Absolutley GREAT. My favorite ester by far. IT is VERY CHEAP and there is lots around. The only test I have used for a long time now. Marssel has a great deal, so give him a try.
was looking at uncle z's prices and they are rock bottom for the next few days. Noticed the dramatic difference at some of the sponsors in prices between sust and omna and wondered why other than name recognition
Absolutley GREAT. My favorite ester by far. IT is VERY CHEAP and there is lots around. The only test I have used for a long time now. Marssel has a great deal, so give him a try.
Hello my friend!
Sustanon and omnadren are two similar substances .
They have similar active life but the sides of omnraden are most bad respect to sustanon.
Besides ORGANON SUSTANON is 100% sterile product, OMNRADEN no!