am not used to do this. I am used to Dutch boards.
If i did it wrong, i will learn soon to do it on the right way.
My name is Ruud and come from the Netherlands. My age is 52, yes i know a oldy. I train allready for over 30jears.
My weight is 134kg at 11% bf. Still very good right? My height is 184cm
I used in the jears a lot of gear and HGH, IGF-1Lr3,Slin and last time also MGF.
Now i ordered for the first time 2 botles of Syntherol.
See what it can do for me.
I already have seen and read the instructions from BigA.
But now i guess i have not ordered enough of the Synthol (only 2 bottles)
My arms are now 55,5cm (23") Let see what happend when the synthol helps me to..
Maybe i place this into the wrong section, but please forgive me, i am not used to do this. I am used to Dutch boards.
If i did it wrong, i will learn soon to do it on the right way.