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NEW Study Says WINSTROL causes male rats to beat female rats (no joke)


Active member
Kilo Klub Member
Feb 28, 2006
Holy implications Batman!

So now this is the route of attack for 2007 against steroids? That winstrol will cause men to become sexually frustrated to the point where we're going to beat women to get laid? Gee... Last I checked that's called RAPE.

IN essence: Anabolic Steroids will cause men to rape women. Read between the lines folks, because that's where this lunacy is going if we ignore it.

Here's the study, incredible BULLSHIT BOLDED for your pleasure...:

Horm Behav. 2007 Jan;51(1):135-41. Epub 2006 Oct 17.Click here to read

Factors influencing aggression toward females by male rats exposed to anabolic androgenic steroids during puberty.

* Cunningham RL,
* McGinnis MY.

Department of Biology, The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78249, USA.

Previous results showed that male rats pubertally exposed to anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) displayed aggression towards females in response to physical provocation. This experiment examined two factors that may modulate AAS-induced behavior towards females: olfactory cues and frustration. Gonadally intact males began one of three AAS treatments at puberty (D40): testosterone propionate (T), stanozolol (S), T+S, or vehicle control. To test for the relevance of olfactory cues in the elicitation of behavior toward females, a hidden neighbor paradigm was used. The proximal stimulus was an ovariectomized (OVX) female, estrogen plus progesterone (E+P) female, or an E+P female with tape-obstructed vagina (OBS). Distal olfactory cues from a hidden neighbor were delivered from a separate cage connected to the testing arena. The vaginally obstructed, sexually receptive female (OBS) was used to determine the effects of frustration on behavior by AAS males. Both sexual and aggressive behaviors were measured. The presence of distal olfactory cues had no effect on either sexual or aggressive behavior. In the presence of E+P and OBS females, all males displayed sex behaviors, not aggression. However, AAS males displayed significantly more aggression towards proximal OVX females than controls. AAS males mounted OBS females significantly more than controls, indicating a persistence of once rewarded behavior. These results suggest (1) proximal cues of the conspecific female are more salient than distal olfactory cues in determining behavior and (2) AAS males display frustration-induced persistence in response to vaginally obstructed receptive females.

PMID: 17049521 [PubMed - in process]


That first line was italicized because one of the "previous studies" were conducted by THEM only a few months earlier! And check out the similarity of the first line here:

Horm Behav. 2006 Sep;50(3):410-6. Epub 2006 Jul 25.Click here to read Links
Physical provocation of pubertal anabolic androgenic steroid exposed male rats elicits aggression towards females.

* Cunningham RL,
* McGinnis MY.

Department of Biology, The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78249, USA.

Human studies suggest that anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) users are aggressive towards women. This study used a rat model to evaluate whether AAS potentiated aggression towards females and the conditions under which this occurs. Gonadally intact pubertal male rats received one of the following AAS treatments (5 mg/kg s.c. 5 days/week for nine weeks): testosterone (T), stanozolol (S), testosterone + stanozolol (T + S), or vehicle control. Each rat was tested with 3 conspecific stimuli: ovariectomized females (OVX), estrogen only females (E), and estrogen + progesterone females (E + P). The response to physical provocation was tested under three conditions: without physical provocation, provocation of the experimental male, and provocation of the conspecific female. Provocation was a mild tail pinch. Both aggressive and sexual behaviors were measured during each test. In the absence of physical provocation, AAS males were not aggressive towards females. However, provocation significantly increased aggression in males treated with testosterone but only towards OVX females. In the presence of E or E + P females, all animals displayed sex behavior, not aggression. Thus, factors such as the nature of the AAS and the hormonal status of the females are important in determining whether male rats will be aggressive towards females. However, the most salient factor determining aggression towards females is the presence of provocation in combination with high levels of testosterone.


MILD TAIL PINCH? Ok, let me "mildly" twist your neck and see if you don't attempt to beat my ass silly or at least attack me - ANGRILY - whether you're on anadrol or a cup of coffee. These jerks!!

And only two people conducted this study - Cunningham RL, McGinnis MY.

These studies were neither double-blind nor placebo controlled.

By the way, this McGinnis MY character has been going after steroids for years. I wonder who in his past he's taking this out on?! LOL! Here's another first liner from a study McGinnis was involved in:

"Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) have been linked to indiscriminant and unprovoked aggression and violence. We employed a brief tail pinch to examine the effects of different AAS on intermale aggression in gonadally intact male rats in response to a mild physical provocation."

Indiscriminate and unprovoked aggression and violence?!! When was this, exactly?! What study was this??

God I'm fumed! What a way to start the new year!

Mind you, that first study I posted was just pulished in the January 2007 edition of "Hormones and behavior", although the study was completed on October 17th of '06. Hence, it's just getting read by the medical community now.

What pisses me off the most (shit, and I'm NOT taking Winstrol..!) is the opening sentence of each of these three studies and the words used... "AAS Has been linked to violence.." "against women" "indiscriminate and unprovoked violence..."

Wow .. Talk about propaganda!

And yet Viagra, which has been proven in HUMANS to provoke heart attacks, is legal and readily available. Bastards.
One more thing...

Just a small favor:

If you copy and past the above, please credit me with writing it. A few of my posts have ended up on other boards with a line reading "from another board."

winstrol does seem to promote more agression than other steroids but its nothing that will cause "indiscriminate and unprovoked agression and violence" LOL...alex
I believe AAS can exacerbate one's natural tendencies. If a person is aggressive or an asshole, it can make them more that way. Even with heath related issues. If one's predisposed to heart problems, AAS can make it worse or occur sooner. Same goes with hair loss - it's not that AAS will make you go bald but it certainly may speed up the process.
xcelbeyond said:
I believe AAS can exacerbate one's natural tendencies. If a person is aggressive or an asshole, it can make them more that way. Even with heath related issues. If one's predisposed to heart problems, AAS can make it worse or occur sooner. Same goes with hair loss - it's not that AAS will make you go bald but it certainly may speed up the process.
Great study though and a good read. I'm with xcel though. I don't know of many direct studies but over the years from observation and dare I say experimentation, we've all seen what xcel said: AAS only seem to promote already existing conditions (aggression, baldness, etc.)

I've never seen anyone go into a "roid rage" in my life. I've seen people get into fights or angry but they did that even before use. So my advice is that if you have anger issues, stay away. If you have thinning hair, keep away. If you have ANY medical or psycholoical condition or anything else, stay away. You could hurt yourself or even worse, someone else.
I don't think anyone should be surprised that testosterone and testosterone derivatives make animals more sexually aggressive. I don't think they are flawed studies, I mean who wouldn't have guessed the outcome even before these studies? Humans have reason though and can obey the laws of society.
AAS males display frustration-induced persistence in response to vaginally obstructed receptive females.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeel nooooooooooo sheeeeeeeeeeeet!
KillerStack said:
I don't think anyone should be surprised that testosterone and testosterone derivatives make animals more sexually aggressive. I don't think they are flawed studies, I mean who wouldn't have guessed the outcome even before these studies? Humans have reason though and can obey the laws of society.

Who mentioned anything about being surprised that steroids cause aggressiveness? I repeat:

"Human studies suggest that anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) users are aggressive towards women."

That's the line that worries me. Aggressive towards WOMEN.. Specifically, women. Not towards other men, not what Xcel suggested, which is correct, it will make a person who is already aggressive more aggressive, but SPECIFICALLY and obviously this study is making the assertion that men will be more aggressive towards women when taking steroids.
BrooklynBB said:
Who mentioned anything about being surprised that steroids cause aggressiveness? I repeat:

"Human studies suggest that anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) users are aggressive towards women."

That's the line that worries me. Aggressive towards WOMEN.. Specifically, women. Not towards other men, not what Xcel suggested, which is correct, it will make a person who is already aggressive more aggressive, but SPECIFICALLY and obviously this study is making the assertion that men will be more aggressive towards women when taking steroids.
Yes I agree that what they are inferring is propaganda. Like I said humans aren't rats and have reason. The rat study itself could very well be well designed etc. The agenda behind the study is the problem.
KillerStack said:
I don't think anyone should be surprised that testosterone and testosterone derivatives make animals more sexually aggressive. I don't think they are flawed studies, I mean who wouldn't have guessed the outcome even before these studies? Humans have reason though and can obey the laws of society.

this is true, we don't have to act with our instincts, we are intellegent and know how to control ourselves, people who actually rape because they were on wins is because they were already mentally capable of such things, test doesent control the mind
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