Bro This Is Not Personal
But it is so important that we learn from others experiences.
Relax, you may very well get arrested and you will then probably end up pleading to a misdemeanor charge of possesion of a controlled substance. But if you have no significant criminal history, you will not go to jail and one day you will look back and see it as just one of lifes bumps. You already incriminated yourself, so if you are charged, you will need a local attorney with good relationships with the judge and prosecutor. You don't need a steroid attorney, just a good attorney who can work the plea for you and get you a soft landing.
It is rare that customs follows up on an east coast seizure, but this is the second time in about a month that I have heard of this happening. Why this is occuring I am not sure. They don't have the resources to be tracking down personal gear.
Don't you guys ever tell me it's okay to send gear to your home. Look on Friday if he knew it was in customs, he calls the mailbox shop and says " I have been transferred out of town unexpectedly and I need to close the box. " I am not expecting anything but if something should come in would you just return it to sender.
Now even if you don't close the box at the mailbox shop, you are still insulated in a way that keeps the pack out of your hands. They can know who you are, they can know you ordered it, but they can't force you to take possesion and you have time to get things in order even if you did have to come face to face with customs. Yes ultimately they can go before a judge and provide the seizure information and lie or exaggerate the facts and get an arrest warrant sworn out for you, but that is a lot of hassle and on the first seizure????.
How much easier for customs if they can just show up at the family home and put you in such an awkward position that in your discomfort you admit to ordering and using anabolic steroids. You make it easy and you will get phucked!
Seriously bro,
You are obviously a nice guy and fortunately, probably everyone including customs, the prosecutor, and the judge will recognize that and they won't bang you too hard. But you wasted time, money, and opportunity, by not being more careful about what you do and say.
This should have never happened like this, but everyone makes errors in judgement and fortunately there is a God who can reconcile even our biggest screwups.