I just completed a course of OraTropin-1 and the results were amazing. I have a wasting disorder, the cause of which is still undiagnosed after 13 years, but radiation exposure in the Navy is suspected. I also have problems with my joints popping and dislocating, as well as dealing with several torn muscles and damaged nerves. My recuperation is very very slow, approximately 2 weeks after working out any particular body part.
Traveling is difficult for me due to a broken area and in my back. For me to ride in a car is like doing dips for however many miles the trip takes. This usually results in my shoulders becoming very unstable to the point of dislocation. And so must rest until they recuperated before attempting to travel again. The alternative is to endure bone grinding on bone in my back. I followed the "Built to Survive" program for wasting. This includes appetite stimulation, high-protein diet, weight training, and if needed hormonal assistance.
After a visit to my doctor in November of 2006 recuperation simply didn't happen. It's like my body just stopped. That's when I decided to try the OraTropin-1, which I had been reading about for about a month.
A begin my course of Oratropin-1 December 9, 2006 and completed it January 18, 2007.
My starting weight was 175 at 20% bf, LBM = 140lbs.
My ending weight was 185 at 20% bf, LBM = 148lbs.
Gaining 8 pounds of lean body mass is phenomenal for me. Other benefits from this course of treatment were an improvement in joint stability, better muscle control, and for the first time in 13 years I experienced the pangs of appetite without having to resort to marijuana. (I normally get my medical care from the VA hospital, but they have declined to provide any type of treatment for wasting in the past 13 years since I don't have AIDS).
My recuperation time went from two weeks to approximately 3 days. Since I stopped taking the Oratropin-1 my body has slowed back down some, but I'm still better than I was before.
I am planning to run another course of treatment using Oratropin-1 combined with PEG MGF.
wks 1-10: Oratropin-1 M-W-F
wks 1-10: PEG MGF 200mcg Sun, Thurs
Does this sound okay?
This would be followed by an eight week course of AAS. I'll be discussing this with my doctor next week.
Traveling is difficult for me due to a broken area and in my back. For me to ride in a car is like doing dips for however many miles the trip takes. This usually results in my shoulders becoming very unstable to the point of dislocation. And so must rest until they recuperated before attempting to travel again. The alternative is to endure bone grinding on bone in my back. I followed the "Built to Survive" program for wasting. This includes appetite stimulation, high-protein diet, weight training, and if needed hormonal assistance.
After a visit to my doctor in November of 2006 recuperation simply didn't happen. It's like my body just stopped. That's when I decided to try the OraTropin-1, which I had been reading about for about a month.
A begin my course of Oratropin-1 December 9, 2006 and completed it January 18, 2007.
My starting weight was 175 at 20% bf, LBM = 140lbs.
My ending weight was 185 at 20% bf, LBM = 148lbs.
Gaining 8 pounds of lean body mass is phenomenal for me. Other benefits from this course of treatment were an improvement in joint stability, better muscle control, and for the first time in 13 years I experienced the pangs of appetite without having to resort to marijuana. (I normally get my medical care from the VA hospital, but they have declined to provide any type of treatment for wasting in the past 13 years since I don't have AIDS).
My recuperation time went from two weeks to approximately 3 days. Since I stopped taking the Oratropin-1 my body has slowed back down some, but I'm still better than I was before.
I am planning to run another course of treatment using Oratropin-1 combined with PEG MGF.
wks 1-10: Oratropin-1 M-W-F
wks 1-10: PEG MGF 200mcg Sun, Thurs
Does this sound okay?
This would be followed by an eight week course of AAS. I'll be discussing this with my doctor next week.