just to set the record straight, even if you are genetically destined to be bald, ie predisposed to male pattern baldness (MPB), you dont just permanently lose hair after a cycle or two and end up where you would have been 10 or 15 years down the road if not for the AAS.
any sudden excessive fallout is not a result of MPB related issues. If the sudden loss is diffuse (thinning over the entire scalp not limited to classic MPB area), the shed hairs have a white bulb attached, you can tug more than 3 or 4 hairs from a pinchful of hairs consistently over most scalp areas, its likely Telogen Effluvium. It just means lots of hairs went into resting phase at the same time because of some systemic shock.
They'll grow back. In short, white bulbs and diffuse = TE = good in the long term, bad in the short term.
MPB, which occurs as miniaturization of the hair follicle over many successive hair growth cycles, can be accelerated by aas, but it's still a matter of long slow torture rather than the quick shock of TE