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Moderator / FOUNDING Member / NPC Judge
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Jun 5, 2002
just watched fox news.. they talked about the murderes of course.. and they had jericho on.. he was very well spoken and said that you cant just lump everything into "steroids" and that there was many reasons for his mental illness or state of mind.. then they went to a segment about the lady wrestler "sherri" who died two weeks ago..
the reporter talked of a possible drug connection in sherri's death ect.. then ended it with "we just dont know if steroids were involved in her death yet"... wtf.. she was 50 years old.. had a history of rec drug (which they mentioned) abuse and was fired from the wwe for that very reason.. then fired from wwc for the exact same reason.. and has been retired.. but, they some how are trying to make a the connection that maybe she took steroids and that caused her death.. not the rec drug abuse she was known for.. but, steroids.. amazing..:confused: :mad:

LATS, I just have to try and ignore all the BS now. But people buy it. I mean even on these boards you see it. A man in his 50s dies of a heart attack and you have mindless fools posting "it must have been the steroids" - like no males in their 50s ever die of a heart attack. A bodybuilder dies of cancer? Steroids, despite the fact almost everyone knows someone who has battled cancer. A bodybuilder crashes a car? Steroids. Absolute mindless shit.

I posted this in another thread, but this was written today in our papers (www.smh.com.au). It relates to Oz, but you gotta wonder - why are the media and people in general so eager to demonise steroids, when the fact of the matter is even IF they were as bad as they say unless you use them it's not gonna hurt anyone else. Alcohol, cigarettes, guns, drugs, on the other hand... IronMike

A paper prepared by the NSW Parliamentary Library Research Service for the 2003 NSW summit on alcohol abuse outlines the costs: alcohol played a role in 50 per cent of cases of domestic violence and sexual violence, 37 per cent of road injuries, 44 per cent of injuries resulting from fire, 47 per cent of assaults and 16 per cent of child abuse cases. It was a factor in more than one-third of homicides. More than 3600 people were dying each year from alcohol use and about 72,000 were hospitalised. The last time it was calculated at the end of the 1990s, alcohol misuse cost the community $7.5 billion a year.
I am now convinced that steroids are to blame for 911.
Lats, I saw that interview and I must say that Jericho handled the questions better than anyone I have seen so far... Very intelligent guy, who seemed to really care about Benoit and his family... The best interview so far by anyone connected to the business.... I don't know how many of you saw Hannity and Colmes last night, but they had Debra on their show, and she is obviously a disgruntled employee of the WWE... Not only that she was very candid about her marriage to Stone Cold Steve Austin and the fact that he abused her... If anyone knows the true story, his abuse of Debra and his former wife had to do with ALCOHOL, not steriods... The man is a blatant alcoholic, and it almost cost him his job with the WWE... If he had been anyone else it would have... The guy is a lush and basically a mean drunk... But did this or the fact that he is an alcoholic ever come up? Absolutely not... She kept saying it was roid rage! Guys we all know that the number 1 culprit in almost all domestic violence cases is alcohol! But the reason the media deflects any such notion of alcohol or prescription narcotics being the true demons that consume and destroy good people, is the fact that beer companies such as Budweiser and pharm companies spend millions upon millions of dollars on tv ads on these networks... Maybe if some of these UG steroid labs would bone up and run tv ads then the media would have a different perspective on so called roid rage:rolleyes: ... Guys its all about corporate america and money... It is what drives everything around us... Sad but true... So as long as the beer companies and pharmaceutical companies continue to spend millions of dollars a year with these networks you will never see them catch any criticism from the media...:mad:
wow! those al-qaeda guys must be on steroids too.
nobody wants to read about drugs/alcohol/tobacco any more and "steroids" sound mysterious and evil so this sells papers...alex
i like those conservative talk shows, but yes they are really showing some serious ignorance here, they don't realize how many thousands of people across this country from teenagers to pro baseball, to the guy next door that are using and not going on rampages....it is getting old, as long as my goodies come in:eek:
I am now convinced that steroids are to blame for 911.

I think they also played a role in me stubbing my toe against my dresser last night. I'm going to see if a preist at the local church will bless my vial to see if that will stop this evil bastard from hurting me and those i care about.
Yea I saw that to L, the one I saw there was a doc and brett hart and at least they we not blaming steroids and tried to make some decent remarks but were both cut of and re-directed by the nazi bitch doing the interview.

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