Hello all members! I would like to just say that this board has got to be one of the most informative sites I have ever come across. I have done nothing for the past three weeks but read as much as I can and learn from everyone on this site. I have enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you guys for providing such great information.
I am 29 year old and have been lifting for the last 11 years. I am 5'11" and currently weight 233lbs. I would say I am about 18-20% bodyfat. I am working on bulking up right now. I believe that I have come to a time in my life where I have the training down pretty good and understand how my body reacts to different eating methods. I feel that I am ready to take my training to the next level and introduce some supplementation.
I have my mind set on starting on a 10 week cycle of test enanthate 500mg a week, 250mg taken on Monday morning and 250mg taken on Thursday night. I will then wait 14 days after my last injection and then start my PCT consisting of 30 days of 100mg of Clomid/20mg of Nolva. I am planning on taking 10mg of Nolva ED during the entire cycle. I believe this is the best starter cycle for me as I have no reason to jump into some complicated cycle consisting of numerous different things until I understand how just one will affect me.
I look forward to sharing my first experience with you all. I will continue to act as a sponge and absorb as much knowledge as I can from this site. Thanks again to all the great information this site and its members provide.
No Mercy
I am 29 year old and have been lifting for the last 11 years. I am 5'11" and currently weight 233lbs. I would say I am about 18-20% bodyfat. I am working on bulking up right now. I believe that I have come to a time in my life where I have the training down pretty good and understand how my body reacts to different eating methods. I feel that I am ready to take my training to the next level and introduce some supplementation.
I have my mind set on starting on a 10 week cycle of test enanthate 500mg a week, 250mg taken on Monday morning and 250mg taken on Thursday night. I will then wait 14 days after my last injection and then start my PCT consisting of 30 days of 100mg of Clomid/20mg of Nolva. I am planning on taking 10mg of Nolva ED during the entire cycle. I believe this is the best starter cycle for me as I have no reason to jump into some complicated cycle consisting of numerous different things until I understand how just one will affect me.
I look forward to sharing my first experience with you all. I will continue to act as a sponge and absorb as much knowledge as I can from this site. Thanks again to all the great information this site and its members provide.
No Mercy