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Nitric Oxide


New member
Mar 23, 2005
Does any one take a vaso dialtor/ Nitric Oxide before competition. like "pump tech"

If so did you start taking it a few days before the show...or just that day..?
I have never used it before. I am usually very vascular on show day but will it just make things better or worse...?

Many Vets on this board have suggested the following:

Anadrol for epo production.

AMP, I believe synthtek has a product w/ this ingredient in it called kynoselen sp?

Viagra, is suggested by Excelbeyond.
Last edited:
Thanks... and that is true about the viagra.."Blood pressure" I get very flush with it... But I think it's a bit risky when you only have your posing trunks on..

SitySlicker1 said:
Many Vets on this board have suggested the following:

Anadrol for epo production.

AMP, I believe synthtek has a product w/ this ingredient in it called kynoselen sp?

Viagra, is suggested by Excelbeyond.
keepittous said:
Thanks... and that is true about the viagra.."Blood pressure" I get very flush with it... But I think it's a bit risky when you only have your posing trunks on..

Honestly you are that worried about standing on stage nothing else will be standing. Viagra is a good visalator. It will leave you hard and full. I also think Adrol is very good the last few days before the show.
niacin works

500 mg of Niacin (flush, not no flush variety) works well. If you have never used it before, try it at home before back stage, otherwise the flush will freak you out! Go to CVS or Walgreens are ask pharmacist for the pharmaceutical grade immediate release niacin (nicontinic acid)...NOT no flush niacin.....This is used in Medicine to raise HDL (god cholesterol). It is also a worhtwhile supplement for those on the juice as it is a good heart preventative, roids drive down your HDL.
Big Bapper said:
Honestly you are that worried about standing on stage nothing else will be standing. Viagra is a good visalator. It will leave you hard and full. I also think Adrol is very good the last few days before the show.

I discovered this on my own a few years back. I was getting ready for a little action with my lady and popped a viagra. I still had about an hour before she was going to show so I thought I would do a quick full body workout before I hit the shower. I got some of the most incredible pumps. All night I looked like I had just finished a set, all pumped and jacked.
A50# said:
I discovered this on my own a few years back. I was getting ready for a little action with my lady and popped a viagra. I still had about an hour before she was going to show so I thought I would do a quick full body workout before I hit the shower. I got some of the most incredible pumps. All night I looked like I had just finished a set, all pumped and jacked.

How much Viagra did you take 50mg or 100mg's... I have taken the 50mg/50mg viagra/cilais combo and I got really flush and a stuffy nose. The problem was that if I even turned the wrong way things would POP UP... So that would be the biggest worry..
So that would be really risky taking it before you walk on stage....
SitySlicker1 said:
Viagra, is suggested by Excelbeyond.
I've never suggested viagra for pre-contest - for other pre-things I have:p ;)
You need cAMP and AMP.
It will lower your blood pressure as it is a dialator. It is very powerful, so go easy on it as it can remove the O2 from your blood stream and then you can pass out. In my opinion, the Synth stuff although like Kyno uses ATP and not cAMP. And cAMP is a much better component ... as it is more of a messenger and activates all sorts of G proteins for cellular growth. Again, for vascularity, use cAMP ... or just plain AMP. I bought some from researchlabsuppies.com ... something like that.
keepittous said:
How much Viagra did you take 50mg or 100mg's... I have taken the 50mg/50mg viagra/cilais combo and I got really flush and a stuffy nose. The problem was that if I even turned the wrong way things would POP UP... So that would be the biggest worry..
So that would be really risky taking it before you walk on stage....

I used 50mg before pre-judgeing as I had never used before and was scared of getting wood. At the night show I used 100mg and got a great pump.

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