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New Pro Mamdouh Elssbiay - What are they feeding these guys!

You guys crack me up with this anti- test shit! Test is king! Branch Warren, Jay Cutler are all on a damn good amount of test and they make this Guy look like a fat piece of shit when it comes to conditioning, especially branch, he may not have a pleasing shape due to pushing things too far cause that's what the ifbb wants but his conditioning is spot on.
You guys crack me up with this anti- test shit! Test is king! Branch Warren, Jay Cutler are all on a damn good amount of test and they make this Guy look like a fat piece of shit when it comes to conditioning, especially branch, he may not have a pleasing shape due to pushing things too far cause that's what the ifbb wants but his conditioning is spot on.

this dude looks more IFBB ready than ANYONE who got their pro card in the last 3-4 years. And by IFBB ready I don't mean pleasing to the eye or that I like his look at all....but I think if you put his ass up on stage next to branch...at least thickness-wise...he's 1-2 years away from there.

and I agree with everyone on here, Ced's look in unreal compared to this dude and is something that most BBers should strive toward.

just my 2 cents.
In Iraq u can get amp of SUS or test e for 2 bucks. But these guys don't pay for anything. There countries pay for all there stuff and take care of there families.
In Iraq u can get amp of SUS or test e for 2 bucks. But these guys don't pay for anything. There countries pay for all there stuff and take care of there families.

Yeah and Iraq has an environment much more conducive to bodybuilding. Just watch out for EOD's, beheadings, jihads, and 120 degree heat.

bboy if the anti-test comment was directed to me, I just gave a summary of what buselmo said in that thread.
Yeah and Iraq has an environment much more conducive to bodybuilding. Just watch out for EOD's, beheadings, jihads, and 120 degree heat.

bboy if the anti-test comment was directed to me, I just gave a summary of what buselmo said in that thread.
no it certainly wasn't directed toward you, I don't even remember what you wrote, there have been numerous threads and people talking about low test cycles.
You can't "strive" to look like a certain bodybuilder... just like Shawn Ray can't "strive" to look like Marcus Ruhl.

Pretty much everyone is trying to be the biggest, baddest MFer they can be... but many just don't have it.
You can't "strive" to look like a certain bodybuilder... just like Shawn Ray can't "strive" to look like Marcus Ruhl.

Pretty much everyone is trying to be the biggest, baddest MFer they can be... but many just don't have it.

You can't "strive" to look like a certain bodybuilder... just like Shawn Ray can't "strive" to look like Marcus Ruhl.

Pretty much everyone is trying to be the biggest, baddest MFer they can be... but many just don't have it.

Well said my friend!
You can't "strive" to look like a certain bodybuilder... just like Shawn Ray can't "strive" to look like Marcus Ruhl.

Pretty much everyone is trying to be the biggest, baddest MFer they can be... but many just don't have it.


People strive for an aesthetically pleasing physique (they may not have it and may THINK their's is) but that's what they want. The end.
Wow,will definitly be at the top in a few years....
as for asian bodybuilders most of the ones i met and spoken too are on 1200mg-1400mg test-propionate and then everything is 600mg starting from tren ace, boldenone, masteron, stanazolol, gh is 4iu-6iu ed for 10 months/year.......lispro 10iu several times a day..............is one of their favourite INSULIN products.
The most successful bodybuilders in the world (forgetting your opinion on ideal physique) are the O competitors. So it is common sense most bodybuilders will want to follow them in a sense. They will try and take what they do too. It's all pretty much the same all over from what I have seen. Everyone has there own little ways.

I do hear training can be alot different in regards to volume and weight used. But you get that difference inside the US too. You have guys like buselmo who has highlighted some differences too. Things like stricter dieting and more extremes during prep... literally carbless for long periods. But it is common sense to know extremes exist in bodybuilding all over the globe. I have heard light weight and more voume is used but I find it hard that bodybuilders all over don't push the weight... natural extinct.

What I have heard is middle eastern guys tend to follow an older approach (think 70's). The same applies with drugs... very little testosterone is used during prep. I have a friend from Libya who told me everything is pretty much used but lots of tren... then you have winny, bold, mast etc. But test is there. It's common sense with the supply of legit test they have and it's price that it will be used alot. They get amps for next to nothing... top bb's don't even pay for it. Some of the best test in the world is manufactured in the middle east (and lots of it). But I think it is looked at as a particular dirty drug mainly used in the offseason and not when trying to get ripped. But I am sure most use abit of everything all through the year.

Even on here you have alot of guys who think test is a dirty drug that you have to use other meds to combat the water/look it brings. Then you have tonnes who think it is the best bodybuilding drug ever. I love test. But I personally know quite a few guys who just use it for trt and use high dosed tren, mast, primo and they feel it only adds to their physique doing it that way.
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to awnser the question of what is he on:

growth hormone
possibly insulin

doses will be quite high and drugs will vary.

this seems bout the right sort of comment for somebody guessing his secret super pro-maker drug course?
to awnser the question of what is he on:

growth hormone
possibly insulin

doses will be quite high and drugs will vary.

this seems bout the right sort of comment for somebody guessing his secret super pro-maker drug course?

Lol. He's 5'10" and 282 lbs of conditioned muscle. There is no " possibly insulin ", my friend. Maybe " possibly a vial a day of insulin ". Hahahaha ! ; D ;D
You guys crack me up with this anti- test shit! Test is king! Branch Warren, Jay Cutler are all on a damn good amount of test and they make this Guy look like a fat piece of shit when it comes to conditioning, especially branch, he may not have a pleasing shape due to pushing things too far cause that's what the ifbb wants but his conditioning is spot on.

Agree on the testosterone thing-bigtime.
funny how things change...years ago it was high doses of test and an anabolic like Deca or EQ with a kiss of tren...
Now the myth is low test and gobs of tren masteron and other "exotics" like primo etc...who knows in this information age it seems to change month to month.

What's cheap and what's real..the old model T test and deca...
When you get into all the exotic anabolics -more chance of being fake and or low dosed as well as priced higher. Genetic response and metabolism -go big time here...many normal whitebread ammericans don't tolerate test well...but take a guy with elite genetics and a great metabolic response to test and it's gold.
to awnser the question of what is he on:

growth hormone
possibly insulin

doses will be quite high and drugs will vary.

this seems bout the right sort of comment for somebody guessing his secret super pro-maker drug course?

I was in no way guessing what he is taking. I couldn't care less. Although you summed it up pretty well :) I do find it interesting though the differences in general approaches guys take in different parts of the world. I have/had a few fairly close friends from parts of Europe etc. Things are done differently in some aspects and it can be seen in peoples physiques. In my city I would say 80% of aas users are on sust and deca :D The amount of times I have heard I am on sust and deca :eek: I am sure uk guys (like yourself) can relate... especially in the north.

Agree on the testosterone thing-bigtime.
funny how things change...years ago it was high doses of test and an anabolic like Deca or EQ with a kiss of tren...
Now the myth is low test and gobs of tren masteron and other "exotics" like primo etc...who knows in this information age it seems to change month to month.

What's cheap and what's real..the old model T test and deca...
When you get into all the exotic anabolics -more chance of being fake and or low dosed as well as priced higher. Genetic response and metabolism -go big time here...many normal whitebread ammericans don't tolerate test well...but take a guy with elite genetics and a great metabolic response to test and it's gold.

Exactly. After trying insulin for the 1st time recently I think all my cycles are basically gonna be test, deca/npp and low dosed insulin. I can't afford getting this and that so just gonna keep it cheap, simple but effective (hopefully) :D
As far as im concerned test and deca with hgh/slin is best stack you can do. Add in a oral like dbol or anadrol and watch out !!!! If you cant grow off of that, well then take up golf or bowling...becasue this sport isnt for you...lol;)
ok so i 'm like a broken record with this post but big A's article says 4 weeks up to a show stay on a "bulking gear" (test,deca,abomb, dbol)......so if he is telling us this i can only imagine these guys are doing the same or similiar protocols, plus AI's to combat sides.......
As far as im concerned test and deca with hgh/slin is best stack you can do. Add in a oral like dbol or anadrol and watch out !!!! If you cant grow off of that, well then take up golf or bowling...becasue this sport isnt for you...lol;)

we should start a separate thread on the basics especailly from the vets...cause the young guys don't get it...you don't learn to juice in one to two years it takes a long time to sort your body out chemically and metabolically...
although my bodybuilding cycles are over i ended up with the same shit as i started on 10-15 years before that...
we should start a separate thread on the basics especailly from the vets...cause the young guys don't get it...you don't learn to juice in one to two years it takes a long time to sort your body out chemically and metabolically...
although my bodybuilding cycles are over i ended up with the same shit as i started on 10-15 years before that...

exactly^^^^^ hell what am i on right now (just started) test, deca, gh, slin, anadrol

slin, gh, and anadrol only on training days (mon, wed, fri HIT training), with peptide use every day!

:lightbulb: :lightbulb:

like chris250 said " If you cant grow off of that, well then take up golf or bowling...becasue this sport isnt for you...lol" :) :lightbulb:

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