My sisters son is 6months old. The other day when changing him she saw a big blood clot in his stool. Went to Pedi and he said to go ER. So at ER he had an abdominal xray, and bloodwork.He's currently on antibiotics for an ear infection as well. So bloodwork came back with elevated platlets,wbc and lymphocytes and slightly low creatnine. Nothing was way off but off. So the dumb ass dr. was like well it could be nothing or could be serious. Just come back if he has another episode. WTF what a shitty doc. Now the elevated wbc,platelets and lympho make sense since he has an ear infection and on antibiotics. He also had an upper GI xray done a few weeks ago b/c they thought he had acid reflux. That came back fine as well. So i told her to get follow up bloodwork done a few weeks after his antibiotics are over to make sure everything is normal. But my ? is, anyone know why he could have a blood clot in his stool. Is not from constipation b/c that would be streaks of blood this was a big clot. And he isnt eating any whole food just formula and mushy baby food so i dont see how anything could cut his stomach. Thank you.