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Jun 5, 2002
i take my bp three times a day.. it isnt terrible.. i average 135/63.. the number never goes over 65.. but i would love to be in the low 120's.. just aint happening.. i take benicar every day.. and trust me i am not bitching about the number.. just seems odd..:confused:

resting pulse rate in the morning is in the low 70's.. i have always had a higher pulse rate.. even when younger i was in the 70's.. oh well.. ;)
my normal B.P. reading is usually around 130 over 75-80ish...If I get my weight up to 260ish, my reading's go up (140 over 85-90) I just think that its to much for my heart...the leaner I stay the better it is...


What is odd? Many physicians will say that athletic muscular people may have slightly elevated systolic. How old are you? I'd be happy with your BP.

Now stop whining and go ban yourself. :)
my systolic is 130-140 and my diastolic is 80. but the diastolic is the IMPORTANT number so if it goes above 80 i will worry. But i always read high in dr. office I attribute that to cuff barely fitting my arm and velcro popping off half the time. when i go to drug store or grocery store machine i always read 118/78 or about that. i always get anxious dealing with docs.
I HAVE TRIED TO BAN MYSELF.. admin wont let me.. i can be unruly lol.. i am 43.. so yes i am not complaining.. but would love my systolic to be lower.. but considering my weight and age i should be happy.. my diastolic is pretty low.. but again for being 270 pounds i will live with it..
As a whole, it's OK...

I HAVE TRIED TO BAN MYSELF.. admin wont let me.. i can be unruly lol.. i am 43.. so yes i am not complaining.. but would love my systolic to be lower.. but considering my weight and age i should be happy.. my diastolic is pretty low.. but again for being 270 pounds i will live with it..

In the ICU, I always tell the patients and family members, "Individual numbers ARE important, but how they fit in the BIG picture is what matters most."

Point is:
1) All other numbers need to be looked as well (resting HR, blood chemistry, etc.)

2) As someone else mentioned: for your age your systolic is now considered rather acceptable... though still a little up for debate too (130-140/80-85 is also considered "pre-hypertension" by some as well). My BP is about the same as yours and my PMD wasn't concerned considering "the big picture".

I do hear you though... I too would like mine down in the 120's and will be working with a couple supp's to help.

AND... 270# with THAT B/P... I'd say that's pretty darn good actually.

A high pulse pressure (SBP - DBP) can indicated that you're a bit anticipatory or that there's some sympathetic nervous system activity.

Any caffeine or stim's before these measurements?...

Can you get your wife to do them (and be very relaxed / not be anticipating getting shit from her or what have you)?...

Of course, if this is reflective of your normal state of arousal, then its the appropriate # to look at, but if the measurement itself (being done by you in particular) is changing the values you get, you might try having someone else do it for ya...


Good point... one more...


A high pulse pressure (SBP - DBP) can indicated that you're a bit anticipatory or that there's some sympathetic nervous system activity.

Any caffeine or stim's before these measurements?...

Can you get your wife to do them (and be very relaxed / not be anticipating getting shit from her or what have you)?...

Of course, if this is reflective of your normal state of arousal, then its the appropriate # to look at, but if the measurement itself (being done by you in particular) is changing the values you get, you might try having someone else do it for ya...



BP can be affected even hours after either of these... and yes, Homon is basically referring to "White Coat Syndrome"... very real actually.

ALSO- RIGHT CUFF SIZE... sounds so simple, but really, it's very easy to forget... happens in the ICU too. Wrong sized cuff (too tight) has my BP in the 140's.

Typically- there are three white lines parallel to each other on the cuff... one white line (along the edge of the cuff) must fall between the other two white lines after it's been wrapped around your arm... if it falls outside of the white line, it's too tight and reading will incorrect.
BP can be affected even hours after either of these... and yes, Homon is basically referring to "White Coat Syndrome"... very real actually.

ALSO- RIGHT CUFF SIZE... sounds so simple, but really, it's very easy to forget... happens in the ICU too. Wrong sized cuff (too tight) has my BP in the 140's.

Actually, I was referring to the "Red Wife Syndrome." :)

Oh, yeah - false positives b/c of using a cuff that's too small... I often have to mention to the nurse / tech / whomever, that I'll need the larger cuff. (10-15yr ago, they'd sometimes have a problem finding it, but now, there are so many fatty arms out there...)

Actually, I was referring to the "Red Wife Syndrome." :)

Oh, yeah - false positives b/c of using a cuff that's too small... I often have to mention to the nurse / tech / whomever, that I'll need the larger cuff. (10-15yr ago, they'd sometimes have a problem finding it, but now, there are so many fatty arms out there...)


Actually, I was referring to the "Red Wife Syndrome." :)

Oh, yeah - false positives b/c of using a cuff that's too small... I often have to mention to the nurse / tech / whomever, that I'll need the larger cuff. (10-15yr ago, they'd sometimes have a problem finding it, but now, there are so many fatty arms out there...)


Question? I recently had surgery. Stayed over couple days in hospital. They were taking my pressure via my forearm. Is this legit? I questioned one of the nurses and she said it would read the same as if she used my bicep. Is this right bro?

Arterial Line...

Question? I recently had surgery. Stayed over couple days in hospital. They were taking my pressure via my forearm. Is this legit? I questioned one of the nurses and she said it would read the same as if she used my bicep. Is this right bro?


I'm not answering for Homon, just sharing something we do in the ICU....

Sometimes we use what is called an "Arterial line". It's simply a short catheter placed in the artery connected to a cable that attaches to the monitor that is able to measure one's blood pressure on a second to second basis (run on sentence, sorry). The place where we put this arterial line? The radial artery (in the wrist).
Question? I recently had surgery. Stayed over couple days in hospital. They were taking my pressure via my forearm. Is this legit? I questioned one of the nurses and she said it would read the same as if she used my bicep. Is this right bro?


No, it won't read the same - the pressure will be slightly lower, but if they have some sort of algorithm or means of converting "forearm" BP from where its typically measured, its fine. Did they do that b/c your arm was too big for the cuff?... :)

I'm not answering for Homon, just sharing something we do in the ICU....

Sometimes we use what is called an "Arterial line". It's simply a short catheter placed in the artery connected to a cable that attaches to the monitor that is able to measure one's blood pressure on a second to second basis (run on sentence, sorry). The place where we put this arterial line? The radial artery (in the wrist).

That would make more sense - Intravascular pressures are are for sure going to give better temporal resolution. Besides, why not just stick another needle in a guy instead of having to go through all that rigamarole with the cuff, eh?...

No, it won't read the same - the pressure will be slightly lower, but if they have some sort of algorithm or means of converting "forearm" BP from where its typically measured, its fine. Did they do that b/c your arm was too big for the cuff?... :)


Yes. I've always had to use the leg cuff when getting my pressure measured via bicep.

Now, I'm not sure what the reason was this time. I haven't lifted in 2 years. I'm assuming this was the case. I didn't ask because I was stumped by the forearm method. I thought maybe it was more accurate, and with the nature of my surgery, they wanted to make sure of accuracy.

Anyway, if I recall you are dead on about the pressure being lower than usual. I ask because the nurse didn't seem to sure of herself. She just kept smiling, almost as if she was on something. Kinda weirded me out a little. When she left, I ask my wife if she noticed the same thing in her reaction. Of course, she (wife) didn't know what I was talking about (never does when I really need her opinion).

Anyway, appreciate your response bro!

I'm not answering for Homon, just sharing something we do in the ICU....

Sometimes we use what is called an "Arterial line". It's simply a short catheter placed in the artery connected to a cable that attaches to the monitor that is able to measure one's blood pressure on a second to second basis (run on sentence, sorry). The place where we put this arterial line? The radial artery (in the wrist).

ah, I think I had this hook up right after surgery, if I remember right. They took it out tho I think around 4-6 hours after I was shipped to my room. Then began using the cuff on my forearm.

Last edited:

That is an odd reading. You know the USDA doesn't approve of a lot of the BP meds out there. But what do they know?

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