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New pro hormone bans


i dont nderstand how they can do this. i mean are there studies saying theses are bad for you? or is it anything called a steroid is bad for you. prendisone is a "streroid". not anabolic but it bears the name. why not get rid of it? this is so damn stupid. i hope companies just keep finding new things to come out with and drive the dea nuts! or one thats not classified as a steroid so some big company could fight this crap!
god bless

i dont nderstand how they can do this. i mean are there studies saying theses are bad for you? or is it anything called a steroid is bad for you. prendisone is a "streroid". not anabolic but it bears the name. why not get rid of it? this is so damn stupid. i hope companies just keep finding new things to come out with and drive the dea nuts! or one thats not classified as a steroid so some big company could fight this crap!
god bless

SUS500, tren250, pheramass,..........worked better for me than any steroid I ever took.
In all honesty....they are very much like steroids. They just change the chemical structure to something that is not on the banned substance list and theyr good to go. The exact chemical has to be listed in order for it to be illegal, so they very much could be actual steroids ;)
funny thing is if they legalized it it would be less of a problem. when i went to mexico i saw guys who worked out. they asked me about creatine. i was like what? you have primo, test, nandralone , all available for cheap and you wanna know about creatine? the creatine was exotic to them and they sought it. if the gov stopped making such a big damn deal about it im sure some things would change. as for sports? hell there is always other countries we can get stuff from via script ect. so why do they keep going after these things? all thats gonn happen is people are getting more pissed and its gonna cause people to get hurt cuz we keep having to find new things that may be dangerous. instead of just taking precautions using the tried and true tested things we always had!!!! im waiting for the first "steroid militia" to begin. someone some where is gonna say enough! stop taking our rights away and they are gonna stand up and push back. if we think its ugly now.....just wait. you can only push so long and so hard before someone pushes back!!!! this isnt just about drugs now....its our freedom and our rights!! god help us all. next....chicken will be illegal and we can only eat tuna....eewwww.:p

god bless
how much?
These were only legal in the first place due to a loop hole in the law, of course they were going to be banned eventually.
stop taking our rights away and they are gonna stand up and push back. if we think its ugly now.....just wait. you can only push so long and so hard before someone pushes back!!!! this isnt just about drugs now....its our freedom and our rights!! god help us all. next....chicken will be illegal and we can only eat tuna....eewwww.:p

There has actually been a push by the govt. move to make all drugs including aspirin and vitamins regulated. Sects of the govt want total control over it all.

Interesting times we are in were we depend on the black market for more and more of what we want. Unfortunately, as a result of the government’s push for total control, its pushing us into harms way.

How does one take the Pheramass...how often, etc?
shelf life....

do these products have an expiration date. how long will an unopened bottle keep it's potency? thanks.
Screw this, If they keep making everything illegal then they are gonna have to let people go into the docs office and get it that way. get it a legal way. Big pharma is a bitch, f'em! They should give people permits to buy who have proven they have the knowledge and state of mind to take whatever they want. It's all because the gov't is corrupt and they are greedy.
There has actually been a push by the govt. move to make all drugs including aspirin and vitamins regulated. Sects of the govt want total control over it all.

Interesting times we are in were we depend on the black market for more and more of what we want. Unfortunately, as a result of the government’s push for total control, its pushing us into harms way.

i dont nderstand how they can do this. i mean are there studies saying theses are bad for you? or is it anything called a steroid is bad for you. prendisone is a "streroid". not anabolic but it bears the name. why not get rid of it? this is so damn stupid. i hope companies just keep finding new things to come out with and drive the dea nuts! or one thats not classified as a steroid so some big company could fight this crap!
god bless

Like has been said there's zero difference between these compounds and the anabolic steroids already on the list. So it shouldn't really be no surprise that they also get explicitly banned. And actually I'm pretty sure even Rick Collins has said these were never really legal in the first place. Very gray area.
most of them are actual steroids.

phera: is actually desoxymethyltestosterone,
and the tren compound is a 19-nor dienolone, the chemical name: 19-nor-4,9(10)-androstadienedione

the other compound is boldione, which is 1,4andro a precursor to boldenone.

other steroids are still legal, methasterone is legal, havoc/epistane is still legal, the OT precursor halodrol is still legal as will.

so is prostanozol, which is a winstrol precursor.

and all of these you can buy at the local supp shop.
There has actually been a push by the govt. move to make all drugs including aspirin and vitamins regulated. Sects of the govt want total control over it all.

Interesting times we are in were we depend on the black market for more and more of what we want. Unfortunately, as a result of the government’s push for total control, its pushing us into harms way.

The world health organization if I remember correctly... Actually part of the UN... they want you to have to goto a doc just get a script for Vitamin C....
In all honesty....they are very much like steroids. They just change the chemical structure to something that is not on the banned substance list and theyr good to go. The exact chemical has to be listed in order for it to be illegal, so they very much could be actual steroids ;)

They aren't "very much like steroids", they are steroids. And I agree with Phil about them being stronger than a lot of the gear we've used over the years. Sus500 is actually too strong for me---great gains, but I couldn't handle the sides. Once Phil goes through selling his stock, I'll probably offer mine for sale--think I've got 4 bottles of the Sus500

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