Okay, for starters I'd like to say hello to everybody. I am 21 years old, I have been lifting since i was 15 years old. I am 6'2'', 185lbs. I train three days a week split/body. Mon and Fri I do chest, bi's, tri's, and abs. On Wed I do legs, back, and shoulders. I have recently just ordered a 6 week supply of GP Methan, and am going to take it 40mgs/day for the first 3 weeks then up the dose to 50mgs/day. I am wanting to stack that with Test-P so that I can bulk up but at the same time build lean mass. I would appreciate any input on this and am open to other suggestions as well. Also, I'm not exactly sure what I need to take for the Post treatment? I have read alot of articles about taking clomid or novadex so I was just looking for some information. Thanks All!